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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. The thing is, while the battery part is extremely stupid for multiple reasons, what bothers me even more is the idea that the grand strategy to stop the machines was to globally block out the sun. The entire military and political leadership of the world agrees on this plan and not a single person notices that blocking out the sun would defiantly CAUSE THE ENTIRE HUMAN POPULATION TO STARVE. No sun=no plant life; no plants=no herbivores; no herbivores=no carnivores. Meanwhile, the machines run on electricity. Even if they were 100% dependent on solar power (which is really unlikely), it wouldn't be hard for them to convert over to an alternate source of power (that isn't human bodies). If anything, the lack of sun makes using humans for anything more problematic since you have to produce enough nutrients to sustain your human population in a world where you can't grow anything. Another, smaller thing that really bugs me: why are the machines all vulnerable to EMPs in the movies but were apparently unaffected by the EMP effects of being continuously bombarded by the entire worlds stockpile of nuclear weapons?
  2. wow, $110 for a nice box. crazy.
  3. Personally I think MS has the better truck mode. It's thicker in back but it's cleaner and the cab has the best proportions and details of the three.
  4. The Medicom is much more like a 1/6 scale figure than a mecha toy. it's basically a bunch of molded plastic armor parts glued onto a rubber body suit that's stretched over a modified 1/6 figure body. The Metal build is a lot more pose-able and comes with more accessories.
  5. Well, I'm feeling really stupid right now. I made the obviously bad decision to buy a set of KFC articulated hands and upgraded joints for MP Star Saber from China via ebay. Well the hands got here first and they kind of suck, all the finger are really loose and pop off easily and the sword hilt adapter (the main reason I bought the set) doesn't work the way it's supposed to. looking closely some of the details look a little off from the pictures I've seen online and I'm pretty sure these are KO's. I'm expecting the joint set to be equally bad. I also had a KO ratbat coming, but apparently that's trapped in some sort of extra-dimensional time loop where it keeps teleporting in and out of the same three distribution centers over and over. I'm annoyed and I'm sure it's not even worth the effort it would take to get a refund.
  6. Honestly, with how disappointing the sequels (and frankly everything else Matrix that isn't the first movie) were, I really don't think this franchise even deserves another installment.
  7. umm... what?
  8. so when are they doing a 1/48 version for the DX VF-1's?
  9. $30, Walmart exclusive. supposed to be out October 1st-ish. pre-orders are closed on walmart.com though.
  10. Finally there's an actual picture of the cell shaded voyager prime. It honestly turned out pretty good.
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