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Everything posted by anime52k8

  1. I really wish I could post some purchases right now, but everything I've bought in the last month is currently stuck in the inescapable hell-void that is speedpak.
  2. That sucks. I canceled my preorder a few weeks ago because I couldn't justify the size. (he says while looking at bigger and more expensive omega supremes).
  3. I don't know; when it comes to Southern Cross, physically existing could be seen as a negative.
  4. When did they do pervy southern cross comics? That might actually make Southern Cross something vaguely resembling almost interesting.
  5. ShowZstore Just put him on sale: https://showzstore.com/weijiang-wj-ultima-guard-omegadrone-1-omega-supreme-blue-limited-version_p1011.html very tempting but I just want one omega in classic colors. Still don't know if I like the DX9 sufficiently more to justify the price.
  6. 40 is the mid life crisis age. it's when you're supposed to start throwing stupid money and things that make you feel younger.
  7. I dig the new chest sculpt and the extra silver/blue on the arms. I could take or leave the sticker details though and the cream color still looks weird to me. I'd like to see what the other cons look like in this style.
  8. I'm sure they'd like to go out of business a second time.
  9. Hard to say... I'm going to go with Mac+ and Sailor moon.
  10. P-bandai kits always come with waterslide decal sheets. It just says 'now planning' because they haven't finalized this kits sheet yet.
  11. I don't think it's missing the point at all. All those other areas are still evocative of the original design in a way that turning the shoulder pylons into a backpack really isn't. personally I think the backpack wings are okay, but I'd appreciate the option and can see wanting a more traditional silhouette while still maintaining the overall styling of the MB. And with the ankle guards, most likely that's just to change the color from orange to green, which is a small change but makes a world of difference in how the colors are distributed. As for the head, the original MB head just sucks. Even if you like everything else they've done to the design, that head still looks stupid when viewed strait on. It's seriously the biggest turn off about the toy. I'm not going to say that I'm 100% on board with their sculpting choices, but the idea behind this kit makes sense to me.
  12. So 3rd party add on kits for metal builds is a thing now. In case you feel like the MB EVA-01 was too big of a departure from the show design: https://showzstore.com/pre-order-main-engine-me-me-p01-mep01-upgrade-kit-for-bandai-spirit-metal-build-eva-01-test-type_p1554.html
  13. already up https://www.bluefinbrands.com/gundam-heavyarms-ew-ingel-equipment-gundam-wing-bandai-spirits-mg-1-100-bas5058768.html
  14. Just a pet peeve of mine but I hate it when people interpret the VF-1 as having stupid thick wedge shaped LERXs because that's what the old 1/55s had; as if the old toys where at all accurate, or even that sleek looking.
  15. That's where it's always gone on the GBP
  16. anime52k8

    Macross figures

    They are people of intellect and culture.
  17. It looks more like a basking shark, it would have felt more at home in the water.
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