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Everything posted by Mog

  1. myk, what's that P-51 Mustang-looking fighter there?
  2. I know I've posted this pic before, but these two bastards are my personal fave's: Yes, I like all of the various Valks I own and have spent many hours stickering up, panel-lining (some of them), and fussing over 'em to get their poses just right. But the extra time, effort, and planning that went into these two particular valks is what makes them special to me. To see your custom ideas and schemes come to physical fruition can be very rewarding. That's why they're my sentimental favorites.
  3. Love the switched focus on those last two photos! Great composition, set-up, and poses.
  4. Well shoot, if we had some more enemy mechas, we wouldn't have to resort to fighting amongst ourselves. Besides, Millia and Nora are liable to kill the snot out of anyone not named Max or Ivanov that tries to get a little "frisky" with them! So, our poor Valks need to get some pent-up aggression out.
  5. Although its highly doubtful that something with wings that small could ever launch off the ground, the overall look and size of the X-19 makes her quite a beaut'. And once you extend the wings and pop out the machine guns? The Phantom takes on an almost bat-like appearance. I still have a complete one (with functional but slightly damaged landing gear) chilling back at my parents' place. Also, the Phantom's pilot, Ghostrider, would be my Number Two choice for a character Hasbro hasn't remade in the modern line.
  6. Sweet in-flight pics, eugi! To add a bit more on how I approach "working" with the flexi's: I usually start by imagining how I'm gonna set up a pose. Then I adjust the rods to a position where I can get the stand to hold the correct pose and angle. In other words, I try to make the pose dictate how the flexi should be positioned; not allow the flexi to dictate how the pose should be. Of course, there's a lot of futzing, repositioning, and using different parts of the plane to hold a particular pose or tweak an angle ever so slightly. I've found the ventral fins and the leg FP nozzles on a lot of the birds to be quite useful as a rod placement point. The flat underbelly of the FP'ed YF-21 with all its little nooks and crannies is also pretty flexi-friendly. Additionally, using different lengths for each rod usually helps a bit when coming up with more dynamic poses. And different lengths are absolutely essential if you're gonna attempt any battroid poses. In any case, less words, more pictures: Well, well. Look what decided to pop up out of its foxhole. . .must suck to be you. Blackjack: Alright, Old Man. The -19's MINE. . . "superior plane" my ass. Stealth: Fine, I'll take out the -11. . . bringing a bloody bayonet to an Itano circus.
  7. ^^Maybe they can sober up Jan-Michael Vincent enough to make a cameo, or cast him as the new Archangel.
  8. Thanks, eugi! Next photo: <In an awful, fake French accent>: "Love, 'ate [hate]............Ehh. It is all PASSION!!!"
  9. Roy: CHICKEN-HANDS MAX!!!! Or "Hey Hik'! Lend me your gunpod for a minute. I've gotta 'dance' with a Meltrandi-frakking ace."
  10. Guld: GET THE F*#K OUT OF THE WAY, ISAMU!!!!!
  11. Hmm. . .good questions DH. A) Probably Low-Light - The Joes could always use another sniper. B) Another vote for Covergirl - As classic as her original get-up was, I wouldn't mind a Devil's Due version (just so we can get a new mold and an untucked shirt version). I know some folks have already made custom versions of these two, but I wouldn't mind Hasbro mixing a couple new parts to make these figures look a little bit more unique. Of course if Hasbro gets lazy and gives us something akin to the 7-pack Wet-Suit, then I'll have to find a way to make my own customs of these folks.
  12. Thanks, m0n5t3r!! I was kinda hoping there wasn't THAT much parts swapping. But from your many pics, I can tell the articulation is off-the-charts good. Kinda bummed too that they didn't put little Eureka and Renton figures in those "clear" cockpits.
  13. Yup, the original Motor-Viper color scheme was hella tight. The light-blue/dark-blue scheme and the whole look of uniform just meshes well together. Personally, I think I'm gonna go into hibernation until the original 25th/Modern era line comes back to the forefront. . .Someone wake me when Hasbro makes a Covergirl in her original outfit or her Devil's Due get-up.
  15. Just out of curiousity, but were Charles and Ray Beams in this movie in some sort of fashion? P.S.--Hey m0n5t3r, how's the transformation process on that Nirvash figure? Does it require parts swapping, or is the transformation fairly self-contained?
  16. I'm surprised no one's suggested an Exploding-Ball-of-Fire Kakizaki Valk variant for summertime!
  17. Is it even possible for the backpack sliders to be tighter than they already were on the YF-21?!
  18. Fixed it for you. Would that necessarily be a bad thing? Regarding the bots' designs, I think part of the problem is that so many of them are grey, silver, or black, making hard to figure out who's who. Also, the absolute lack of personalities with the secondary bots kinda makes it hard to care whether they live or die.
  19. 1) Wide-angle action shots where I can clearly see who's fighting who! 2) One signature sequence of a Transformer going back and forth between modes multiple times, kicking ass, and dodging enemy fire (like say Sideswipe or Arcee driving headlong into a row of Decepticons, transforming into bot mode to destroy one Decepticon, going back into alt mode to dodge the attack of another Decepticon, using this alt mode to get behind this opponent, and then transforming back to bot mode to attack this opponent from behind). Just something jaw-droppingly crazy and imaginative as hell. They're robots that can change into cars/planes. Do something creative with that feature!
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