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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. Skullsixx


    Has: VF-1S YF-19 YF-21 Wants: VF-0 VF-11 Millia's Quadeluun Rau SDF-1 DYRL
  2. As a character I wouldn't exactly blame CK for being "wishy-washy" after all the crap he's been through and the responsibility of the weight of the world on his shoulders.
  3. I'd love to see a younger Batman/Bruce Wayne appear as well.
  4. I'm hoping they don't kill off Chloe. I kinda like her character. After all, Clark needs someone in his age range to confide in. After all, they did get rid of Pete. I heard Linda Carter who played Wonder Woman was to appear as Chloe's Mom in an upcoming episode. Hmm... so a month hiatus 'till a new episode. Guess they're afraid of competing with March Madness. Oh well...
  5. I wonder why there was no trailer for next week's episode?
  6. Wow Zinjo! Score again!!! NICE!
  7. Right on Wes! That song has gotta go. I just don't like anything dating a series. It's like seeing a trailer from The Original Series with a Hall & Oates tune in the background, or even worse... Rick Springfield!
  8. Anyone notice Starbuck look over her shoulder at Apollo in the bar? Looks like she's still harboring the 'ol flame for Lee. I'm sure that was just a lil' moment leading up to things to come. In the meantime, Lee looked pretty content with Dee.
  9. I'm not complaining. I think it looks pretty damn cool!
  10. I gotta admit, I'm really looking forward to seeing your finished product!
  11. As cool as the destroids are I really think they take a back seat to Valks. As a matter of fact I would think that most fans are attracted to Macross due to Valks.
  12. That's gotta be the best custom I've ever seen! Congrats!
  13. I'd love to see an OVA of the VFX-Ravens from the video games.
  14. OK people... Here's the lowdown for tonight courtesy of someone at AICN: What we know about 3.14: * Sagitarron refugees are blamed for a spreading disease that attacks major organs. * Saul Tigh and Galen Tyrol don’t much care for them Sagitarrons, whose numbers include Tom Zarek and Anastasia Dualla. * Bruce Davison plays Dr. Robert, who tends to Hera, and may be some manner of murderous racial supremacist. * Zarek sees putting Baltar on trial as divisive, and encourages Laura Roslin to declare martial law. * Caprica Six continues to be haunted by Fake Baltar. Next week: Bill Adama flashes back in “A Day In The Life.†10 p.m. Sunday. SciFi
  15. I heard they may lower the cost too. I personally am leaning towards a PS3 between it and the 360. Although the 360 has some pretty sweet games as well. I'll be honest, I'm kinda waiting for the cost to lower as well as some sorta kick ass new Macross game.
  16. Gawd, I love all 3 of 'em! If I had to choose though I definitely go with the YF-19!!! Especially when someone on this site did a custom 19 with the Skull leader paint job. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...customs-172.htm
  17. That's a damn good question that I've even wondered myself. I could not find anything on the compendium saying that it does or doesn't. http://macross.anime.net//mecha/united_nat...vf11/index.html
  18. So does anyone know of any tenative plans for the PS3 to come out with a Macross game? I'd love to see a kick ass Mac Plus game.
  19. Yeah, I dig Cottle too. I believe that "Maelstrom" is the episode in which things really begin to get underway with Starbuck.
  20. Zinjo... THANK YOU!!!!!!
  21. A few months ago my computer went down and I had to replace my hard drive. Unfortunately, I lost a lot of the Macross images that I once had. Now that I've had my computer back for a while, I went back and found a few that I had originally lost . However, there are still a few that are eluding me. They are actually separate wallpapers of Roy, Hikaru, Max, and Kakizaki in their DYRL flight suits (in color) with the Skull Squadron logo and a drop shadow behind each character. As an example I'll post one of Millia that I actually found. If anyone knows where I can find these it would be greatly appreciated. I've done many internet image searches with no success.
  22. I just threw this one together.
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