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Everything posted by Skullsixx

  1. We've all seen those recaps at the beginning of each episode, right? I bet that Adama bed comment comes back in a future recap when some sorta flame is ignited between Adama and Roslyn.
  2. Hmm... just saw the preview for next week's big-ass episode about Starbuck entitled "Maelstrom". I'm beginning to think that perhaps she is a major key to finding Earth. I wouldn't be surprised if she disappears for a while to find the path to their new home on her own.
  3. I may have to bust out my debit card...cool!
  4. Too frakkin' gnarly!!! I must have that!
  5. Thanks gerwalk25! I've seen that trailer in the theater. Classic!!! Especially Bart with the french-fry!
  6. Frakkin' gnarly!!! Although I always thought it would been cooler in DYRL if Roy took about 100 Zentraedi with him. Your work is a nice tribute.
  7. Wow! I never did care for that Valk... but that's a helluva job!
  8. Older chicks always know what they're doing... if ya know what I mean.
  9. Exactly... she may disappear, but I doubt she'll die.
  10. OK fans... another weekly update. What we believe we know about 3.16, titled “Dirty Hands†and co-written by “Buffyâ€-“Angelâ€-“Firefly†vet Jane Espenson. * Cally is still recovering. * Laborers have been working 18-hour days for months to process enough fuel to facilitate fleet FTL jumps. * While incarcerated, Gaius Baltar has apparently written a book that is proving popular with the fleet’s working class. * Galen Tyrol seeks out Baltar’s counsel. * Tyrol is convinced to organize a strike. * With Cally under the weather, Tyrol’s superhot underling, Seelix, seems to take an interest in the chief. * Tyrol ends up in stir, accused of mutiny. And here’s what the Chicago Tribune said about next week’s episode, “Maelstromâ€: “Moore adds that after the March 4 episode airs, the name of a major cast member will disappear from the show’s opening credits. They won’t say whether Sackhoff’s name is the one that goes missing. But they do make clear that what happens to Starbuck points the way to a major shift in the show’s direction. ‘It’s a fundamental and permanent change in the makeup of the show’s cast and of the show itself and how the show operates and what the show is about. It’s a very dramatic change of direction,’ [showrunner Ronald D.] Moore says.†10 p.m. Sunday. SciFi.
  11. Dude... Yamato needs to call UPS, give them your address, and they come out and pick up the Garland and deliver it back to Yamato at Yamato's expense. THIS CAN BE DONE. I used to work for UPS years ago and MANY companies did this if a product was found defective or damaged. I'm not trying to place a commercial for UPS, I'm sure DHL and Fed Ex does this too.
  12. Hey dude... if ya liked it great, more power to ya! I always say to each his own. But a good popcorn movie to me is more along the likes of "Grindhouse" by Tarantino and Rodriguez.
  13. Time to get back on topic. Here's another wonderful weekly preview courtesy of yours truly and someone at AICN: For those who missed the news since last week, SciFi has ordered 13 fourth-season episodes of "Battlestar Galactica." They will shoot this summer and likely air in January. What we think we know about tonight and in the coming weeks. * It’s the 29th anniversary of Bill Adama’s wedding, and we get to meet Lee’s pretty blonde mom via flashback (or something akin to flashbacks). * A phone call from Saul Tigh appears to have triggered the end of Adama’s marriage. * Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tyrol get trapped on the wrong side of an airlock without spacesuits. * In a matter of minutes all their air will have leaked into space. * The plan is to pull a Dave Bowman. Blow the hatch and expose the couple to space until a waiting raptor can grab them. NEXT WEEK: “Dirty Hands,†co-written by Jane Espenson, looks at matters of class struggle as the fleet contends with labor issues. THE WEEK AFTER: “Maelstrom,†the big Starbuck-centric episode that reportedly shakes everything up but good! 10 p.m. Sunday. SciFi.
  14. This move looks so damn generic that it makes my stomach turn! Even the special effects look run of the mill for CG. From what I've seen this movie is way too over-lit. C'mon here, we're dealing with GHOST RIDER! This movie should be a little dark and hellish. It looks like a cheesy Disney flick with lighting from Freaky Friday! And what's with that Fat Chick in the preview being interviewed and stating how cool Ghost Rider is? L-A-frakkin-M-E! Do you really expect a direct to DVD sequel to actually be better after this POS? Reminds me of the same cheesy-ass problems that they had with the Daredevil movie! Oh yeah... same director. Figures!
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