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Everything posted by cool8or

  1. Hi guys. I'm finishing a VF-11 battroid resin model kit made by Retppu. As you know, I usually show my models in conventions and modelling expositions. Because of that, I always make "presentation cards" to each model kit, and one of the data included is the production date. And for this model, it has been impossible to me to find it. If any of you know this information, please post it.
  2. Mmmhhm... seems like the economy in USA is still weak... but please folks don't miss this oportunity: It's the only chance to get a kit of this mecha in your entire life! And Certainly, it will looks INCREDIBLE aside your Beagle's Mospeada!!!
  3. As you know, the second volume of "Macross Mechanics"book is avalilable. And you know too that I'm a true fan of Macross Models and related stuff. But, I'm not totally convinced about this book. You see, I already have the first volume, dedicated to Macross Frontier. I saw the preview with the VF-25 destroyed and I bought it without thinking twice. But one received, I felt a little disappointed because it only contains standards buildups of Bandai models. And, I have to say it, some models are very mediocres, mainly because the horrible quality of Bandai decals. Anyway, about this new book, as preview I only see pages with Bandai models, so I'm afraid that this is a book just as the first, plenty of mediocre kits and mediocre buildups. Compared with the "Modelling Manual Master File", is very disappointing. Because of that, I want to ask you if somebody have seen this book, and if so, please comment about its content. http://www.hlj.com/product/HBJ60680/Sci#
  4. I always knew that this day will come. Thank God! The world could have a lot of extraordinary sculptors, but sadly, no one make Macross projects. This fact makes you irreplaceble for us. Honestly, I have my fingers crossed hoping others projects from you, and you know it: 1/72 N-Ger 1/72 Q-Rau But, if you are decided to go ahead with the protector, I'll support you. Thank you John! http://members.optusnet.com.au/~cyc01/protect.htm
  5. Jason, If you talk with John again, try to convince him to back on Macross business... we really miss him!!!
  6. Extraordinary. And the pictures are fantastic! Inspiring.
  7. Let me look in my computer, I'll send it to you.
  8. So, the result of your method A seems to be more acceptable: 13 meters long.
  9. I have the Club-M kit, and I think that THERE HAS TOO MUCH DETAILS TO INCLUIDE IT ALL IN ONLY ONE KIT. So, I have some ideas to take advantage of the better of two versions (Club-M and Hase), and build two kits with parts of both versions. Obviously the parts and proportions are not 100% compatible, but that's my challenge. So, because of that, I already preordered 1 kit of Hase's 1/48 super/strike parts kit.
  10. Exactly what I think.
  11. It seems like the length of the X-9 Ghost is unknown, but I want to ask you guys if you know something about it. Or, if somebody can ask it to Kawamori, great! I'm curious because time ago I bought a X-9 resin kit, supposedly in 1/72, but its length is 25 cms (10"), too much for my taste. In addition, the X-9 is very similar to the QF-400 (from Macross Frontier), and as you know, this one is very small in comparison (13.68 cms, or 5.38" in 1/72... The half of the resin kit!) What do you think?
  12. Funny, I just see it and came to MWF to post it... Nevermind, we are all happy for this: happy 30 anniversary! I hope to see one day the Macross Zero F-14...
  13. awesome! better impossible. Congratulations!!
  14. bad thing about living at the end of the world...
  15. you don't understand... Bandai pilots are children!!
  16. great job! I hope to reach this level in a future project that I have. Congratulations! and more pictures please!
  17. hi GMK, the pinup was printed in a regular inkjet printer, with Testors decal paper. the art appeared in the "Macross Hobby Hand Book", is very old.
  18. damn! I really want to have those VF-19 accesories!! anybody is going to Japan one of these days?
  19. Thank you guys for your kind words. Jefuemon is absolutely right, the pilot is a little customization of a Studio Starforge Macross pilot. It's very simple, you only need to modify the helmet. Initially, I wanted to use the Wave pilot that comes with their Destroids (in fact I have the Defender, I bought it to another proyect), but these pilots are incredibly undersized! They are just like the VF-25 Bandai's pilots... ridiculous. In the other hand, Starforge pilots have the perfect size and are incredibly detailed. You have to own these! Paint Off is like a paint remover, that acts over water-solved paints. The procedure is quite simple. First, you need to apply a color base with a lacquer based paint, i.e. a oxide or rust color. After that, apply all your color scheme just like you were painting a brand new model. When the paint is dried (a couple of hours, 1 day afer, a month later... nevermind!!) moist a hard hair brush with "paint off" and rud it hard in the corners and edges where you want to make the chips. The paint will removes exactly like you see in my model. You will need only a couple times to dominate the technique... it's far simplier and better than the hairspray technique! Oh, and I used the Mr. Color paints (water based) indicated in the Wave Intructions. Regards.
  20. Hello guys, long time without posting something new. But, I'm still alive! My job has been very hard and I didn't have more time to the hobby, but fortunately it seems like things are going better, and I'm having a little more free time. This is my newest build, the 1/72 Destroid mastered by Captain America. The chips were made by the revolutionary product "Paint Off", produced by a Chilean Company called "K4". You can cantact them by mail to: k4weathering@gmail.com . As always, it was a pleasure to built another Moscato Masterpiece. I hope do you like it! Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com Here there are some pieces of the Spartan and behind, the hull of the 1/72 Monster! Uploaded with ImageShack.com Uploaded with ImageShack.com
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