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Everything posted by cool8or

  1. As I said in the previous proyect, always appears someone interested after the deadline. ALWAYS.
  2. Hi friends, here is my last job, the RVF-25, Luca's version. I started this kit before Hasegawa announced their VF-25 line, that's why this is in Fighter version. I left it fixed in fighter mode, because transformation will ruin paint job and decals. I hope you enjoy it.
  3. It was made by Valk009, I have one too:Http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=24971&hl= http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=28106&hl=
  4. Today! http://www.hlj.com/product/HSG65826
  5. Available for preorder in HLJ: http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF37273/Boo
  6. Pues para que veas, mi Elintseeker también tiene sus detalles... En el momento uno se frustra con ellos pero con el tiempo uno ve que no es para tanto.
  7. Felicidades por tu maqueta, terminar una siempre es un logro, no te imaginas cuántas maquetas quedan a medio armar y nunca se terminan. Fuiste perseverante por un año entero y eso es digno de destacar. Las fotos no están malas, el tema es que las fotos regulares no le dan el mérito que la maqueta merece. Si no fuera por las fotos, yo no recibiría ni la tercera parte de los elogios, jajaj. Así que a ver si un día te das un tiempito, pones el avión en un fondo plano y sacas las fotos sin flash, te aseguro que te llegarán más elogios de los que esperas. Aunque por lo que pueso apreciar, tu VF está impecable!
  8. Just wait to HLJ a couple days. The box ilustration is gorgeus, Tenjin never stops to suprise me!
  9. Jefuemon, how is the result of decals printed with laser printers? Are they flexible enough? I always used inkjet printers but I'm curious about the paper made for laser printers.
  10. WM Cheng, here is a picture with the Platz display base:
  11. VF-22 is in preorder in HLJ and Hobbysearch, but VF-1 only appears in Amazon, I don't know why. http://www.hlj.com/product/SOF37433/Boo http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4797372737/
  12. Reno, after finish my YF-21, I want to make a step by step thread, but I still don't decide which model to make... Maybe I'll start a poll! Petar, I'm in a transition point... Due some adhesion problems (I did a thread about it some weeks ago), I'm changing to mr. Color paints. I found a web site in Hong Kong with a great stock of these paints, so I'm increasing my stock rapidly. The page is www.sealmodel.com
  13. Metal plates comes with adhesive tape, with is fixed on the surface. Next time I'll try to put metal parts ir magnets inside the kit, but in this case I started the kit before to get the display base
  14. Thank you guys for your words. Cheng, the display is made by Platz, and you can get it in HLJ or Hobbysearch: http://www.hlj.com/product/PLZPMM2 http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10111447 It has magnets so you don't need to make holes. In this case, the Elintseeker don't have a regular or simetric base, so the instalation of the metalic plates was a little tricky, but I really like the look. With the paint problem caused by Flightpose displays, I decide to replace all my display bases for this one. And you're right, the look is great, and you can adjust the angle too.
  15. 2013 wasn't my most prolific year, but I neves stops to build kits. This is my last model, the Hasegawa's Elintseeker. Not much to say, always is a great pleasure to build a Hase kit. About the weathering, I prefer not to make it in fighters, I like to see them in pristine condition. In the last picture, I tried to get the same angle that the Tenjin drawing. Thank you for watching!
  16. Assuming that the Inbit line is small It should be great if you can do all the inbit mechas. Gosu is a must be in 1/48 (although Ignacio is already making it), but what do you think about the Ligaa? Is in your plans to make it in 1/48?
  17. Great job you did with the Palanx, and looks great aside the other 2!! Love your weathering techniques, give them a great attitude!!
  18. I'm in for 1. With me, there are 11 preorders, so I think it's time for a Gamo own topic.
  19. Hey Jefuemon, I tottaly forgot our race for the Elintsseker building... Did you finish it? Mine is ready, I just need to take some pictures.
  20. The aircrafts looks great, but I really hate those display bases Bad thing about the feet! lol
  21. That Monster rocks! I have this kit so I know that it needs huge efforts to get a result like you obtain. Congratulations, and thank you for the wonderful pictures.
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