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Sanity is Optional

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Everything posted by Sanity is Optional

  1. Pretty much my take on it. To get decals to replace all the stickers, apply them, get them looking nice with microsol, and then topcoat the entire kit would be a couple days of work.
  2. That works for decals, these are stickers, which you just can't get looking good due to the thickness.
  3. Ah, thank god. That really helps pose the one I have with the bad knee joints, with the stand I can actually have it standing.
  4. I wish the missile set came with the stands.
  5. Good luck with the YF-21, the only 1/60 of it is old Yamato, and costs around $350 (or more) right now.
  6. Nice, so far I think the Glaug is my favorite of the HMR kits, honestly. (VF-1, Glaug, Missile Regults, Defender, Spartan, VF-2SS). They're doing a bang-up job on the non-transforming kits overall.
  7. Well, for one thing the MSRP is 4,000yen higher than the non-premium 0S (34,800 vs 38,800), and according to the description the sticker sheet is entirely gone, replaced with paint and tampo. Also, the second-hand VF-0S are going for about 40,000-50,000yen, so it's a competitive price in that sense.
  8. Standard technique when using epoxy to form things, you use fill to change the material properties, ought to work with resin as well?
  9. You could try mixing some glass fibers into the resin when you mould it, ought to give it a bit more tensile strength.
  10. Well, all of those ship internationally, but they do have close to Japanese retail prices.
  11. I have a Glaug, it's great and very well made. The leg joints are nice and stiff or ratcheted.
  12. I think they just look at the greymarket prices for things, and decide to print whatever's most expensive. VF-1 Max/Miria SDF SV-51 VF-0S [edit] Well, doesn't make as much sense for the SV-51, but the rest it does.
  13. Well, someone bought them, they're both gone now.
  14. Since everyone I see reporting it has it on only one of their 2, and it even seems to be the same one, I suspect it's a manufacturing issue.
  15. I did not get one. I thought about it last night when I got the email, but decided not to.
  16. ...Aaaaand the Hikaru is already sold out.
  17. One of mine, I think the light missile one, has a weak left-knee as well. Can't even stand up, has to crouch.
  18. Looks like NY is claiming ¥44,540 with SAL shipping. Throws money at screen
  19. This is where I'm at. I want one, the Premium one is MSRP ¥38,800 vs the ¥34,800 that the original kit was. Arcadia's only charging like $35 more. When looking at the price on getting a first-run VF-0s, the premium seems like the obvious choice.
  20. Hey, pretty sure that's the only VF-171 kit that exists. Well, aside from a limited run resin kit apparently.
  21. They might be basing the premium extra charge on what the actual extra costs are. If there's not much extra Tampo, then the premium wouldn't cost too much more to produce.
  22. I just looked, and there is apparently a tick box in the stl options to save the assembly as a single file, rather than each part individually.
  23. They probably glued a driver to the screw head and then popped it off with UV, acetone, or heat. Might be able to use museum wax and then freeze it so the wax hardens and pops off?
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