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Everything posted by wwwmwww

  1. I trust you already have this problem all worked out at 1/32 scale. The CM toys are sure going to make this bad boy look lonely. Carl
  2. Me too... but it finally dawned on me this morning what those Tread pics were making me think. I think that Tread is suffering from Anaphylactic shock. Judging from the severe swelling I say this poor boy needs an adrenaline injection quick. Just being a concerned parent. Carl
  3. I'm curious, specifically which DVDs is this pulled from? Thanks, Carl
  4. Yes, I just saw Graham's post. Sorry... going to the correct forum. Carl
  5. GUYS!!!! What's up? You are slipping, I got an email and a PM about the new Liquid Stone YF-21 but not a peep about this Legioss and Tread. I must know all there is to know... Who is CM? Is this a garage kit or hopefully something I won't have to spend $1000 on to get. Thanks, Carl P.S. Just kidding about the slipping part.
  6. wwwmwww

    1/100 WF YF-21

    Ok... some questions of my own. Did I.H.P / Liquid Stone change there name again? If so why? The Liquid Stone website is still up: http://www.liquidstone.jp/ For a few seconds there I was even questioning if this was I.H.P / Liquid Stone but its clear they have the Liquid Stone YF-19 on their web site: http://homepage3.nifty.com/rs-labo/yf19f.html And I also noticed they mention this web site in the paperwork that came with their YF-19. Hmmm... so is it now I.H.P / Liquid Stone / Experten? If you are a fan of their work they sure seem to be going out of their way to make it hard for their fans to keep up with them. If I recall correctly there were two guys behind I.H.P / Liquid Stone. Have they now gone their seperate ways or something? Just curious what's up with all the name changes. Thanks, Carl
  7. wwwmwww

    1/100 WF YF-21

    Here you go: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14183 http://homepage3.nifty.com/rs-labo/yf19f.html Enjoy, Carl
  8. wwwmwww

    1/100 WF YF-21

    I agree... Now if I tell myself that enough it might save me $1000. Carl
  9. wwwmwww

    1/100 WF YF-21

    Considering who made this I'd say its pre-colored resin. Carl
  10. Are there plans for a trade paperback? If so I'd wait for that too. Carl
  11. What is the best way for one to get ahold of the comics? The last set I saw on eBay went for $46 and I don't think they pop up there too often. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=190075437930 Carl
  12. Me too. So what is the official stance regarding the Beta? Does Toynami have one? Is it dead or isn't it? Carl
  13. I think its the same YF-19 being talked about here: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...15927&st=20 I not sure of that though, Carl
  14. Does this help? http://web.archive.org/web/20020806170741/.../mw_regult.html Carl
  15. I just spotted this: http://www.action-hq.com/store/product_inf...roducts_id=2455 So I went looking for some info on it and I see the "Soul of Popynica Yamato" mentioned above. Is there another thread here on this topic? Anyone have any higher detail pictures of it? Just looking for more info... Thanks, Carl
  16. Maybe I missed it but what is 'alpha'? Carl
  17. That's something I'd be very interested in too. Its the sort of subject that I could see Studio HalfEye doing several years ago but he hasn't put out any Macross subjects in a while. Carl
  18. Maybe the wings fold away and are stowed in the interior while in gerwalk mode. This thread isn't meant to be too serious so feel free to take a little creative freedom. Carl
  19. Yes, and there is a variable Glaug out there. I'm just curious what a variable ED209 would look like. Carl
  20. Am I the only one to look at this: And think gerwalk mode. Any of you photoshop guys want to take a shot at showing us the other two modes? I'd love to see what you could come up with. Carl
  21. Agreed... but what we do need is a thread that tracks the history of Graham's sig. I guess I missed the one that sparked all the discussion. Carl
  22. I'm not really wanting to fall into the codpiece debate either but that is an excellent question. I too think that part could rotate 180 degrees between modes and look better in each. Is that not being considered because the official transformation says that part doesn't rotate? Just curious... Note, I said "better"... I think it looks pretty good as is so I'm not overly worried about it. There does that have me covered... No... codpiece still too small... Argg... run... duck... LOL!!! Carl
  23. I take it "that book" is the Macross Design Works? If so I REALLY need to pick that up one of these days. I just haven't got around to it yet. This is the first I think I've heard of a Stampede VF-11. Anyone care to post a pic? Carl
  24. I just noticed this answers one of the questions I asked you via PM. I'm curious... may I ask what price you were selling these for? Carl
  25. http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/93943643 If this is an IHP I think I already have this kit. I don't remember mine coming with a CD though and its been awile since I've been though my IHP kits so maybe I'm forgetting something. Can anyone here identify this for sure as an IHP kit? If anyone here picks this up I might be interested in getting a copy of that CD? Carl
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