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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Cuing the "King of HMR" @sh9000...
  2. Good idea. Just the point of having to do anything is irritating though. If I do use sticky tack, is that also edible or have disease curing properties? Makes a big difference in what I decide to go with.
  3. Mine is the Jolly Rogers Last Deployment model. I’ve heard about people using glue and I might resort to using some elmers school glue but I’d prefer not to have to do that. As mentioned, it does look fantastic when the parts are not falling off. Yeah, I like these things but too frustrating for me. If they had magnetic parts, I think that would solve the problem and make them look and play much better.
  4. Nice video and tips! Unfortunately, the words used, “snugly” and “tightly” don’t describe a single removable part on the one I have. Everything from the exhaust nozzles to the landing gear parts or covers, to the missile pylons, missiles, fuel tanks and anything else I forgot to mention, falls off either from gravity, a slight breath of air or touch. Other than most the time I spend picking parts off the floor if I ever attempt to touch the thing, it looks fantastic!
  5. Very nice! I think on my old CW, the point was a rubbery piece that came already attached. It’s one of the ONLY parts that doesn’t always fall off whenever I touch the damn thing. One of the main reasons I don’t want to buy any more of these things because I hate that everything always falls off and I don’t want to glue it. If this thing is still available after a while, I might impulse buy it but only if more pictures drive me insane without having it.
  6. Damn, the enabling is strong! I was completely ready to pass on this but all the pics and quotes like, "A must have for all Macross Fans! " are not helping. I am a bit more intrigued by the carrier though. Also, did the tip of the nose break off or you removed it?
  7. Wow! what is that? (the carrier)
  8. Yeah, I'm still interested in the Calibre Wings one. I think it could work well for HMR to Arcadia VF-1s and everything in between.
  9. I think it’s closer to 1/250 or smaller for real scale. That’s a Gashapon Valk on it.
  10. That’s awesome @sqidd! Thanks for sharing those pics! Meanwhile, I don’t think I need to order the Calibre Wings elevator anymore after getting this.
  11. Who needs the Calibre Wings elevator anyways?
  12. That thread says "Macross or toy" so it has been a great place for Macross collectors to share what they have been getting regardless of brand. We are all Macross collectors so it's a great thread to see what's been coming up without going to another part of the forum. The loose moderation here is one of the best things about this forum. It really sucks when a forum is so tightly moderated that conversation can't evolve to talk about some other things especially when it stems naturally from OT discussion. People are good enough about getting back OT once whatever the side discussion is done. There is nothing worse than a moderator moving posts around to fit tightly with the topic because you get posts that pop up in other threads that completely lose the context of why they exist in the first place. Anyways, just chiming in my thoughts. I think the stuff posted here is cool to see and can easily evolve into what the title says because there are plenty of "proper" Macross designs we haven't seen in toy form yet.
  13. Thanks! Yep! All I can say is it was a bitch to get and the time I spent trying to order it is worth WAY more than buying it on eBay. I refused to give in though, lol! Baroness has been impossible for me still though.
  14. Mission accomplished! Not happy with the pic but wanted to share something quick. The figure is all the shiz! Lives up to the hype and definitely a great figure. I still put Deluxe Snake Eyes above it but it's tough to beat Snake Eyes. My only criticism is the dumb pegs in the guns that also don't fit well in the holes in the back like Snake Eyes' backpack but at least I can hide them by using them as side grips. Also kinda wish the chest insignia was a removable part and it came in white and red so I can make a more proper officer. I need more of these but it seems pretty hopeless.
  15. What part are you having trouble with? It’s one of the easiest VF-1s to transform besides the originals.
  16. Who's going to give us a VF-1 toy with three wing pylons like this someday?
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