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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Oh, and lookee what I just found outside! This is the first time I’ve seen these Arcadia shipper boxes for their exclusives. Are they taking a page from Bandai and their TWE releases? Also noticed the C/NO on the side. Anyone else get this and notice any differences based on the number? Anyways, looking forward to opening this beauty.
  2. Great points! I'm good with or without extra details but I do see the value in it. I mean honestly, how many hours does it take to customize something at that level AND give it the extra attention to detail to live up to a one off custom? I'm sure the time it takes is worth more than the entire price of the PF Valk and much more, not even counting the base Valk itself.
  3. Great life advice here! I also always love hearing about Car Performance developments.
  4. Oh wow! You went in on that 1/24 model huh? I look forward to seeing that!
  5. Same DX VF-1 hands I think would work perfectly since they are about the same size. I guess a quick test to see how the VF-0 gunpod fits in the DX hands would be a smart move first.
  6. Yeah, I totally get it and have utmost respect to those like you who have the talent, ability and lack the OCD of not wanting to alter their toys like I have to do these custom jobs. So basically, I love seeing stuff like that but I rarely display my Valks with landing gears out so I don't need to worry about it.
  7. Haha, don't take that any way other than I couldn't think of a better word to use when I was inspired by this: Your work is beautiful and if my Valks came looking the way you make them, I'd be impressed, most impressed.
  8. Fantastic development @sqidd! I'll be interested when you get these rolling because I have no plans of getting rid of my 1/48 Yamatos (in fact, I will probably end up buying more). Only thing is the colors won't work for many of them. Would you be interested in developing something similar for the Arcadia VF-0s? I think that is one Valk that could use this more than any other as the hands are the only thing I can think of as a negative mark on those figures. An improvement there would definitely make those toys complete perfection.
  9. It does look nice but I prefer to not display my Valks just standing by. Landing gears don't concern me. I want action figures, not statues.
  10. Different color temps have their purpose. I’d keep the 2700k for places like the living room and bedrooms.
  11. The entire sheet is for Max
  12. WTF?! At least it isn’t as bad as those CW F-14 boxes in that thread.
  13. Whoops, I meant how you got the string to look so perfect? It looks like you used thread but there is something else used to attach it?
  14. Haha, I don’t care about the color of the goggles either. I have the original Arcadia release and I ordered this reissue to have an extra but I’m glad the goggles are different because it gives me more justification to own both.
  15. Yeah, you’d have to see the show and the toy ads to remember if you ever knew of it. I haven’t watched that doc yet but was thinking about it. I didn’t think I’d get in on the Origins line but I did anyways. Originally thought the Mega Construx line would be enough since they are smaller, cheaper and I could get them all without breaking a sweat on my wallet or space. The Devilman series on Netflix is not the same as the old stuff you might remember but it is the same character. Much more graphic in every way you can imagine. As for DYRL, can’t get enough of that...I’m constantly watching and rewatching different Macross throughout most my life.
  16. Haha, yeah kinda. You might remember these if you dig deep in your subconscious and trigger some more 80’s nostalgia. I was thinking I would just get one to check out and open but I’m about to order a few more, lol! Magnets on feet was one of the factors that pushed me over.
  17. Got this based on some high praise I heard about these being superb figures. Problem now is it looks so good in package I wonder if I should buy more to open some?
  18. Haha, all those choices and none of them actually match my preference. I voted there is no standard because the canon indicates that they can be anywhere depending on situation. I also like them canted forward but not as much as in the picture you provided as a sample. My preference is that each pair on the sides are “V” angled, not parallel with each other and the rear ones should be straight up, making the front lasers slightly canted forward. Actually, I am hereby declaring that this is the proper way for canon and any preference.
  19. If you don’t mind waiting and choose their Ferry shipping option, that is probably the best deal you can get for the PF version. Only other shop I know of that has the PF is HLJ but it is definitely going to cost you more and they only offer very expensive expedited shipping options. Buying direct from Arcadia and using a proxy will also likely end up more expensive but you will get it a lot sooner.
  20. Haha, love it! It takes all sorts to make an interesting world. Who knows but whatever makes the Japanese minds tick also brought us Macross to begin with and I’m thankful and appreciative of aspects of all cultures.
  21. I’m glad I don’t take tiny prints on my toys too seriously. I’m also always happy to get extra decals or anything. Blue Angels decals for free sounds great to me, it sounds like a great bonus!
  22. Never heard people complain so much about getting more options.
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