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Slave IV

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Everything posted by Slave IV

  1. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I love that that didn't take much convincing.
  2. Nice! Hopefully I have time to transform mine this weekend.
  3. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Do it! The King must lead the way!
  4. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Basic...post them up or send them over if you don't mind! Thanks!
  5. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Holy crap! You've convinced me that large dioramas are what I need to strive for someday.
  6. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Very nice! Anyone have scans of decals they can share? I could just make them out of waterslide paper.
  7. Yeah, most of them have gone on sale at some point but some, including this one has sold out several times on HLJs site so hopefully you are able to snag one. You really NEED it!
  8. Haha yeah, having fun with it since it is so articulated. Re:Edits are the only Iron Man figures I like so far and I like them a lot! Hope they keep it up and make some more classic style armors. A Neo Proto, Silver Centurian and Steath would make my day.
  9. If it follows same schedule as Milia, should be up for order around the time wifey is released. So August preorder, December release.
  10. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    HMR Macross figures are roughly 1/100
  11. Thanks! I absolutely LOVE this figure. Even my wife saw me messing with it and was curious who made it because it is so noticeably better than most toys.
  12. This figure is so good, it's nearly perfect. It just jumped up to being my favorite in the 6" range from any line (I know it's technically larger).
  13. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    I love how NY is always villianized everywhere. They offer the lowest preorder prices for most items, even after adding shipping charges, they still end up around the same or lower than most other shops without shipping. But yeah, they are terrible thieves out to steal your money Every other shop has unfavorable conversion rates too if you use them for conversion. Like mentioned, always pay in yen and let your card do the conversion, which will be the current rate. Even if you have fees, it will be better.
  14. Slave IV

    Hi-Metal R

    Amazing work! Look forward to seeing it more So about $1 more each? Nbd.
  15. Trust me, everytime I look through my storage my mind is blown by what I find. Every box I open is filled with gems, many of which I don't even remember buying. FWIW, most of my stuff is boxed away in bigger cardboard boxes or plastic bins. Both methods suprisingly protect the contents very well even if the cardboard boxes get a little crushed from overstacking. I try to pack the boxes and stack them in a way that helps preserve everything but sometimes it doesn't work out exactly as you want when you are overflowing with boxes. I need to go through it all to find stuff to sell and also find the one 1:48 Valk I own, Max with Super Parts. With my luck, it's in a box under everything else in the back of one of the storage rooms so I'll basically never get to it.
  16. Very nice but all I see is an endless amount of work for me to do that with two storage sheds filled to the brim with misbs. I don't even care at this point as long as the toys are good and the boxes legible.
  17. Yeah, that would take a completely new adapter. Could just use a flightpose for the inverted Valk but then you run the risk of those touchy tampos coming off from the stand.
  18. Slave IV

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm already thinking about what parts I need from @ChaoticYeti to acheive something like this!
  19. Seems like it should be doable with the right amount of arms. Unless you mean inverted.
  20. So, do the 31's tab in?
  21. Thanks! So, I'm not doing anything wrong then? It just basically sits on top of the adapter, hanging there? This is my first DX I've opened and I'm used to the Arcadia Valks that solidly lock in with the adapters.
  22. Ah thanks! I've seen that before and just assumed it was a custom. Thanks a lot, now I'm going to search for it to see how much I get raped if I want the set.
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