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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. Lol Well, there's at least... this? http://www.siliconera.com/2018/06/14/ace-combat-7-gets-new-screenshots-showing-photorealistic-visuals-story-details/
  2. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    @Kinzoku VF shoulda demanded a full refund. Could've gotten a free VF in the mail because if NY can't be arsed to send out proper notification updates, they probably don't have it in their system either... Anyway, congrats to all. Hopefully VFs really are slowly trickling out, though why Bandai wouldn't address this in a press release I don't know...
  3. 3360 @ HLJ 3360 @ Hobby Search For Modelers Edition: https://hlj.com/product/KBYKP-448/Sci || 2800 JPY https://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10543541 || 2800 JPY @amiami: http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=xfa-27&submit=Search&pagemax=40 (2570 JPY || 3080 JPY)
  4. How well do their live-action movies do, both critically and commercially? I remember there was in recent years... Maleficent Jungle Book Beauty and the Beast ...Cinderella, I wanna say? The only one I know generated any amount of buzz and/or good reviews was Maleficent because of the overt sexual violence themes in it, and it's also the only one I remember making any significant bank.
  5. As per the link: - October 2018 release - 1/144 scale - 4200 JPY - Wings can swivel - Parts for landing gear up/gear down - Either a) pilot included, or b) two cockpit options: 1) w/ pilot, 2) w/o pilot - display stand included
  6. From the studio that did(/distributed?) The Witch. If you've seen The Witch, you'll probably agree that it's not for everyone. And like The Witch, I don't think this is for everyone. It eschews "pop horror" techniques in favor of long, mood-building takes. It's horror done subtly and matter-of-factly instead of through loud noises and quick cuts. There are absolutely zero jump scares; the closest that comes to that is a certain sound repeated throughout the film. It does tend to stick too hard to the long take sometimes - the last... four or five minutes in particular could have been edited down - but it still hit me where it counted when it counted. Phew. Like I said, you might like it, you might not, but even so, I definitely think it's worth checking out.
  7. I wonder if they'll be going with a strict RE4 control scheme, which was actually pretty much the same as the fixed-camera controls, or something closer to the latter games with the ability to strafe and/or move while aiming.
  8. Oh, I wouldn't poo-poo on Yoji Shinkawa. His "cardboard box" designs are mostly relegated to Metal Gear REX and canonically earlier designs, and even then... I mean, REX is a mutha-cluckin' badass. From RAY onward, he's found his own head archetype, that sort of "two trapezoids stacked their short bases" look. It's gotten to the point where he even used it on that Godzilla x Evangelion crossover Mecha-Godzilla-esque thing. No arguments on Battletech, though. That stuff was... yikes.
  9. Shoji Kawamori did a bunch of the Armored Core designs (I think... some in the AC3-ish Playstation 2 era, then most of the mecha for 4 and For Answer), so it's not a stretch of the imagination. I got a serious AC vibe, especially hearkening back to the White Glint for some of the designs. The heads also to be iterations on one of the archetypes he likes to stick to - the oblong oval or triangular head with either a clear colored visor (VF-25F) or a "compound eye" series of light-up eyes (White Glint, Aaliyah), and sometimes there's a horn sticking forward or back.
  10. I've also got one in the FS section. ($210 + shipping, $225 max) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/topic/45672-metal-build-arx-7-arbalest-brand-new/
  11. I just see "Darling in the FranXX," and then I see this recc'ed, and then I share. Someone let me know how right or not this is.
  12. Basically this. You can't escape your own mind.
  13. https://www.cnn.com/2018/06/08/us/anthony-bourdain-obit/index.html "Anthony Bourdain, the gifted chef, storyteller and writer who took TV viewers around the world to explore culture, cuisine and the human condition for nearly two decades, has died. He was 61."
  14. ....yeah, the level of vitriol is getting pretty silly again. Just gonna add to my review that my nephew's friend saw it and apparently didn't think it was that great. So... I dunno, maybe just more evidence that this is a fan movie through and through. From my limited perspective, the younger generation seem to love the new trilogy so far and have a less enthusiastic response to the side stories (which certainly makes sense, as so far the side stories have subsisted almost wholly on nostalgia), so perhaps the "core audience" @mechaninac is referring to isn't the "core audience" anymore.
  15. Right, it was part of a Q&A, not a review, but it's just an opinion I trust since they're more fully a testing/reviewing channel and tend to do more in-depth testing than LTT. The trade-off looks like it will be well worth it, I think. No more having to worry about spread, coverage, air gaps, etc. Just set it down and go; seems way simpler. Let me know how your experience goes, I'd love the testimonial. But speaking of GN and speaking of Intel's laughable "28-Core 5.0GHz" CPU:
  16. I see your Linus and I raise you a Steve. No lie, though, I do think the IC graphite pad is pretty freaking awesome. They could stand to make it a bit bigger, though. I think it's only slightly larger than a Coffee Lake die, and definitely not big enough to cover the surface area of both dies in a Ryzen chip. EDIT: I wonder if Volta will ever make its way down from enterprise usage (where I think it was shown to actually be... not that good?) to consumer GPU architecture. Isn't the 1100/20xx (whatever they are) line going to still use the same architecture as the 1060 et al? What is Coffee Lake... 8th gen?
  17. Phew. That's one heck of an upgrade. Have fun. (Are you sticking with your old video card for now? What make/model?) Also, check out this unnecessarily super hype trailer:
  18. I prefer Johnson's take: "When we talk about manbabies" In the end, whether race is a motivating factor or not is kind of a moot point, isn't it? I mean insofar as gauging the effects of the "criticism" goes, the damage done is entirely racial. No one's writing any articles about Tran shutting down her accounts because Rose was a bad character. Way I hear it, the cast and crew actively encourage All The Pairings, and Oscar Isaac and John Boyega intentionally played up the ho yay in TFA. Obviously there was less time available to dedicate to it in TLJ, but I'm sure some fans are keeping their hopes alive. I still don't think, or maybe I hope not, that the Finn/Rose thing will actually be a thing come IX. I've said before that I read that little "romantic" moment as more of Rose taking on the big sister role from her own big sister. (and I mean it's not like there isn't precedent for siblings and romance to intersect anyway amirite)
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