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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. It was definitely one of the high peaks of the show's writing. Unfortunately, the show has just as many valleys. It's disappointing because I WANT to like it, but the writing is too schizophrenic. On a related note, I tried watching Unicorn again, and aside from still finding Banagher and Riddhe insufferable and completely irrelevant to the plot (well, more so the former than the latter, but Riddhe's still not very interesting), I'm enjoying it much more than before. Well, I enjoy more parts of it than I dislike parts of it, at any rate. It falls back on franchise tropes rather than take the opportunity to redefine them, but meh. It succeeds more often than it fails. I've realized I just dislike the whole Newtype quasi-ubermensch deal altogether. Telepathy, fine. Catch-all excuse for inexplicable character motivation, I'm out. Banagher's sudden and intense attachment to Audrey/Mineva is supposedly because of his Newtype abilities making him empathize profoundly with her, but frakk that, that's just lazy writing. You can be empathetic, pacifist, etc., without being the next step of human evolution. That's actually a really condescending way to conceptualize the human race. But yeah. Allow it to be itself, warts and all, and I find it's not too bad. Not Macross Plus levels of Nailed It!, but then not much can be.
  2. Well, to be fair, G Gundam is all about flamboyant, outlandish designs. A soul patch-sporting sailor scout is nothing compared to Windmill Gundam.
  3. Ah, I see. I'll admit, I've never played either of the two games. Or P4A, for that matter... But I try to keep up with the games because I enjoy the community.
  4. Didn't they use this for Blazblue? I could have sworn they did... Well, you're the one in the know. (Also, yes indeed you're right. I just got to around the 41:30 mark where he talks about that very game.) No doubt it's more expensive than traditional 3D, but man would it be worth it. Maybe use it for a movie or short M0-length OAV series. Pretty please, Satelight? For me?
  5. Dunno where else to talk about this, so I'll just say it here. Has anyone played any of Arc System Works' fighting games? The Guilty Gear, Blazblue, and Persona 4 Arena games. Their more recent games have started using 3D models in lieu of sprites (the same way animation moved from 2D cels in M7 to 3D models in M0), but they've developed ingenious cel shading tech that mimics to a high degree the look of 2D animation. The embedded video features one of ASW's developers giving a talk about this tech at the Game Developers Conference 2015. Macross, however well it's meshed 3D and 2D in the past, still can't get everything to work together sometimes. The 3D dancers in Delta are a glaring example; everything from how they're animated to the shading applied to them to lighting and particle effects and so on makes them stand out starkly against the 2D characters. It would be awesome if Satelight were to develop similar tech (or even subcontract with ASW) to render a Macross series in the style of pure 2D animation, but with the flexibility and cost savings of 3D animation. I mean, mostly I just want a return to the glory days of Macross Plus, where the action remains high-pace and frenetic but you can still tell what's happening. So anyway. Not much to add to the discussion, really. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
  6. Sorry, that post was in response to d3v's second point (in his response to my initial inquiry, which WAS about the spaciousness of cockpits), where they said:
  7. I've always found the Wing Zero stupid in general. Actually, the entire lineage of mobile suits in Wing is stupid. Actually, Wing as a whole is stupid. Which is why I can forgive the show's lack of answers to any of your EXTREMELY legitimate questions. But for my part: Why does the prototype have angel wings? Because Wing is dumb. What purpose do they serve? Looking cool. Why do they have an organic look? Because that looks cool. (Though I wish they would look even more organic, and in fact replacing the entire wing assembly from the mechanical arm attaching it to the back down to the wing tips with a fully-feathered chicken wing endoskeleton was one of my ideas for a scratchbuild at one point.) Why do they flap in space? Because that's cool. Why do the feathers fall off in space? Because that's cool. (But also it could just be due to the movement of the wings "shedding" feathers. Mostly though it's for stylistic effect. Actual feathers don't fall out with nearly the same frequency as anime feathers. Can you imagine how exhausting it would be to have to generate new feathers every couple seconds or so because half of them fall off with every single wing flap?) It's almost as if Gundam Wing was a bad, boring show whose popularity stems not from being good but from being a whole generation of American kids' introduction to Gundam... It's not even for psychological effect; they have actual defensive and stealth uses in-universe. How cloth/membranous wings stop artillery and beam weapons or actively jam radar systems is another question entirely, and only adds to the "why and how does anything here work" mystique of the EW OAV.
  8. I'm sure others have mentioned the tethers or "reins" the girls (or at least Mikumo, I think) use to ride their respective Valkyries. I wonder if it's literally just a length of string attached to the Valkyrie, or if it's a holographic thing, or what.
  9. Considering some of the other EW designs, I'm always surprised that some people take issue with this one in particular. The Tallgeese and Altron have literally impossible tentacle designs, and the Deathscythe Hell is a bat. The Heavyarms's shoulder missile launchers cannot physically house the missiles they launch. And the Sandrock's heat shield is a cape. Having feathered wings is nothing more egregious for Gundam than any of those. You might be interested in both the Guncannon Mass Production Type and the GM Cannon II. Both big, bulky Guncannon spinoffs, both super fun and imposing. The latter of the two is newer and has greater articulation. The former only costs about $5 from HLJ. The only reason I'd get the Delta Kai is for that gun, which was part of the original Delta Plus design. Everything about it is otherwise too busy. Too pointy, as you said.
  10. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hah. Joke's on you, I'm waiting for the Hasegawa! (<--no monies. )
  11. So I watched Thunderbolt again, trying to keep biases in check, and... It's better than before. Still not good, but better. That Zaku first-person 20-second bit was more impressive this time around. It's easier to appreciate the sheer aesthetic beauty of the whole thing. One thing I forgot last viewing was just how scary and off-putting the character designs are. The Zeon guys fare better in this regard because they're allowed a more anime look, but the Feddie Captain Lady's face especially terrified me. Also, what's up with Ensigns absolutely killing it in the Universal Century? I count at least Kou Uraki, Shiro Amada, and now this newest guy. (Though the former two made their debuts by being cool. Shiro wins with a Ball, and Kou goes paintballing in a Zaku. This guy just gets shot down. Boo.)
  12. Could be it's one of the dialects/accents found on the fringes? Like Okinawan Japanese (I think), but even more geographically isolated, which would explain why it sounds strange to Japanese ears. People simply have not heard it (or rarely) on a nationally televised show.
  13. I know this is off-topic, but have people bought these before? What are your thoughts? They don't seem to be for any specific scale, and I'm dubious about their quality, but I've been needing a new decal sheet to finish up my 1/72 Hasegawa VF-1 weapon set. (Lost the original sheet way back when.)
  14. What about the VF-27? Well, I suppose it has more of a cyborg interface altogether that goes all neon-green (or at least that's the most prominent image in my brain), but still, it's an enclosed space with opaque walls and cameras that see the outside world.
  15. That's really generous of you, Lolicon. Thanks. Will send you a PM post-haste.
  16. Is it just me or are cockpits generally more spacious in these newer shows? Maybe it's just perception, but I seem to remember the YF-19/YF-21/VF-1/etc. looking more claustrophobic.
  17. Do any of you go about removing those seam lines? What type of plastic does Arcadia use? Also, if you do end up getting a Hasegawa kit for the decals, I'll take the kit proper off your hands if you want to recoup some of those costs.
  18. Are you looking for a brighter color/sharper contrast against the rest of the frame? Might I suggest 1 - black/primer 2 - silver or chrome or other metallic color 3 - clear yellow It seems you went with a straight metallic gold color, no? Otherwise, nice clean job so far. Are you doing the armor as well, or are you doing a just-the-frame look?
  19. Oh. Well. I feel rather daft, then. I thought it was supposed to be based on the character Fumina, not like an actual... robot...? (I never watched BF.)
  20. I quite enjoyed the first two seasons of MLP, actually. Lots of smart writing that didn't talk down (much) to the children it was aimed at. It respected traditional gender ideas without limiting gender, which was (one of the reasons) why it worked as well as it did. The brony phenomenon I think actually hurt that aspect of the show as time went on; the showrunners started catering more towards that (very vocal, very male) audience, and eventually you had a fourth season that ended with a Dragonball Z Kamehameha battle. But the first two seasons are solid. Delta I think is doing some similar things (ie not limiting gender). I've said before that I think Kawamori tends to be more feminist than most other creators, and it's just especially evident now. I think Macross, like most of the anime industry and most of Japan (and most of the world), still has a lot of issues to work through with regards to gender/sexual equality, but still, it's taking some good steps toward rebalancing the scales.
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