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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. They are indeed. Future was a Pledge brand, and Pledge a few years ago consolidated all (or most) of its products under a single brand name.
  2. 10-meter tall hornets? Do not even joke.
  3. lol No, I'm just an unrepentant hoarder. I wouldn't have used her or the sound boosters even if I had them, but I can't stand the thought of not having them. Unrepentant hoarder am I.
  4. I'm sure you all must have already discussed this in the last 30 pages, but do people have experience with their other products? I was under the impression that this was going to be their debut, but apparently they've made a bunch of super sentai stuff already. If you do, I'd love to hear your thoughts on their quality and QC, generally.
  5. Right, I knew that, but I was curious all the same. I suppose those "weapons" + Ranka must be on their own runner, so you're probably right and it's unlikely they'll be included. ...unless they're on the same runner as the 25G's gunpod and/or head... EDIT: Nope, seems gunpod/head parts are runners K/V respectively, and Ranka and sound boosters are N and Q. Shame. Well, here's hoping.
  6. Could be convergent evolution. Or whatever it's called when something's invented in two different places/times independent of each other. But seriously, WHY Sharon Apple? They must be really good at separating the artist from their music...
  7. I wonder if it'll have the sound booster system and Ranka figure in the backseat like the original release had.
  8. Ooh, nice. Thanks for this. I'm guessing this will also be limited edition?
  9. Speaking of, was anyone else weirded out by... I think it was in the first Frontier movie... when they listed Sharon Apple among the likes of Minmay and Fire Bomber? What the heck happened to THAT in the canon? Like, what's the "in-universe movie" version of M+? Did Sharon Apple team up with Guld and Isamu to take on Producer-san, who had hacked into the Macross's computers and was using a Ver. 2.0 of Sharon's evil AI chip to take over Earth? Is THAT why she's talked about as a savior idol instead of literally the universe's most dangerous computer virus?
  10. About an hour ago, mon frere could only get through about 2/3 of the episode before declaring Macross now and forever dead to him. So... there's that.
  11. If I remember correctly, this is the same guy who wrote this up: http://www.hobbylink.tv/riobot-anubis-by-sentinel-part-1-unbox ...and I had an adverse reaction to that. I said of it, "A subpar review of the game followed by a subpar review of the toy, in both cases scarcely saying anything at all about the actual item being reviewed. Two swings, two misses." This one's a bit more palatable, but still unpolished writing-wise. The actual content of it, though, consists of insightful, self-aware commentary by Kawamori, which was very nice to see.
  12. There's a certain vile je ne sais quoi about panty shot fanservice. Oh god, time to rescind my membership, it was nice making friends with all of you.
  13. Reiterating my post from the VF-2SS thread:
  14. In my one purchase with it, I also noticed Amiami charged a greater shipping fee than HLJ's usual rates. In my case, a 13,000 yen purchase had a 7000 yen shipping fee attached, completely negating the sale discount I was taking advantage of and making the total cost more or less the same as if I had just purchased from HLJ at their regular prices. I also receive everything in a box nearly thrice as big as it needed to be. So... yeah. There's that.
  15. I don't know if anyone's mentioned this about the upskirt thrusters, but they also make for convenient anti-panty shot devices. Thank Christ, too. I don't know if I'd be able to watch Macross anymore if it sank that low...
  16. I believe they were actually vacation until just this week, actually. Yay/nay?
  17. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Is the VF-4 a four-engine fighter? (No, seriously, is it? I've never looked into its backstory.) Either way, I think the fact that we don't see many fighters with more than two engines (if we see any at all) plays a role in my distaste. Four main engines, placed the way they are, makes the 27/29 look like they're trying too hard, or compensating for something. Which they're not, obviously, because they're just fictional airplanes, but still, that's the impression I get. It's a very irrational dislike, I'll admit.
  18. It doesn't look like Yamcadia/Bandai offerings, which have panel lines that are simply not filled in. It looks like it doesn't have panel lines to begin with. No surface detail whatsoever. That's what I mean by plain. I suppose you could scribe your own panel lines in, but at such a price point, you shouldn't have to.
  19. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Oh, for sure. I don't think there's anything that'll keep me from hating four-engine designs like the 27/29's "Let's slap some bricks into these wings!" design. The SV-262 had me worried until those "engines" broke away and became attack drones.
  20. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I've been wondering why the VF-31 doesn't strike my fancy quite the way I'd like, and I think It's the wings...? The setup of that entire rear section looks fugly, with the inward-canted tailfins and the harsh angles from the central fuselage to the wings, and the angles on the wings themselves... I dunno. There's just something off about the whole thing. The YF-30 had a clear F-22/Su-27 look from the top down, whereas this reminds me most of the X-02 Wyvern from Ace Combat, just a little wider. And I think that extra bit of width is another factor in me not warming up to it, because I like the Wyvern's design just fine (even if its implementation of variable geometry wings is silly and impractical). Oh well. The VF-25 didn't grow on me until halfway through Frontier, either, so maybe this is just more of that. Or maybe I just wish Kawamori had taken his Shinden II from Ace Combat and made it transform. Blah. Anyway.
  21. It's a new 1/100 line. The frame comes pre-assembled (I think) and includes diecast metal parts, and the runners of plastic armor parts receive a metallic/pearl coating. It's more detailed than the previously-released 1/100, with more moving parts (especially the pistons) and probably increased articulation as well.
  22. They do have minimal decaling and colors, but I'm talking more about panel detailing to break up all those swathes of space. The VF-1 has a pretty basic decal and color placement as well, but the various toys and kits of it have put their own spin on the fine details, including the panel lines and warning decals and... well, not so much color choice, but you get my point.
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