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Everything posted by kajnrig

  1. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    If they were toned down a bit, less generically anime and more specifically M+, I think people would use them more. As for the arm cannon, would that get in the way of transformation?
  2. Three tangentially related contexts, but okay. As for me, my ranking goes: Best = Identity Second Best = Supremacy Bronze Medal = Ultimatum Identity doesn't have to rely on camera tricks to convey hectic action. Supremacy cranks things up but there's always one thing that's unnecessarily manic at any time. Ultimatum successfully concludes the trilogy. I remember being super disappointed that Marie got killed off right away in the second movie.
  3. Yeah, they're not exactly the biggest fans of Macross in general (as in they don't know much about it, not as in they dislike it), plus they tend to have missteps here and there when messing around with kits/toys. Then again, they go through kits at a breakneck pace, so it's only to be expected.
  4. The HGBF Miss Sazabi, which is taller than the HGUC Sazabi, stands at just around the same height as the MG Wing, I believe. Then of course there are the Dendrobium and Neo Zeong, the longest and tallest Gundam kits Bandai have ever produced, respectively, both at 1/144 scale.
  5. Behind the 31J and 31A? Judging by what I can see of the placard, that's another VF-31. (I can barely make out the top of "VF-31 Siegfried.") Maybe the 31J Gerwalk box? Or the 31C? Whichever is Mirage's. Maybe a 31J/31C two-fer?
  6. ayar, that is indeed the kit. Good luck with it. From all I've heard, I think you'll also need a lot of patience.
  7. Looking at the HGO Local Type video, it looks very likely that they'll do a Revive Ground Gundam soon using parts of that mold. Not that they really need to, though, considering how well the first HGUC holds up even now. That shield prop gimmick is still the absolute worst, though...
  8. What engine droop? Explain more please?
  9. Snapped it together, no decals. My thoughts: - Goes without saying, but blah those landing gear. - Definitely a better build than the VF-25. Many more locking mechanisms, some which you don't even notice until you've completed the build and started on the transformation. Speaking of... - Much simpler, much smoother transformation. Part of that has to do with the design itself, part to do with better engineering. That being said, - There are still major gap issues here and there, and even those sections that meet well are still noticeably separate. The two filler pieces that go between the gunpods and wing roots almost don't fit at all, for instance. - Design concessions all over the place. There's the aforementioned landing gear, but also the un-removable pilots. Additionally, the drone launchers in the legs are a nice touch, but all that connects the doors to them is a big fat square peg. Fine for a toy, not so much for a model. I'd have preferred they gone all out or not bothered at all: A fully opening door with accurate hinges/swing bars or a molded-close leg armor. - Unlike the Bandai VF-25s, this kit looks best in fighter mode. Which is actually a bit of a shame when I know (or at least predict) a Hasegawa release is going to happen in the near future that lacks all the gaps and hinges and tabs and so on and so forth. - That's not to say that the other two modes look bad per se, but man those arms. They really are super super skinny. I imagine the Gimix kits will mold those biceps to be much more substantial than they are here. - All that said, it really can't be understated how much better this kit is than the -25s. Besides the design concessions, the simplification of certain mechanisms/parts and better implementation of others made for a much, much more enjoyable build. - I wasn't enamored with the 31's FSW design, but I like it well enough now that it's in my hand. Still, I'll wait for the Hasegawa release. In case anyone's interested, I'm putting my 31J up for sale in my FS thread, $30 + shipping. A handful of parts has had pegs cut to make for easier disassembly, but only a handful. Stickers/decals/spare parts included, and box if wanted (though shipping will be more).
  10. Liking the new OP well enough. Not much of an impression until subs are out, though. Too much necessarily flew over my head.
  11. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    On the model, that peg/slot serves no purpose other than to lock the upper chest/nose into the lower waist/"back bone". If you were to remove that entirely, the result might be a bit floppier but would look otherwise the same. You can achieve the same/similar effect through other means, such as making that swing joint a ratcheting one, or making said joint be a pull-out, lock-into-place affair as is the case with most of the kit. I wager the only reason it's implemented this way is to consolidate features. Smart engineering (though not so great model, but blah).
  12. In which case you're out of luck, as that form is only applicable to in-country customers.
  13. So I just received mine from HLJ, and also in the shipment were two Idolmaster itasha planes by Hasegawa. This means decal sheets made up of many many different colors. And yet they manage to print them just fine, and without the speckled mess that Bandai does. Are they using a different decal printing process or something?
  14. kajnrig

    Bandai DX VF-31

    On the -31 model kit at least, there's a small hole on the underside of the nose for the chest armor to peg into. As evidenced here: https://youtu.be/Ym0IM_n29L8?t=11m41s
  15. Thanks for that, both of you. SebastianP, I was actually looking at getting the Hasegawa Super VF-1A battroid and was wondering if I should get a J model instead because I seemed to recall Max using mainly the J, and thus the question.
  16. I doubt so. There's not THAT much complexity to the design, just lots of lines and striping. Hasegawa has decaled more complex designs than that. At the very least, they won't be dumb enough to design decals with PANEL LINES ON THEM SERIOUSLY WHAT THE HELL BANDAI. (Eh, I'm sure it works better than it looks, but still. At this point Bandai may as well not make decals at all and just partner with Cartograf or something to print high-quality waterslides.) Oy vey... Is the forehead decal any better than the sticker you've used? EDIT: And don't think I've forgotten about your shoddy hands, Bandai! /shakes fist impotently
  17. Ah yes, I figured I was probably wrong even as I wrote that. Oh well. Carry on then.
  18. To be fair, they're throwing a whole bunch of clothes in order to get where they're going. Maybe she had on more than was shown.
  19. Unless you live in Japan, getting a spare part will be fairly expensive, too. HLJ and (I think) Amiami used to offer parts replacement services, but I'm not sure if they still do. I know HLJ doesn't anymore. Maybe GG Infinite does? Proxy services (can't think of any off the top of my head, sorry) also tend to offer a replacement parts ordering service, for a markup on top of a service fee. ...your best bet at this point might be to buy an entire kit, filch the canopy, and sell the rest. If it can go into battroid mode without the need for the canopy, I might be interested in buying it off of you.
  20. The delta wings are a bit off, but that's a sweet look nonetheless. I like how they just popped off the charging pod. Super ghetto, but there's a certain charm to it. Speaking of which, does anyone know what the 31A has in the show in lieu of said charging pod?
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