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Everything posted by Test_Pilot_2

  1. Yeah, premium on the exchange rate and the foreign transaction fee to boot. Not to get too far off topic, but how are the other vendors for these charges? Is there a better way to do this?
  2. Maybe the armored pics are just a model placeholder, but the wings on the rear are a single piece like in the model kit.
  3. I was thinking of using something like what this site has: http://www.slstoredisplays.com/cat-48-1-14-0/glass-displays.htm... Glass can go up to 16" x 48" in size which should "git'er'dun", right? I could be naive, but feel like I should be able to build whatever I need from that... The IKEA ones look convenient though.
  4. Test_Pilot_2

    Hi-Metal R

    Finally got my strike in today. Not having experience with previous 1/100s aside from old Banprestos I think this little guy is phenomenal. Not disappointed at all, although my kids said they thought it looked so "cute" after comparing it to my larger scale valks.
  5. Received my VF-19 Advance today. Boy is it gorgeous. The review posted above is phenomenal! I too observed some of the sticking points of it, but regardless it is still a marvelous little piece. My last 19 was Yamato's 1/72 YF-19 that I sadly had to sell due to uncontrollable circumstances... First thing that crossed my mind was how ridiculously far they've come with the details and quality of these figures. I'm ultra-excited to see how nice my VF-4 will be next year. Now waiting for the Hi-Metal R Strike, but feel like it would've been better to get that one first, THEN the VF-19. I can't help but feel once I get the Hi-Metal I'll likely be disappointed after fiddling around with the 19.
  6. Test_Pilot_2

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm with you... Both my VF-19 Advance and VF-1S are still in the "Dispatch from outward office of exchange" stage... Been like that this whole week. Praying for an update Monday or Tuesday =/.
  7. Thanks! I sadly missed out on Arcadia. I started collecting again in the past year... I did jump in on the reissue of the Arcadia VF-4 so pretty excited for February .
  8. Managed to snag one - total cost 22680 + 2490 ship + 1134 handling charge - 26304 so not bad IMO. Originally there were six, then four... The moment they hit Macrossworld, gone. I think there might be one left now.
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