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Everything posted by kanata67

  1. depends on if you grow your own I really don't want to think of all the macross goodies [and jetfires] I've aquired since I found this place less than two years ago. I've spent no-where near as much as some but have aquired an awful lot of stuff. You apreciate it wen you have to move it . If you love it and can afford it... do it. I just wish I could find a bandai seeker in my budget
  2. Yeah I don't think the emulators are going to work. I did find something called Dreamcast sega saturn boot disk. Does anybody know anything about this. I don't think this will work either. So it looks like I will have to buy a Saturn. Oh well. ohhh... a dreamcast saturn boot? Thats a dc thing I don't have yet. Where did you find it? I'll happily test it out for you
  3. they are better than all the other crap availible. Besides some g1's [can we say jetfire boys and girls?] There have been few toys I actually enjoy since my childhood. I don't know why but it seems the transforming robots look less like robots and nobody knows how to make a decent toy now-a-days. Sure yamato makes quality stuff but I simply can't consider anything that cost's over $50 a toy... it's a collectible. While I am still working on my spawn collection, I don't consider them toys either... more mini sculputers as if you try to play with them .
  4. me to... give me something to do with all these jetfire parts
  5. you've never seen my customs I take it... one of many "dead" jetfires LOL. Check the official customs thread for more
  6. I was at the local used toy store looking for whatever today and while getting current pricing for my jetfires [i like to know how much I can pawn stuff for LOL] the store owner [ie head geek] mentioned that jetfire was going to be re-released later this year and that HG worked something out with whom-ever so it could happen. Is this true??????? Does this mean HG is starting to accept the fact that competition is good? Was the guy just bullsh1tting me to get a MIB matsu for $400? Anybody hear any rhumors?
  7. I agree with jwinges... all the sets on one sheet plus ostrich and seeker pre-cut.
  8. market competition... if someone can reproduce a product of comparable quality cheaper... they should. Drug companies have something like a 7 year period before "generics" can be made. I'd say the same should hold true with anything. Mr rob beers was in the process of recasting an entire 1/55... bandai re-released the 1/55's at a fair price and there was no longer a point. The whole point is the point you can make. If a company hasn't made a product for a while and they notice some-one making money selling it they might realize "hey... we can do it in higher volume cheaper and make money" and they do, or else they won't care as it's not worth dusting off the machinery. Competition is good. I don't care if it's HG vs bandai or a recaster vs tanman. You either compete or you die. This case is a good example of how customer service can factor in LOL. As for rationalizing it... Once it was bought and paid for it, it is yours to do with as you wish. Unlike napster the original actually had to be paid for. Also... if he hasn't patened it and some-one here should happen to... wouldn't that settle the whole moral thing?
  9. I have five sets of keys for my camaro in my camaro and I don't lock the doors [it's only sloghtly over-insured ] and nobody will steal it. I can't even get my friends to! Some friends . Not like they would get far at the moment. I always kinda hoped I'd get car jacked... The guy would tell me to get out and start walking. After I walked a mile I'd call the cops and tell them sombody stole my car. They'ed find my car about a mile from where I called
  10. soldering irons actually work great... If you know how. I use a butane soldering iron taht also doubles as a heat gun [radio shack]. The heat gun can melt the plastic without touching it to give it that "laser burnt" look of melted metal. pin vice works well for smaller holes. exacto... use it like a glass drill bit. It's edged so press it firmly against the spot you want a hole and rotate it. You will notice a slow "drill like" progress. Takes longer than a dremmel or even a pin vice. hot pin... use pliars, a paper clip, and a lighter [preferably zippo. Heat up one end and melt your way through. You may have to rehat the paper clip a few times before you get through... hence the zippo recomendation. Just like sterilizing the neddle for a jail house tattoo Depending on how good your aim is and the size of the thing... Nothing works as good as a BB gun . The only annoying thing is when you end up with a bb or two rattling around inside it I'd show you pics but I'm not done and some people might mock me Just because I make spawn/macross hybrids of eveything . The glaug was already shot when I got it... honest
  11. I must say that mcfarlane's products do have the ability to disintigrate when exposed to air... at least some of them. I stopped opening my spawn figs a looong time ago after 3 of the 6 I opened had issues. I think I'm less than 10 lame figs shy of the first 19 series complete now. As miniture statues they rock, as toys no so much. I have aquired numerous loose ones to use for parts for customs and some have impressed me though. Manga spawn kicks butt as did the 12 inch violator. Since I found macross world toys that were most disappointing have been... small ride armor [i have yet to transform it] die-cast alpha fighter [yippie... two lame modes] 3" "macress" vf figures [i got one MIB and it was factory broken LOL] bootleg 1/100 vf's [sooo cheap compared to the taka's] 1/76 taka gbp-1s [i was sooo happy to win a loose one... till I got it ] morphers when I was a kid the most disappointing thing were... Go bots. Every damn holiday the relatives would give me friggin gobots rather than the transformers I asked for . Look... it's a car. Look... now it's a car with a face ... what the hell. Catching lawn darts was more fun
  12. pics of parts I no longer needed [i got originals for my recast armors] that I sold to arafat a while back. He paid promptly and the transaction was smooth.
  13. omg I completely forgot that show. I now even rememebr the theme music. damn lol. llink Did I forget to mention that I did alot of drugs in high school? You didn't mention, but I believe it's assumed about a few of the folk around here... not mentioning names or anything "cough cough" You remember JEM don't you? Rock star show!? jem was a gobot Designed by children... That sure explains a lot Eric cartman singing "in the ghetto... in the ghetto" This thread should be renamed cartoon nostalgia LOL. Galaxy rangers did kick butt. I had fogotten all about it others I really liked... voltron battleship yamato Gummy bears thundercats robotech [i didn't know better so don't hurt me ] 13 ghosts of scooby doo [vincint price was in it LOL] the real ghostbusters danger mouse D&D some that were ok... TMNT scooby doo reruns wheeled warriors GI JOE [they were all such bad shots ] transformers swat cats master of the universe adams family dino saucers tolerable... ducktales tail spin sparticus bannana man rescue rangers centurions dukes of hazard garfield the rest Tranzor-z rainbow brite my little pony care bears smrfs snorks ghostbusters [the not real one] go-bots things I only vaugely remember... a show about some dude, a kid, and a girl. The moon was spilt in two by something and the world was all messed up "galaxy hawk"? people in space with wings... soooo many more I forget
  14. I remember the series. It actually wasn't that bad, especially with what it was competing with at the time LOL. While it was low budget and did decidedly get worse... I don't think they expected a second season and weren't pepared... It did have some good qualities. The premise was ... it was the 90's and there is a secret governtment organization [aka sg1 type format] that is aware of the fact that... the invasion depicted in war of the worlds was real and the "radio broadcast" was a cover story, as was all the damn "weather balloons". They basically watched for "sleepers" that would get up to no good. Not so bad so far... second season was AFTER the sleepers had managed to pull off a full fledged invasion and the world was in pretty much chaos with the survivors of the govt' organization now hunted while they acted as a resistence movement. as I said... I liked the premise. It could have been a lot better done though There is much to be said for "bad" quality... look at trauma films [aka toxic avenger]. Hollywood sticks to the proven as a rule, with innovative stuff typically being low budget... go figure. However... once a low budget pulls something off it becomes the proven and is apt to be "mimiced" Look at resevoir dogs, blaire witch, easy rider, clint eastwood westerns, night of the living dead, etc. I don't want to think about how many spin-offs stemmed from the short story "a most dangerous game". They even did one with ice [the "kill the cops" rapper and now detective on a police sitcom] T have they remade any jimmy stewart films yet? Just picture "it's a wonderfull life" with an all star cast ... or done "pulp fiction style I wish they would start rehashing the classic stuff like caddyshack, meatballs, blues brothers, house, critters, etc. How about some classic style hitchcock where a movie could actually be called a suspence?
  15. de omni re scribili qui busdam aliis
  16. I was going to say that in my place the toys kinda blend with all the other odd crap like swords, computers, electronics, antiques, cats, fossils, art, fish tanks, ... and yes... even a goat skull just ask greenguy if you don't believe LOL. I am a sufferer of TMC... to much crap. I havent had to many issues with people damaging my stuff, especially after I tell them how much some of it is worth. Granted, my wife did attempt to transform one of my gluags with bad results, and my supervisor is like a bull in a china shop, but I keep the real good stuff out of sight
  17. kanata67

    An idea

    in the blink of an eye
  18. Same thing will happen if you go into that gay bar, stand in the corner and repeatedly scream "ROSEBUD!" at the top of your lungs over and over again until the cops are called...course anytime you act in devient ways that is likely to happen. Words are words...just sounds carried through the air...it's the ideas and meanings the you associate with them that gives them such power...without that association words are meaningless Why do you think homosexuals call each other "gay" and "queer"...why do you think blacks call each other "nigger"? Those words were used as taunts against them, but one day they wisened up and adopted the words, took them as a badge of honor inorder to defuse the painfull associations they carried. Some kid taunts you, calls you all sorts of things...those taunts, those words are ment to get you to do something...the kid wants you to fight back, the kid wants you to get upset, the kid wants you to say something to the effect of "No I'm not!" when he calls you a "pussy!"...When the kid can get you mad, can get you to fight back, can get you upset with mere words...that kid then knows how to control you like a trained pet...that kid has power over you through words alone simply because you associate his taunts with pain...he knows how to rub salt on your insecurities because they reflect his own. But you don't have to let him have that power over you...it's all in how you let his words effect you... Most people realise this at some point, usually long after all the overated "drama" of highschool is over...and at this point the whole "words will never hurt me" concept is self evident...and thus they want to blame video games, movies, music, and TV shows for the troubles youth get into...just like thier parents did, and thiers before them... Then again you arn't suppost to trust anyone over thirty...which is about the age you reach when you realise that everything your parents tried to tell you is true. boot camp can drive this lesson home pretty well but it's easier if you already learned it Why is it parents always want to pass the blame. Bevis and butthead, lawn darts, jetfire's blunted nose, child proof lighters, the original silly putty [granted that one was justifiable ]... the list goes on. stupid people shouldn't breed! I soooooo can't wait till the next childs cold medicine taste so good the kids actually want to take it... just think of the implications.
  19. there's a spawn board???? there went the little life I had
  20. DAMN G-Man. Youa are OLD! I must be old to as I remember them as well. Heck... I remember a thing called a drive-in
  21. $4,500 4 my 67' camaro Most expensive macross purchase... $90 for my 1st matsushiro complete from vermillion one. Granted... I have a lot of macross suff worth a lot more... I just didn't pay that much now if you factor in my collection of sharp pointies and other crap and how much I trade... Perhaps my most expensive macross goodie is my rob beer resin as I sent a psx2 and a bunch of other crap to spain. In fact... another box is about to get sent stupidest investment... I had the first three sets of magixc complete with tons of rare doubles like the mox when it first came out. I paid maybe $300 and sold it all for $500 maybe a year later [beer money ]. A FRIGGIN mox goes for $500 now!!!!! Anyways... lets just say the first 5 sets of pokemon complete didn't increase in value anywhere near how I hoped . Maybe in 30 more years... but I doubt it
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