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Everything posted by abbadon

  1. The wing hinge is pretty tight, not worried about that yet. It's the leg joints I'm worried about. The hinge revised is the one on the head that slides. I don't own the first release, so I only compared it with the 25F.
  2. I just got my VF-25S as well. I never owned the original release, and I was wondering why the hinge was different from the VF-25F. Now I know why. It's cool that Bandai actually did some revisions for this reissue. Also happy that all the joints on my copy are still stiff. Disappointed that my 25F has loose leg joints even after spending most of its time displayed on the stand. Now I'm scared to put the armor on the 25S. But that thing just makes the valk so bad@ss!
  3. Went with HLJ again for this one. Thanks for the heads up guys!
  4. Guy in TFW did the same. I don't think there was permanent damage. I'm still waiting on mine to arrive.
  5. I like the fighter mode of VF-0s, but I still prefer the battroid mode of the VF-1s. I love the Gerwalk on the 0D though!
  6. That looks great! Always good to make the most out of limited space. Some of my collections have been on rotation from display cabinet to drafting table, and vice versa. I guess my next purchase has to be a new detolf.
  7. Isn't MP Bumblebee supposed to have only one side mirror (Left Side)?
  8. Ouch! Sorry that happened, Saburo. I better be careful when I get mine.
  9. I like it! Robocop looks pretty imposing on display! Do a review, Gak!
  10. Box looks good! Toy looks even better!
  11. Nice purchase Spanner76! what an awesome present to give, I'm sure your son will be very happy this Xmas!
  12. Yeah I hope they fix that, or that it isn't as bad as it looks, because I intend to display this baby in Gerwalk.
  13. If I wasn't fully tapped out for the year, I'd buy it! I think it's a lovely valk.
  14. Great stuff guys! I'll probably have to wait 'til next week to get all my purchases.
  15. Those pictures look great! I might try them someday. I tried copying the cover of the Macross Plus Bluray set, but wasn't happy with how it turned out. I will have to reshoot that.
  16. Yup. Actually if you check the link again, it shows the correct box pics for the Elint already. It's Sold Out though.
  17. Yeah, if you look at the second photo it shows the rear box of the Elintseeker.
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