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Everything posted by abbadon

  1. This looks good! Might be my first 29.
  2. Planning on making a transformation video for the 0D?
  3. Looks like I'll be looking for Yamato Ghost Boosters... It's still possible that they will release a new one in the future.
  4. Getting excited about the VF-0D more then ever!
  5. After this , I wonder how Arcadia will package the super parts if they decide to release it. As a stand alone release or bundled with a valk? I do hope they release it as a stand alone, as a need a few of these.
  6. So, Pikachu is the real master? I thought he was the assistant? By the way, cool car collection, Spanner!
  7. It's saying, "you know you want to buy me!"
  8. I have to agree that the artwork accompanying the VF-0/S is spectacular! Looks like they finally have budget to hire an artist! Good on Arcadia! Hope they use it for the box art.
  9. I like the production color. Now to wait patiently for the release.
  10. It's a lovely bird! I hope they give us the FB2012 version soon.
  11. Excellent news all around! Stoked about all the Arcadia updates. I really hope they get around to making the Armor Parts for the 0S/A. I'm still hoping that if sales of these are good they'll do the rest of Sound Force and the more obscure Valks, even through web exclusives.
  12. It's getting close now! I can't wait to get my hands on this.
  13. I don't own any Zero Valks yet, so I'm really looking forward to this! Just happy Arcadia has new products beyond the 0D and the Armored 1J.
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