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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. Dude, that's Rohby's custom. Damn that's cool!!! **BTW-the price listed for this piece is actually quite cheap. Not to mention the quality of Rohby's work. All the custom Munnys he has done in the past have been nothing but production quality, the piece itself looks very much factory made.
  2. I like the overall proportions of the 1/60 VF-0. The arms are skinny, but the keep the sleek profile of the fighter mode well intact.
  3. Most standard paint removers will do, only if your talking about the DIE-CAST parts. As for the plastic parts I would highly recommend Scalecoat II. Plus the bottle of SCII is only $10.00 bucks a bottle of 10oz.
  4. There\'s a product called SCALECOAT II. It works really well to remove paint without any damamge to plastic. It is mainly used by train and diorama hobbyists. I use it whenever I need to remove paint and have never had any trouble with this. It also lasts a very long time, you can actually use it over and over. I have a bottle that I have been using for the past two years, and it still keeps on working.
  5. Sounds like a nice kit-bash.
  6. How about a few WIP pics. I don\'t own the kit but I would like to see what you\'re talking about.
  7. I can\'t believe someone asked this and someone responded. I really expected an immediate lock on this thread. Bored are we?
  8. Let me guess...you're into HEAVY METAL!!!
  9. So does this mean they drink moonshine? Or worse yet, \"Near Beer\"?
  10. I think the valks were more of a navy blue/black color, with a black diamond around the canopy, and a red band on the left wing. I'll see if I can find the picture for you.
  11. I think the kneecap covers are what's loose; not the actual knee joint itself. At least that's how I interpret it. In the pic below, they're opened all the way, so maybe they are loose. 396218[/snapback] Loose or not, still looks good to me. I just hope I don't get any of the other defects listeed.
  12. Please...someone give the boy a dictionary...and throw in a few grammar lessons. 395987[/snapback] the problem is not that my spelling and grammar is bad... it\\\'s that I type faster than I can remember what I was talking about three words before aluminum foil jury duty.... that\\\'s it! just for that we\\\'re gonna talk about you at the next meeting in the Bahamas. 396004[/snapback] Bahamas??? I thought you guys would get together at Brokeback.
  13. Amazing work as always. I like the added details you threw in for the parts you don\'t get to see in the line art. Nice touches through and through.
  14. It is. This is entirely targeted to kids between 9-15 years of age. There is a gigantic fanbase here in CA. Not too long ago they had a sold-out event at one of the major forums here. The only reason I know about this, is that many of our customers ask for these characters to be scanned or drawn on to their cakes. I just don\'t get why they have those wierd tattoos on their faces.
  15. That's a very nice Angelbird. Are you planning on making the entire sqaudron? Would really be nice to have five displayed together.
  16. I was about to ask G man the same thing. So, could you let us all in on your master plan? I mean it is a hellavu lotta valks to keep in one person's possesion.
  17. Thanks for sharing Dyno!!! That pilot is pretty sweet.
  18. Looking good, but with grainy pics it\'s hard to type \"awesome\".
  19. I\'m glad I bought at least one. RowBoTech looking or not, I like it. It took a while for it to grow on me. Hey Dyno, how about some close-up shots of the pilot?
  20. Damn, that\'s nice. That box is freakin\' huge!!
  21. That\'s nice. Reminds me of the REVOLTECH figs that are coming out soon.
  22. I would love to have one of these!!! Did someone say recast??
  23. Congratulations, Tony!!! I can't believe your wife acually let you get away with doing that. You should have asked me about the cake. I could have done a smaller version of the actual "Virgin Road" wedding cake.
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