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Everything posted by nightmareB4macross

  1. The issues keep coming. I wonder if Arcadia will respond with a fix or replacement program.
  2. Sounds plausible. But only way to be sure is to check casting marks on the parts to compare.
  3. So now this is quite peculiar. Why would they have the Bandai head laser? More questions arise.
  4. Not at all stupid. Always good to ask questions. you would find it here. problem with this method is that you will find a lot of used 1/100 missing this pin. It’s in there with pressure and the force of spring works the pin out over time.
  5. IIRC, the spring is used in the hips in conjunction with the pin. It’s meant to keep the hips close to the body so the nubs click into either side of the cockpit.
  6. Well that there then bring on a new question, for me at least. Was this the Takatoku mold or the updated Bandai mold as that always came with a GU-11. I am looking for the head laser but can’t find it, or a shoulder. Nevermind. This is the Takatoku mold for sure. The eye sensor is complete and attached to one side of the the head. The Bandai version is split down the middle.
  7. Can’t tell for sure if they are decals or stickers.
  8. There are plenty of YouTube videos out there. Just do a quick search.
  9. https://www.wikiwand.com/ja/スペースガンダムV https://m.blog.naver.com/PostView.naver?blogId=khegel&logNo=100043821626&proxyReferer=https:%2F%2Fwww.wikiwand.com%2F More Popye Science history.
  10. Space GanDam V was legitimate in S. Korea? Fascinating.
  11. Thanks for the clarification.
  12. Here another tidbit I was not aware of. The first run Matsushiro Jetfires came with this catalog and not the standard version.
  13. Originally release in May 2011. So years later we get a release. I love this design, but c’mon gives us something really new. Not complaining, I am just hoping for something really new. Fix those gappy fighter knees, ratchet the ankles properly, and throw in a side of McD’s fries for god’s sake. 😜
  14. I actually gave it to friend so they could sell it and make some money which they were in desperate need of. I had no clue what it was. I just assumed it was a customized Valkyrie. The overspray was similar to what I am seeing here, but I do recall it having Takatoku head lasers and not the 84-85 Jetfire smooth headlasers. Years later, now I know why it was like it was.
  15. That I couldn’t say for sure. It was an interesting tidbit I found.
  16. Then there is another VF-1Strike listing that has no Bandai stickers and only the bare Takatoku stamping. The description is more generic but does not add anything to the validity that is was every released this way. But who knows. Time blurs as it passes. Odd thing about this one is that it has straight cannons like later released Jetfires. Anyone care to chime in on this too.
  17. Interesting. i just came across this new listing where the seller states the first run or edition of the VF-1S DYRL is left from the VF-1S Super from Takatoku. Never heard of this before. Anybody want to chime in.
  18. Isn’t this plastic already like 2 to 2.5 years old before even being sold. The parts were done long ago. They just needed to be assembled and detailed.
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