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Everything posted by sh9000

  1. Yeah I noticed the Jetfire color scheme earlier this morning. Kind of cool if Bandai or Arcadia makes one.
  2. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    All of them are looking good next to each other so far.
  3. sh9000

    Hi-Metal R

    Because Optimus Prime is in BattleTech.
  4. More to buy from the HMR line in the meantime.
  5. I had fun building the Frontier kits as well. This looks like it will be fun to build and the less expensive option.
  6. sh9000

    Macross figures

    3D sculpted figures of the Delta cast would be nice.
  7. Suicide Squad will probably be the same quality or worse so it is going to be a rental for me. Now only looking forward to the Wonder Woman movie to watch in the theater.
  8. I just finished watching it and I have a headache. Some good scenes but some bad scenes could have been left out or done better. Eisenberg Lex sucked. Fight scenes were cool, Wonder Woman was awesome, Batman was good, Superman was good, Clark wasn't that good, Bruce could have been better too. At times it felt like this movie would have been better split up in two movies. Overall still a decent lead up to other movies. 7/10
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