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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. Hmmm, not a bad idea. arafat209 lives in Paterson, NJ and one of my really close friends, Chris, is the assistant county prosecutor for Passaic County (which Paterson is in.) I'll ask Chris in the next few days whether or not pressing fraud charges through the local law enforcement agencies will be the effective. damn dood, you got a vendetta against this guy don't you?
  2. hey thanks for the cool link. i can't wait to make some of this stuff.
  3. i stay away from CC at all costs. yes they're good for building credit but they're even better at ruining it. the way i see it is, if i don't have all the money up front, i just don't buy it. even when i bought my first car(nissan altima)i paid straight cash for it, no tax. the car salesmen didn't seem to mind since he got his commission that very day and the dealership owner was completely psyched, i mean, who goes into a dealership and pays in cash?...well other than rock stars. BTW, i don't have cash like that lying around, it took me forever to save, from hustling, working 2 jobs, and lots of b-day/x-mas money. but hey, in the end, i didn't have any car payments to worry about nor did the car end up costing me $30k cause of interest. it just goes to show if you really want something, you'll find a way to save up for it. i'm not saying everyone should do this but if you can control yourself and budget your expenses(and live at home at the time ), anything is possible.
  4. well if it is true, looks like TLG(the lego group) is going to be taking more of my money...along with yamato. i've checked out foundrydx but they're WAY over priced.
  5. what part of it plays like crap? yeah it takes a while to just use to, but after you figure how to do the different counter moves(took me a while), different throws/grabs(still working on it) and the cooperative fighting(i don't have a clue how to do it), its rather fun to play. don't know about you guys but i like the use of both the joysticks. well all i know, is i kicked a lot of butt and took some names. i'm in the process of playing it the second time around on "hard" and boy, is the hard, MAD hard!
  6. not true...well atleast in fighter mode. though it has the "loose factor" i think they're great as long as you got some balancing skills. i played with a 1/60 max the other day, along with my 1/48 1J and i must say the 1/60's are so much more poseable than the 1/48. don't get me wrong the 1/48s are pretty cool but i like that the 1/60's are afforable and you can get so many different poses out of them. my last purchase, i fortunately/unfortunately bought a couple of 1/48s(before i knew i had to get ankle surgery ) and couldn't bring myself to back out of the deal. yeah i need the money more but i'd feel like a total hypocrite since i hate it when people back out on me. it also didn't help that the seller was doing me a HUGE favor to top it off. i wish i could've reneg-ed on the deal but it just isn't right after i paid and he got everything ready to go....thats shits just foul. that will be my last macross purchase for a long time....damn my ankle!
  7. since i'm jus laid up i bought this game and after 15 hours of straight, i finally beat it! for those of you, who thought about buying this game, it a must. simply put, its kung-fu madness at its best. it took a while to figure out the controls but after a while you get the hang of it and the game starts to get really fresh. once you beat it, you get different cothing option, one of them being jet li in a monk uniform. anyone else tried this game? **added** so totally the wrong section, sorry dudes.
  8. keep it an sell some other stuff....unless you're dying or your mom needs an operation, i wouldn't sell the low-viz. i need surgery but i refuse to sell mine cause i know i'm gonna have to buy it back....and i'm not that big of a fan of the 1/48's. i'm selling off my 1S roy cause i figured yamato made a lot of them, and it won't be too difficult to find again. if i need to more money for the surgery, i'm going to sell of the 1J, and some other stuff, but the low-viz is a keeper.
  9. BOLUDO!! my neighbors/friends i skate with are from argentina! good food, good music, good friends. they even got me drinking "man-te"(sp?). its kind of crazy that i skate with a bunch of people that i can hardly understand but we chill together all the time....argentina's know how to have a good time. me...NYC Yes we are very BOLUDOS...indeed. Very funny!! It's almost surrealistic that you skate with argentinias in NYC. Mate is good but no for my stomach. <....argentina's know how to have a good time> yes, and that seems to be one of our biggest problems... whats really funny is theres this guy named Diego and they call him "Chino" cause hes sort of got slanty eyes(yes i can say that. ) when i first met them they'd say, "boludo, blah-blah-blah, chino" and i know in spanish chino means chinese. so i'd just start talking since i thought they were talking me! it wasn't til weeks later i found out that diegos nickname was chino. whats surreal is, i'm from korea, they're from argentina, we live in washington heights, which is like little DR(dominican republic). the only things we have in common are skating, drinking, smoking, and women. thats probably what i like most about NYC, you meet people from all over the world.
  10. BOLUDO!! my neighbors/friends i skate with are from argentina! good food, good music, good friends. they even got me drinking "man-te"(sp?). its kind of crazy that i skate with a bunch of people that i can hardly understand but we chill together all the time....argentina's know how to have a good time. me...NYC
  11. cool idea but the gun strap + gunpod sucks. you have to take the strap off in fighter mode everytime, so whats the point? well unless you got a bunch of extra gunpods? i basically have one gunpod with a strap that i rotate depending on who i'm displaying in battroid and/or grewalk modes. all the others have no straps...its just easier that way. your best bet is to walk into a fabric store or some kind of crafts store and check out the samples. i'm sure they'll be something in there you can use.
  12. looks pretty sweet! i like what you did with it, it adds a little more flavor than the plain old red version. i wish i had the balls to paint one.
  13. the toys are about 1000 times better than anything out or thats probably gonna come out. yamato will only out do itself cause i really don't see another company that going to compete with them. even if yamato does a half-ass job, its not going to be nearly as crappy as something that toynami releases. i too was/am fascinated by a plane that transforms into a robot. i guess that why i collected trasnformers when i was little but now, i'm just a valk-o-holic.... so it a nutshell, i like macross basically cause, i hate everything about robotech and robotech toys.
  14. What's fbtb? wouldn't you like to know. its the official star wars lego website. www.fbtb.net (from bricks to bothans) if you like SW and you like lego, thats where its at! but be warned its a "kid-friendly" site so if you use the language that we use here, you'd get banned in an instant....i got banned just for looking funny.
  15. i had a feeling it was you. you're the only person i know with the S/N "onions".....and it makes me laugh whenever i see your name...like how the heck did this guy come up with onions? and the spidey avatar on top of that! i'd tell you who i am but that would take all the fun out of this now wouldn't it. heres a clue, i'm a long time member that doesn't like to be bothered or disturbed. i'm sure you know who i am now, either way i'm glad to see you found your way to MW....this is my "other" favorite site.
  16. onions? like onions from fbtb? to your question, i don't apply the stickers that come with the valks. as you mentioned they just peel and start to fall off and unfortunately yamato makes the worst stickers in the world. as someone mention get the takatoys stickers, go nuts and save the originals if you plan to sell them one day. a complete, un-used, original sticker sheet will only increase the value of your valks. didn't someone used to offer waterslide decals??? *whoops* i gotta learn to read. "Anasazi" is the man with the waterslide decals. shoot him a PM and i'm sure he'll hook you up with the goods.
  17. What you said! I think (when you compare to the line art) that the Q-Rau is the most accurate toy that Yamato has produced so far. I´m a Q-Rau fanatic and proportion and sculpt wise it gets a ten in my book! I should get my Q-Rau from Kevin in a day or two and I know for sure that when I open the damn box I won´t be dissapointed This toy is what I expected. it sure is the most accurate so far out of everything! BTW, did i mention i love this toy! everytime i walk by it, i gotta play with it. i currently have it being jumped by a bunch of valks while its tearing the limbs off a CF. though, i think i'm going to have to put a thin layer of nail polish on the ball joint on fingers just so its grips a little tighter. i can't wait to see if they make other colors and/or versions. way off topic but, i wish i had one of those toy WWE royal rumble rings just for kicks! i'd have hikaru and max double teaming her, holding her arms open and i'd have roy coming off the top turn-buckle with a drop kick. i think it'll make from some macross fun.
  18. i see them hitting clearance in less than a month after its release. the mistake is they're trying to put a "collectors price tag" on this but its nothing more than an unneeded accessory. tripods stands, s i t h l o r d still sells them i think? also twinmoons and VE and just about every other macross retailer(in the US) that gets mentioned here.
  19. yamato stayed true to the original design and didn't alter it based on "it'll be so much cooler if". instead they stuck with the original line art which IMO was smarter than making their "own version" of it. its not fair to compare the q-rau to a valk. simply cause the valk was designed and drawn with poseable features as the q-rau was mostly seem in fixed positions. it was also far easier to create "swivel joints" for poseability for a valk without having to alter the original design....too much. besides, could you imagine all the bitchin if they made the q-rau different from whats it was suppose to look like? i can only imagine dozen upon dozen of threads devoted to bashing this toy if it didn't look exactly like it was suppose to. the legs are too thin. the feet are too small. the arms are suppose to be curved, the knees shouldn't bend like that, its not suppose to have knees, whats up with those elbows, WTF is up with that BS? and everything else you could imagine people here would complain about. no matter what yamato makes, theres always something to bitch about.
  20. got mine too and i'm quite happy with it...well it sure beats the one i didn't exist. my gripes... the flat white paint they used with no protective coating. i can see this scratching off real easy and you know its gonna be a pain in the ass to match the color....we all know white, isn't actually white. i had a problem with the ball joints on the feet but after thinking about it for a while, theres no other way to make it so the feet are poseable and i know if they made a fixed foot design, we'd all be bitchin and moaning. other than that, i'm quite happy with my purchase and i plan to get another when the price comes down. IMO, i think its probably the most collectable of all the macross releases by yamato so far. on a side note regarding poses, i got mine to do this!
  21. Somehow, I don't think you'll get off so easily. what esle is new? LOL i already have a feeling that a certain member here is going to fan the flames real soon. lets see if he can control himself or if he goes into flamer mode. anyhoo, i tried my best to not to come across angry...well other than the ALL CAPS.
  22. well let me get the bitchin started here and say, i think this is the one yamato product we should all boycott. THERES NO WAY IN HELL I OR ANYONE ELSE, SHOULD PAY $40 FOR A DISPLAY STAND THAT YOU HAVE TO BUILD YOURSELF NO LESS(according to HLJ). i've seen the pics and i'm sure its super fresh but $40 of super fresh? i think not, thats almost, if not more, than the 1/60 GBP armor and it definitely costs more than a bandai valk. and IMHO, thats just OUT OF HAND! on top of that, you and i both KNOW its going to come packaged in some GIANT ass box so they can rape us on the shipping. and so no one goes off on me, to those who think its worth it, more power to you, get as many as you like. i'm sure its gonna be an awesome display stand, but me, i'll stick with the $20 tripod stands and won't post regarding the price or this product again. hehehe
  23. go with the VF-1S or the VF-1J it really doesn't matter which one you pick cause you'll be buying more.... and soon you'll become a valkoholic like the rest of us. :lol i started with just one...now i'm grown ass man with a lot of toys.
  24. hotnesss???? a requirement..... is she breathing? does she have a pulse? i'm so in!
  25. my main problem is people come over and get psyched like they're in a toy store. i simply say, if you break it you're replacing it with a brand new one and then i let them know how much whatever costs and they usually just look but.... you always got that a-hole that shows up thats gotta touch everything. i had one nutsack reaching for my low-viz which i put a stop to and then he proceded to look through my closets like he was casing the joint out. so i grabbed his crap and threw it out in the hallway and told him to "GET OUT!!! and if see you in my building again, i'm gonna cut your head off with my sword and call it self defense". i mean, what kind of person shows up at a strangers house and starts looking through their closets? and this wasn't just some kid, the guys 32 years old!
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