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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. nice dude! i might have to pick up a couple since the original ones DON'T HOLD THE GUN POD! you'd think they test them before sending them into production.
  2. i don't have half them valks and i probably won't....thats not my steez.
  3. i don't think the boxes and velcro having anything to do with it.... all my boxes have velcro. on the 1S you can tell by the crooked skull print on one of the tail fins, i believe its the one goes over the top. it also has the "nose cone syndrome". it falls off when you're TFing all the time. its not that big of a deal...i take it off all my valks when i TF them....its gonna fall off no matter what. the 1A also has the nose cone syndrome but no crooked skull(i think?). the flaps are loose...they just came that way at the time. i think at some point in the "collecting game, the first releases will be sought after. theres always people that are out there like that and theres nothing wrong with it. its unfortunate a part of collecting....what can you do? my advice is, if you want one to play with, get the 2nd release its a little more durable so it can take some normal wear and tear....not that i'd do that to my valks. if you just want one to keep MIB get the 1st release that way it'll stay buttery FOREVER! maybe you'll bust it out on special days so you can display it in fighter mode.....only. :lol
  4. Yeah but Hikaru never had the FPS for his VF-1J in the TV Macross. Only when his VF-1S (Roy's plane) had the FP. i'll have to double check but if my memory serves me correctly, they show the 1J w/FP twice every episode. once in the intro, once in the ending. either way, thats why its the most recognizable valk. you didn't even need to watch the whole show to see the 1J hikaru/hunter valkyrie/veritech.
  5. well i'm chiming in late here and i'm not a huge wrestling fan but all i really have to say is.... NWO
  6. now all you have to do is break something on that valk, and you'll be one of us. FYI, watch out for the backpack hinge when you get it.
  7. why would they? its not worth the trouble and they'd be jacking themselves if they did. they released the M&M's w/FPs for reason....so they wouldn't have to make seperate armors for the 2 of them later on down the road. say they did release non-FP M&M's....a year later people would be bitchin about how yamato isn't putting out the matching colored M&M armors right? they only did it with the VF-1J hikaru because its the most recognizable valk of all the valks....even more than the 1S roy. they knew for a fact that fans of macross AND robotech would both buy it. and if they only offered the VF-1J by itself, we'd have people bitchin about why yamato didn't release the FPs in the TV colors. sooo, they decided to release both version to give the fans a choice for the most popular/recognizable valk and they were samrt in doing so. so no it ain't happening.
  8. but at least those are full model diorama's they are not "static" unlike busts, plus they display the entire firgure(s) not 1/3rd of them lemme guess you're one of those fanboys who bought them huh? j/k or they could just drill out the mouth of the bust and go to town!
  9. its definitely a fanboy product. i don't think too many people would buy them, but heck, people are paying out the butt for friggin bookends.
  10. i wouldn't go that far. while i/we might not be interested at the moment, sometimes people change their minds...it happens all the time. i'd actually have to watch some of the other mac series to get into them but i haven't, nor do i have the desire to cough up $$$ for a bunch of DVD's when theres more important stuff to buy....like more valks. yamato doesn't produce too many other cool products from what i can tell, so i can't see them closing up shop when the macross/robotech line is finished. if anything, they'll continue by making the VF's from the other movies/series. but in the end, i guess we'll have to wait and see.
  11. hey neova, if you part out a 1S roy, i'll take the wing with the "001" printed on it. its part # R-W1 in the yamato parts list. i'll also take the 1S head or atleast put me down on the waiting list. thanks!
  12. whoops! i meant to vote yes. sure why not? if its from the original macross/robotech series, yes i would continue to buy it as long as the quality is there and the price is right. oh and i'd buy the mac+ valks for sure but thats about it for me. i don't know anything about the other macross series out there, i only watched the original series as a kid and basically started collecting for the memories.
  13. so thats where my(used to be mine) valk is going. sweet! can't wait til its finished.
  14. do not disturb

    Max VF-1S

    huh? whats the color of the wings suppose to be? i thought the 1S max was the same as the 1A max, just a different head? because the different marking one the wing, MAX 1S iS "001" MAX 1A is "013" : ) wow that was a fast reply. i guess could just slap a off white sticker over it 013 and put the 001 sticker over it. i just don't like painting anything unless i absolutely have to. either way, i think i'll live with the incorrect numbers on the wing if thats the only thing thats different.
  15. do not disturb

    Max VF-1S

    huh? whats the color of the wings suppose to be? i thought the 1S max was the same as the 1A max, just a different head?
  16. if they make it, i will come. i definitely would NOT buy it if the price was over $200.....no way in hell! it doesn't make sense to pay that much, period. in the scale they'd have to make it, they wouldn't be able to do much with it IMHO. yeah it might transform and have some articulation but what other features can build into it? some opening doors and hatches ain't gonna cut it for $200, not for me any way.
  17. do not disturb

    Max VF-1S

    Yeah, but even for simple customs/conversions like this, not everyone has the skill to do them. this is as simple as it gets, it took 10 minutes to swap out the heads. the trick is not to actually removed the heads from the swivel piece(dark grey piece attached to the head). just remove the screw right underneath the wheel of the front langing gear. pull it apart, swap out the the piece with the attached head, put it back together and thats about it. i originally tried to unscrew the head from the swivel piece but that doesn't work too well. the A heads come off nice and easy, but the S and J heads are hard to take off and even harder to put back on. the stickers, i did this using scissors and it took 5 minutes to cut out. all i had to do was follow the blue border of the left over part from the FP stx(#6 on the FP sticker sheet). if you're looking at it, this would make more sense but you'll see what i'm talking about. its the same width and shape as the the yellow painted arrow in the side of the S head. just cut along the borders, peal, stick, you're done.
  18. do not disturb

    Max VF-1S

    heres a close up pic of the head.
  19. do not disturb

    Max VF-1S

    i still say make your own, like this one. no paint was needed, i basically took the left over blue outlined portion of the FP stickers and cut it to fit for the markigns on the head.
  20. of course i think the prices of macross toys are expensive...don't we all? do i think 1/48 are worth $150? HELL NO, but it isn't stopping me from buying them. it wouldn't be the first time i paid for something that wasn't worth the cost, but thats up to each individual to decide.
  21. FYI.... nothing is perfect and everything sucks, everyone sucks, it sucks, it sucks, it sucks! don't buy anything you don't like and if you do, don't bitch about it here or you'll get the big, I TOLD YOU SO!
  22. ahhh the memories. i think everyone in the US had ones of these things. all it took was one person to show up to school with it, then everyone had to have one. much like any other toys kids brought to school. i wonder if someone has one that still works.
  23. Yeah brutha... I'm in Fayettenam. This town sucks for anime, and general culture, but I do enjoy the Carolina style barbeque. whhhhaaaattttt! wolfpac in DA HOUSE! i went to college at NC state and ended moving to durham for a while. i miss NC...free parties, free beer, free chicks, everything is cheap, man that was the life. i actually granduated from hillside high school....i think i was the first non-black graduate in that school ever. 1 asian guy and 1000+ black dudes all looking at me like, "WTF are you doing here?" fayettenam...thats good stuff.
  24. i didn't like how it had the ceilings either but it wasn't that bad of a deal to transform into battroid mode, you just had to be quick to use the counter fire button and gun down the enemy missiles. i'd really like to play the new macross game but i don't understand japanese nor do i have a compatiable PS2.
  25. do not disturb

    Max VF-1S

    why don't people just buy the resin heads that are available? it seems like the easiest choice. i understand that die-hard collectors don't get down with customs but IMO, its the best alternative to something that won't/hasn't been made. i don't know why everyone dislikes the 1A max, i think its great! though, it would look cool with an S head. i think i'm gonna score some extra heads when i get some loot up....
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