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do not disturb

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Everything posted by do not disturb

  1. problem: the nose cone falls off everytime i transform it. solution: take the nose cone off first, then transform it. problem: the flaps keep falling off. solution: glue it down, nobody plays with the flaps...do they? problem: the skull emblem is crooked solution: get a FP set, you'll never have to look at the crooked skull again. problem: hands are to flimsy solution: get some new ones. use your imagination, i've already found some replacement hands for the 1/48's problem: the landing gear is too tough to get open and closed solution: file down the tabs that lock down the landing gear or get a display stand. problem: pimple? i haven't seen one? solution: if so, paint and/or file it down. problem: they left the yellow off roy's back pack. solution: paint one on, or get any yellow sticker and cut it to fit. these are some of the problems with the 1S but nothing that can't be fixed easily and nothing that involves dismantling the toy at all. yes, i would've have liked it if they all came with no QC issues, but as with any "new" toy, its going to have its problems and yamato has heard the voice of the people and corrected their mistakes. i also have the 1st version, as i stated in a different thread and as Tom mentioned, the 1st run of the 1S will be worth more from a collectors standpoint, just like anything else thats collectible. i can't think of a single thing that was re-released or re-issued, thats worth more than the original.
  2. okay, kind of newbie question but.... whats the difference between the 1st robotech series and the animeigo release of the macross series? is the animation the same? is the story the same? whats real the difference? i've seen the mac movie which i thought was kind of strange since i grew up watching robotech. it was kind of all over the place and hard to follow. anyhow, let me know fella's.
  3. i've saved this so far.... $50- monster, $10 a week $50- q-rau, $10 a week $100- for the VF-1J w/FP, $20 a week $200 for 2 more low-viz...gotta have a 1S and 1J, $20 a week i'm gonna be trying to score 2 sets of TV FP's that comes with the 1J's. i'll probably try and trade a reg. FP for the TV FP's. hopefuly some of you will hate the TV fp's and wanna trade up for the reg FP's w/strike cannon. whats really killing me is my other hobby...star wars lego. they just released a bunch of new sets and some old ones that totals $700- or so. safe to say my christmas bonus is going to a nice vacation or more toys....which ever i want/need more at the time.
  4. yamato all the way if you're going to get a 1/48, then i don't see you wanting to get a 1/60 afterwards. i started with the 1/60's, so i have no choice but to get them all, but you since you're just starting out, you should stick strictly to the 1/48's. B) don't get me wrong i LOVE my 1/60's, but i know if i got a 1/48 first, i wouldn't have given the 1/60's another look. the 1/48 has the perfect transformation deal but has some scale issues regarding the "pecker" on that bad boy, the over-sized chest plate, and the skinney arse arms. i'm nitpicking of course but thats what you're going to deal with. the 1/60 looks the best overall in all 3 modes, but no prefect trans, meaning you're taking things off adding things on for each mode. the detachable leg is something you love or hate, theres no inbetween. as drifand mentioned, its a crap shoot, you might get a good one you might get a bad one. i still love the 1/60's good or bad. the bandai are the best for doing whatever, customizing and play value is far better than the 1/48 and 1/60. but its chunk and ugly, if you compare to the 1/48 or 1/60 DO NOT BUY TOYNAMI MASTER PIECE COLLECTION.
  5. i got a joon's? VF-1J back when i was 9 or 10 years old. i don't know if it was a joons for sure, but my dad was on business in korea, so i assume was. i remember i let a kid in my class borrow it and he broke the antenna's off the head. EDDIE MORGAN FROM P.S. 215 IN BROOKLYN.... IF YOU'RE OUT THERE, I STILL HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN WHAT YOU DID, YOU ROTTEN BUM!!!
  6. here here! he sure was a dork...he spent how many days trapped with minmay????? and he still couldn't get none. the brotha has no game. if that was me, i would've bagged that booty the first minute we got trapped..... "yo, baby, this is it, looks like the end",.... "so why don't you on this, it'll keep your strength up". B) ahhhhh........ but don't hate on the VF-1J, thats my shiz-nit!
  7. VF-1S roy. while the roy's 1S is very common, theres a reason for it.....its the most popular of robotech/macross toys next to the VF-1J, which is only so, since its in the intro and ending of every robotech episode. the yellow 1S was in both robotech and macross, while the red 1A and 1S were only shown in macross and to tell you the truth, i don't remember even seeing a red 1S? i know it definitely wasn't in the robotech series. roys 1S is more common but is a must have for any robotech/macross fan....its like not having a max.
  8. i just picked up a brand new one for $110- which IMO, isn't bad. i was going to wait for th re-issue but couldn't be patient. now, even though i know the first release has its problems, i think in the long run, it'll be worth more. if you think about it, some of the yamato's, i.e original yf-19 goes for way more than the re-issued ones. kind of strange that people know about the "hip" problem and the weird "tab thingy" that seems to break, yet they still pay more for it, just because its the original. i think all the imperfections such as the crooked skull printing and yellow paint that was left off the backpack is what makes the original 1S more "unusual" and worth more overall. and as with all re-issues, it will never be worth more than the original release, especially the first production run......but thats just my opinion.
  9. if they increase the branpresto line i'd buy a whole bunch! i like that the BP are affordable for "army building" but kind of pointless to get them if they don't make any enemy mecha. i would love to see a mini glaug, q-rau, and all the regults and it varients. if they plan to make them i'd score dozens of them for sure....but i highly doubt, that they'll invest in the line. i know HLJ are selling the brownie and vj-1j non-FP, for $3+.
  10. check out this fools auction.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...&category=16514 kind of fishy that the high bidder has past transactions with the seller but "0" feedback. <_< could it be the same dude? <_< could it be more shill bidding? <_< you decide, but i know i'll be avoiding this guys auction for sure.
  11. i don't know times, people, and places but i do know i did NOT like the hands from the get go. the hands would be fine by me, if a certain company that makes *cough* MPC's *cough-cough* didn't make better ones. sad but true, as it was pointed out in another thread.
  12. i hope they make it in light grey, *crossing fingers* as i am not too fond of white since it tends to yellow over time. however, i don't mind the red high-lights as much as yourself since i happen to be a 1J kind of guy but i can see how the paint could be boring. i find the other 1/48's(excluding low-viz) paint schemes kind of YAWN myself since there seems to be no disguishing marks of any kind other than a blue stripe here and a red stripe there. BTW, i'm not complaining, i'm just stating my opinions....well sort of.
  13. low-viz 1J i want a low-viz squadron. all i need is a 1J head, 1S head, and 2 more low-viz.
  14. i'm down for the cause! i too would like some TV style hands available. whether it comes with it or if yamamto sells them seperately, i would buy them for sure. anyone doing any kind of resin casts for different 1/48 hands? if so hit me up or someone point me in the right direction please. thanks!
  15. those pics look pretty good! well, one problem i having with yamato in general, is the lack of "hands" included and/or available. <_< sculpting a hand is not that hard and doesn't cost that much to make, especially those TV style hands. personally like the the TV style hands as opposed to the petite ladies hands the 1/48's have now. yeah they're articulate, but they were only designed to hold a gun and thats it! for 150 big ones, i think yamato could've done better. *whine* i would really love it, if yamato included 5 sets of different hands with each 1/48. not to sound like ned flanders, but we need some lefty gun gripping hands that aren't silly looking.
  16. hello! why not just glue it back on?
  17. yes for sure, it'll be a bit pricy but really cool if someone pulls it off. i was thinking about scoring a bunch of branprestos for just this reason. i just check HLJ and they're having a super sale on them....$4- each. perhaps thats the route i should go but my only problem is, i don't see them making any enemy mecha....ever! if i had some guarantee, i would buy them up by the truck loads. BTW, i too have 100+ lego stormies and clonies to consider them an army. i plan to make a mini movie of sorts when i have some time...Star Wars vs. Macross. but i think my SW army and fleets would vastly out number the valks i own. does anyone know where i can upload images to be posted here on MW? i know theres a bunch of sites, but many have rules that won't allow you to post pics that are not directly related to the site. *added* ewilen, you got the right idea, my sentiments exactly! now only if yamato would.........
  18. i would like to say i'm an army builder but........i'm too broke right now. i mentioned this before cause i'm into having multiples, especially enemy mecha. personally, i would like to see all the battle pod varients, q-rau, and glaug. if the bat. pods are cheap enough, i would buy something along the lines of 50 over time. the q-rau i KNOW is going to be expensive so i can't see me buying more than 4-5 total and i believe the glaug will be the same. now, don't get me wrong i'd love to have an army of them too but the price tag is gonna hurt and i'll probably be able to buy 5 bat pods for every 1 q-rau/glaug. B) as far as valks go, obviously a skull squad, and a s**tload of brownies! i'll probably try and do this with the 1/60's seeing as they are the most affordable as of now...$25-$30 or so i'm talking atleast 20-30 of them over time. my pockets are NOT that deep, actually they aren't deep at all, but i know how to save my money. every week i put aside $20- for each macross item i want. if it means i'm eating ramen for a few months, thats fine by me. i have a fund going for the 1/48 1J, another low-viz, the reissue 1S, monster, the q-rau, and RDF if it ever comes outs, an SDF-1 of some kind and anything else i have my eye on. i don't make much but i only have to support myself so its not too bad. i really do hope to win the megamillions though! i'd clean out yamatos entire factory....heck i'd buy yamato!
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