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Everything posted by arbit

  1. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    That reminds me of the original Hi-Metal line. It started well, but then after a couple Macross 7 valks, it went belly up. So I would stick to SDFM if I was them.
  2. Renato, i think it is hard for us who have never visited Japan to actually understand this issue. We always hear and read that anime is a sub-culture and not really part of the mainstream in Japan. We read that anime fans are called derogatory names, etc. At the same time, this seems contradicted by images we see of Japanese youth and adults carrying their manga on the subway and akihabara scenes. And everyone I ever met from Japan loves Heidi, Totoro and Yamato. So, it seems to me there is fine line between what is mainstream and what is not which we cannot understand from afar. So my question is, what would qualify as really sub-culture in Japan? Is it any type of mecha sci-fi anime like Macross, or is it something more like Moe, etchi, loli, or Hentai which is clearly looked down upon in the mainstream? Even my question seems contradicted by all that we hear about nudity being TOTALLY NORMAL in Japan, which I find hard to believe given its conservative society. I'm sure you've heard that response on the web hundreds of times, when someone questions nudity or etchi in anime, and the response is, "You clearly don't understand the cultural differences". Would be good to hear actual feedback from someone on the ground.
  3. arbit

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I'm an Ozma and Roy fan, so I think Arad is my vote here. VF-31S.
  4. crazysteve, thanks for those Factory images. I will probably do a mix of some of those ideas, aiming for darker colors. If I had more skill, I would try lighter anime colors, but I don't think I could pull it off.
  5. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Except for the old Takatoku's, there hasn't been a complete set of Destroid toys. So I am really psyched for the full range in HM-R after all these years.
  6. arbit

    Macross figures

    Every good valk needs at least one idol figure posed with it! I'm thinking I don't need every Delta repaint. And I'm sure there will be new better valks introduced, not just the VF-31 and the SV. So maybe a Benpresto Walkure idol group set, with 3 valks, will do me for Delta. HM-R takes priority.
  7. arbit

    Macross figures

    New year's resolution?
  8. arbit

    Macross figures

    Looks like there are Banpresto figures coming. I guess we will have a hard time getting those.
  9. I just hope its not a Robot Damashi.
  10. Very excited about this. I wonder about the scale and line. Seems like some kind of Tamashii Metal Build?
  11. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Now I'm sure we will get M&Ms soon.
  12. I'm planning to do the 1/100 Macross Factory for my HM-Rs. Has anyone seen any good completed ones for ideas? I've found a lot of the 1/60 scratch builds images on MW, but not much for the 1/100.
  13. arbit

    Macross figures

    Thanks for the side by side. I had not noticed the difference without it.
  14. arbit

    Macross figures

    Hmmm... Based on your opinion, how would you rate this new Max Factory figure?
  15. arbit

    Macross figures

    no3ljm, Thanks for the before and after pics. Actually, it was not that clear to me how good the before painting would be. Now I'm in, if you're sure about those pics.
  16. Strange knees on that Draken.
  17. arbit

    Macross figures

    If I try to paint this new Max Factory Minmay, it will look like something out of Perfect Blue. I wonder why they aren't selling it painted...There are a lot of good artists out there. I'm not one of them.
  18. arbit

    Macross figures

    Although I have tons of 'em, I'm not a figure aficionado. I know you're into figures, so I take your word for it. But educate me, why is it horrendous from a figure collector's perspective? Looks fine to me. Still, I would take another GREAT Minmay figure any day.
  19. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    No one back then would have guessed HM line would be Resurrected. Its a good thing Bandai took the plunge. I am sure they have their market data before making decisions, but if you look how long they have been doing Dunbine figures, maybe its a no-brainer for them that Macross would also work. I definitely wouldn't have expected them to do so many new figures, but that's what is going to make it work. Look what we got already: Regult, Monster, Glaug, Cannon Fodder, and even Destroids on the way. These are pretty amazing times.
  20. arbit

    Macross figures

    For me the Gotto Kurou is the finest Minmay figure ever, in terms of both quality and carrying spirit of original character design. Any other nominations for great Minmay figures from the past? This new Max figure looks very modern and cute, but doesn't remind me much of Mikimoto's design.
  21. Personally, I am avoiding the SpoilerCast until the series is over, to form my own opinions. But can't wait to binge listen when it's all over.
  22. Near-finished Wave Legioss with crew. Trying to work on my photography.
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