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Everything posted by arbit

  1. I too rock out to Basara. There is better Fire Bomber music than was shown in the series itself, which painfully replayed the same hero song over and over. Fact is the lead singer has one of the best set of set of Rock vocal chords ever. I'm sure he can do a mean AC/DC cover. Nice to see the ladies represented. Makes me optimistic Macross would be great for my young daughter in a couple years. Kids are always smarter than we think they are, and they pick up on the smallest things and remind you about it weeks later. I'm struggling with how to explain the obligatory "shower scenes" in even tame fare like Macross, Southern Cross and Gundam.
  2. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    They could have made them rotate out, without springs. The kid in me always wants a perfect transformation, even before I knew what that meant.
  3. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    I just wish they had internal landing gears. Is there an engineering impediment to this?
  4. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Some dates here. Someone translate.
  5. I can just see little kids rocking out to Basara.
  6. My ears are still ringing from 7. He can watch that on his own!
  7. Yeah, I don't see Frontier on our playlist any time soon! Sheryl is definitely NSFKids. Maybe Mac II and then Plus (Subs only in my house from here on!)
  8. "Is Roy really dead?" "Why don't they make season 2?"
  9. Of course! Valk names are all part of a healthy upbringing. And my bad, he is eleven now.
  10. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Why is there no Hikaru TV version in the VF-1S? He does fly it for over 20 episodes. And I wonder if we get Q-Raus. I just realized that for Max to ride the Q-Rau in DYRL, he would have to have been grown to Zentraedi size.
  11. Here's a new quote: "Why do have to have a valkyrie if its only in the movie for like 3 seconds?"
  12. I finally rewatched Macross with my ten-year eleven-year old son. Honestly, I was concerned whether he would bail after a few episodes, since he has been brought up on the best recent movies and cartoons, and he never shows interest in my toys and models. The good news is that he seemed to love it, considering that he kept asking for more till we were done, and continued right on into DYRL subtitled. His comment on the recent Blu Ray was hilarious, "Why are the designs fuzzy?" So all is good in the world, and it seems Macross will hold up for future generations. I did introduce Macross to him in English, so it is still a good gateway after all. Some funny observations from his little mind: He had all the same questions I had when I first watched it in the 80's ("So who is Hikaru going to end up with, or is he going to keep going back and forth?"). "Is Misa coming back to the SDF-1, wouldn't want it to be left alone to Sammy and those three girls." He even had a sharper eye than I did for the different mecha designs ("The Regults are the cannon fodder for the Zentraedi, right?") He was definitely a Lisa fan, and had no patience for Minmay's attitude. Personally, I was always a Minmay fan. ("Why do you have so many Minmay figures?". "Uhhh, they're for your sister, son". So there you go, the circle continues. "Do you have a Max figure?" And please post your experiences with your kids. It would be fun.
  13. I wonder what happened with your 1/60 plans for redoing the set?
  14. arbit

    Macross figures

    I don't get the acrylic stands...
  15. derex3592, you are "Number One Inbit Fan". Here's something I've been planning for a while, lighted 1/1000 Yamato. I really want to kit bash this with a Tamiya 1/700 IJN Yamato and photo-etched add-on parts for railings and such, but I don't know if I can make it work. (That's the sound of chicken.)
  16. Great work on that motor! What a beauty. Which is bigger in size, the Imai or the Neptune?
  17. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    You mean this?
  18. Thanks. I'll never reach your level, but I hope you were tickled to see something new. Zentraedi don't get enough attention.
  19. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Do not use a Dremel on model plastic. It will melt it.
  20. arbit

    Hi-Metal R

    Bandai? Accuracy? I think they are confusing these with toys. As I keep telling my kids, I do not play with "toys", we have determined to call them "models".
  21. arbit

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Not sure if Hayate's color scheme is going to drive sales of kits. Do people find it bland, or just me?
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