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Everything posted by Kurisama

  1. I love the grey but would crap my dacks for a CF VF-1A scheme on a 0D.
  2. Well, there go sales on my custom upgrades! Unless ppl are going to convey all their old yammies.
  3. The shape of the blurred lines up top with what looks like a wing... VF-0D?
  4. Agreed, I'd also love to see a scaled-down MP09 (simplified areas too) so that he is in scale with Prowl etc. Imagine MP Magnus, scaled-down Hotrod, Springer, Arcee and Kup :3
  5. Trailbreaker being remolded as Hoist - I thought for sure there was a third remold - but this just shows how much I don't care for the character! I'd kinda like to see reflector - I have a soft spot for cloned sculpts - especially from G1. Insecticons would be very cool too. Dat blockyness.
  6. I think realistically, we'll see official releases of Ironhide & Ratchet (popularity & mold milking), Jazz & Hound (popularity) in time - I think these guys are definite. Trailbreaker maybe... He does have mininmal tooling and paint apps to turn him into to the other dudes (names escape me) and with Bee coming out - could Cliffjumper be far behind? Although technically he wasn't a VW beetle, but traditionally he's been redeco. Mirage and Sunstreaker are candidates for 3P treatment I think - not much chance of official mold milking/redeco for these, so I don't think takara would be too interested. These guys could get diaclone releases too. We are already seeing minibots too emerging and there are still a few of them to go to complete the original cast. Then again I haven't considered season 2 or movie autobots or any cons for that matter. Cons, I'd love to see would be a v2 Megatron.
  7. What do you all think about the slow but sure trickle of MP class 3P figures? There is definitely a market for bots that are not likely to be made by Takara due to licencing or perceived popularity/sales. Who'd you like to see that you don't think will see the light if day, in an official capacity?
  8. Negatory. I was, then couldn't dedicate time to it. Then I sold my VF-171s. Sorry
  9. Careful, I just did that - I had 2 separate orders for 2 '19s... reordered 2 more and cancelled the current 2 - now only 1 shows up. Even tho I ordered again - so technically there should be 3 on my account...
  10. If you're good at something, never do it for free.
  11. I didn't mean to offend! But yeah, it could have a much better box, but I'm pretty meh about boxes - until it has amazing art - if that makes sense... Ha. But for the price I pay for toys, I consider the cost as for the toy only. Beautiful box art is a bonus.
  12. Skullmilitia, clearly - you don't know many 'entry level' Photoshopists... I deal with a lot of them, and they'd struggle to do this sort of thing. I'm sure the could also pay decent animators to do box art - more than decent, the best of the best animators! But then again animators, you know... Animate. So their design skills as well as Photoshop skills may be next to nil.
  13. A little OT, but I've been searching for clear images of the rest of the Takara G1 re-issue from a few years back - the ones in the display boxes, they had 'data-files' of a handful of characters in each box. These are the ones I have, scanned them this morning - anyone have more that they can scan for me or point me in a good direction? LOOK AT THEM OMG SO AWESUM.
  14. Haha, I don't mind that much at all really - and really - what a torture for them! He knows to respect my stuff and never tries to transform them, only pose them - he gets me to do the 'hard' work. Plus he enjoys them more than i do, i think
  15. Wait until they're almost 4... Then they don't leave daddy's man cave and play/fondle/ravage all the transformers and eyeballs the 1/60 valks - telling me that one day when he's 'bigger an bigga' he can play with them. He has plenty of classics and assorted TFs as well as a few choice Macross GN-U Dous - but that doesn't quench the thirst for the yammies... And I can't blame him.
  16. Are you kidding? That Skywarp scheme is hawt!
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