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Valkyrie Magnus

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Magnus

  1. I want to support Arcadia, but I really do not like the 30th anniversary Valkyrie. I'll sleep on it.
  2. I actually went panic buying in November when I noticed that Valkyries were starting to become discontinued. Here's my pile since late November the exception are the Bandai stuff but still it counts because of how hard renewals are to get.
  3. How many times we the collectors have been burned by something announced to be a high priced collectible ends up valued at less than msrp and then the one forgotten item no one cared about ends up being worth a lot I think we as collectors have to do our part to support Arcadia to keep the good Valkyries coming.
  4. I can wait too lol. I spent a lot on toys and my other hobbies need attention, not to mention home projects.
  5. Funny you said that. I grew up watching EA-6B's Prowlers flying around.
  6. That's what I love about this forum you think your collection is good then you see something you initially thought you were good without and suddenly you have to have it many many many times this has happened to me. Love the pictures guys! Makes me more anxious to get mine in the mail and slap them on my 29
  7. I liked my 29's with out the super packs, but because of this thread I had to buy them and can't wait to put it in my 29
  8. I guess I'll have to drop by since we live in the same city joke only.
  9. Yes it is! This makes post #600 for me. I do love the VF-19.
  10. Thats funny I didnt even think to check, Yes the TV version is bright white and the DYRL is off white.
  11. I picked up the DYRL Cannon Fodder VF-1A today and now ends my buying frenzy. Have I said this before? Maybe 5x before? Anyways, now I'll wait and see what Arcadia has to offer.
  12. Man I was sooooooo excited and now this
  13. Well I placed an order for them. Thanks for convincing me Benson. The price and shipping wasn't bad.
  14. I gotta get this too. What's the time frame for its release. Really good news:D
  15. I had trouble getting one too. I got one off of Amazon(which has since sold out) back in November.
  16. Wow! Even now they are tight lipped about the whole thing. Looks like we are not out of the woods quite yet and the future of Arcadia Valkyries isn't firm yet.
  17. I am a big fan of the 19's. that's an awesome display! The P and the F are my favorites.
  18. Wow! The amount of Angelbirds are impressive. I bet you in the Macross universe the un spacy didn't have that many Angelbirds in the squadron. Very very impressive Kicker!
  19. I like this idea, it does sound logical.
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