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Valkyrie Magnus

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Magnus

  1. Better than grate balls of flame like the Migs lol
  2. Crap that means I have to have 3 Elintseekers
  3. Nice loot you have there Loop. I would have wanted 3 also but I am out of space. Maybe I should put my MPC and V1 1/60's away to create more space for the newer valks. Btw I know how long HLJ can be too.
  4. Nice! If I had 2 I would have one without the armor and label the back seat "Goose" and the front seat "Maverick"
  5. Lol yes that's true! I was wondering if I could put that out there without anyone noticing.
  6. 1/48 fans Unite! I have 13 of them and I love them all.
  7. This is strange about the Milia selling for so much. Back in March I bought one off of Anime Export for over $300 and my friends thought I was crazy for doing so. Now it looks like I did it just in time before the prices went crazy.
  8. Well since we know the 1st thing being offered. I will wait for the Arcadia Super Ostrich, because$466 is way too much for me.
  9. I don't want to do that, but I guess I will. The "nightmare" transformation begins.
  10. This ensures my UN Spacy force controls the airspace of North Seattle. My Valkyries reign supreme! Lol
  11. Hahaha a lot better thanks! I love those planes but I will admit they literally a nightmare to transform. Frustrating beyond belief. That's why I love them in fighter mode. I will transform this one day when I feel over confident lol and I can take on the world
  12. Well this does sound like good news and some hope instead of a Macross dark age some of us feared (myself included). Seems like eBay prices are still high but hope is on the horizon.
  13. That was a great deal! I did the same thing back then and bought 4 strike packs. Looking back I could've bought at least 3 more.
  14. I got mine today! I was home sick with a cold so I was able to open it up right away even though I was sick.
  15. #500 post I'll buy whatever comes out though I prefer 1/60. If its 1/72 it might still be cool.
  16. Well I'll buy this Valkyrie, but it won't be transformed because if the paint scheme.
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