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Valkyrie Magnus

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Everything posted by Valkyrie Magnus

  1. Mine didnt make it out of Japan yet but I too will leave it fighter mode because I dont enjoy transforming it either.
  2. My VF-17S was great right out of the box but my VF-17D had loose ankles and the cockpit canopy stuck closed and I couldn't open it. I got open just enough to slide in the pilot. I still like them a lot though. Nice heavy feel. I like how it transforms better than the VF-171.
  3. Wow good point! Very tempting. Thanks for the heads up. I did buy it from AE.
  4. For me VF-17 vs VF-171. They are both a nightmare to transform and both stay in fighter mode in my house.
  5. They can be fun to play with..... As long as you keep them in fighter mode and never transform them lol
  6. Thanks! I can't wait to armor up the VF-1J
  7. Nice Kicker! Makes me want to get the Batman also, but I don't need another collection obsession hahahaha
  8. I did the exact same thing. I should've just placed the pre order. eBay is way too expensive.
  9. I couldn't wait so I shipped it right away
  10. Lol I think I have to check in at Valkyries Anonymous =P I was on the fence about getting it too. But it was one Valkyrie I didn't have that was not too expensive. I am glad I did get it.
  11. I gotta stop looking! I said I was done a few pages back and I still have valks coming in. This very addicting.
  12. I did go to an anime store and the guy working there asked me what I like. I said i like old stuff like Macross and he replied You mean Macross Frontier? Then again he didn't know what Space battleship Yamato was either.
  13. You won't be disappointed. I like mine a lot!
  14. I didn't get an e-mail from them. That's strange!
  15. Back in I think 2006 they were not that rare but they are very nice! They're awesome looking Valkyries and popular to buy because of the paint scheme. $160 is a great price.
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