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Everything posted by seti88

  1. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I would hav tot arads 01 would easily make first choice as a fav on most fans list. Scheme has dashes of color plus a cool emblem. Not to mention he is squad leader. I thk the toss up is 02 or 04 for second place. Of course we don't know abt the weapon loadouts yet so that may change preferences. Would any super packs be more like M7 sound speaker-ish or frontier super/tornado....
  2. thats how arcadia gets to sell more of the same last yammie 0s version there was no kite on the nose, now there is and soon in future there will be UN spacy on legs. but that would be a way way future....maybe after another name change..
  3. Not sure if this has been discussed somewhere but found a tweet from jp modellers abt a HWR- monster kit from wave... Just posting in case anyone can translate the description in the pic. I have no idea if this is new or old.
  4. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    i think the more adventurous would take 03,04,05 valks and stick whatever decals on the fuselage top, as the area is practically an empty canvas waiting to be filled.
  5. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    nice post of the 31 close up, IXTL! Looks like the back of the legs has seams that would open up to reveal storage. ...and i still dont see any hatches for landing gear! There are some recessed black holes on the front of the leg, i wonder if it does anything. was hoping to catch some zooms on the bottom of the nose in fighter mode for further confirmation if there is a opening for landing gear there.
  6. @robban nice! those floating 0S pics look like they just flew in from space!
  7. nice pictures of the opposing forces gundam!
  8. From the sequence of the screeching drakens entering for battle, and then a close up of the 262's before pulling into the 31's flying off to engage, felt it was well presented. The 262's ghost boosters added a welcome dimension in dog-fighting. Really exciting to see them rotate, and give the supersonic drakens a real manueverabilty twist. Hopefully they will reappear in future episodes and are not just for subspace travel.... Also felt the 31's gerwalk mode kicked ass in this ep, and felt the punch/difference those tonfa's made in turning the tide during the battle's with the detached ghosts. The tonfa sound had quite a nice sound effect firing too. Overall, thoroughly enjoyed the dogfights sequences and missile launch poses! Hopefully. there would be battroid v battroid dogfights(?) ala isamu/guld ala M+! Am just wondering who would be the main fight to see...we already saw keith vs messer as being equally matched.... keith/arad? keith/hayate? or maybe roid/hayate/arad when roid gets into action in a draken.... yes it did, definately merits a 2nd viewing!
  9. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    You are quite right, there doesnt seem to be any obvious hatch or hinges. Either bandai has gotten really good at covering the hatches.....or.......they dont have landing gears? I dont remember seeing any 31's with landing gear in any promo shots..has anyone?
  10. i didnt know that existed! Those having it must be 'hearing' music in a such a unique way, they probably can read sheet music easier! Maybe thats the parallel delta is going for, to see a battle as a rhythm..(shades of ongoing gundam thunderbolt heh) and so the conductor = commander (in the crystal cave) or roid in his yet to be seen winderemere HQ?/or isit a starship? btw this scene made me lol a lil watching over the subs... i dont imagine you would get away doing that gesture to the band in a concert in the west... Or prob you could if you flashed a cute smile and blinky eyes..
  11. second viewing with subs! More questions than answers... 1. Music is apparently colored in the delta universe and some can 'see' the colors... 2. @17:58 mark As the 31 valks fly down and pose b4 flying off, Hayate mentions someone is late? 3. Var is activated by a songstress in a castle with floating crystals...obvious link and caused by the aerial knights? 4. He is called Master Herman by bogue...no further info on him ... 5. @23:25 Freya has....winderemere power? Is she related to the drakens? Interesting sub plot possibilites...will she end up fighting her kin?
  12. I am wondering who is controlling the boomerangs, the valks or the walkure. From the episode it seems to be the walkure, but kinda useless not to mention to take up precious armament space without any walkure if so. Are they expecting to bring the walkure everywhere, everytime? as long as its not a parts-former
  13. Ah it would be re-shown again in april with the extended cuts? awesome!...was already liking the end for this.. what an opening for ikenai borderline!
  14. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    2 things missing from the toy 31 promo pics were the hidden leg compartments that stored the boomerangs, and high speed mode. I understand abt spoilers on the boomerang, tho the high speed gimmick wouldnt reveal much sub-plots.
  15. You gotta believe in the kawamori magic touch! Its still early in the game, so am keeping my feelings reserved till more is shown. Am more of a valk head but i gotta admit even that girigiri song got me humming it! i was even hoping that there would be walkure dancing amidst the NYE firework's
  16. So on the vf-31...... Mirage's valk has the gun, recharger combo pod.. chuck has the radar (foldable?) pod.. arad's and messer's pod hasnt been revealed yet... hayate's valk hasnt been revealed yet either... might have missed some reveals as it was on NYE... messer deployed the boomarangs but those were from his leg, so i take it all valks will have that capability since the walkure need boomarangs... am not sure how i feel if they would take the 31's into more synchronised dance mode but hey its still early in the watch so keep an open mind..
  17. Yea thats a nice planet scheme for a CF...i think bandai has solved the issues for the 171's so if hey do release it, there might be some uptake.. btw didnt notice there were 2 peeps hiding down there too
  18. I thk the feet looks like a gundam sazabi, with large armor pieces hanging loose? From the screencap, it seems the large 'foot' is 'hollow', indicating it might just be an armor piece overlaying something. However am not sure how that would be implemented in the toy as i didnt seem to see a inner foot in the thrusters.. second that, and waiting for annoucement of ghost sets for the 262! Most likely it would b the wing ghosts + wing pod attachments!
  19. havent seen any fansubs yet, so i dont know who this is...I dont recall him being in the group introduced but since he is one of the draken pilots he must be important?
  20. Front and back certainly look like wheel bay doors based on the square shape. The clear stand grip looks Kinda wide gripping the side of the wing tho. that may cause scratch marks near the insignia...
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