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Everything posted by seti88

  1. The comparison with the 1s is mr k's way of hinting how much the armor might cost 😁😁😄 cmon for whatever price Arcadia is charging throw in detachable missiles or some missile effect parts too for goodness sake ...
  2. http://ameblo.jp/arcadiaac/entry-12150591322.html
  3. Never enough 31A's! Put together with the DX as a mini-me...
  4. http://www.tomytec.co.jp/gimix/lineup/macross/index.html Awesome...stands included! Oh wait...does supplied stand mean its included or there is a stand available for purchase? ...all info i have is via translation...
  5. Hype train now boarding...... http://www.tomytec.co.jp/gimix/lineup/macross_delta/index.html Sold! Cmon amiami where r u... its up too..http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=macross+delta&submit=Search&pagemax=40 meh not cheaper then HS...Prob use HLJ and combo the tomytecs with the 1/72 1D when released, to save shipping...
  6. Its so cheap I might get one or 2 just to practise painting🎨😝
  7. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Only if the design was really an absolutely badass hot pose. Even then that's not a guarenteed want. Cutesy decals will kill the line. I hope we don't go down that road. Else we be getting makeup parts instead of super parts...😄
  8. Viewing thru the phone so everything's a lil bit more tiny 🤓
  9. Am not a betting man so am out 😁 Yea the kit price is more in sticker territory
  10. ooo boy hope this doesnt get too confusing....but...so is the upcoming roy still arcadia white (with hue) or yamato SDFM white?
  11. ohhh thats some precise decaling involved! However if done well it might look real nice too....non-transparent cockpit notwithstanding
  12. The battroid looks thinner in the individual pic compared to the promo poster I can see all the valks parked on the launch platform diaorama... yums! Added with deck crew prepping and talking to pilots!
  13. Finally some acceptable stances for the VF-31! Looks like gerwalk can stand on two legs after all.. https://twitter.com/amiamihobbynews/status/720509946467639296 The main attraction arrives and price too! https://twitter.com/amiamihobbynews/status/720509325190500352 Moar pics!
  14. 31A's head is similar to the 31J...and I thk Mr March somehow inadvertantly linked the 31A as the 31J. Got me thinking on the process of the 31A and 31J being linked together somehow further down in the episodes..
  15. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Mr March mentioned something in the delta ep2 thread that got me thinking and possibly explaining the a01 designation.. Perhaps the a01 is a test valk and hayate would be the test pilot of that valk. It would give more weight to why he is accepted into the squad, plus why there arent any other 31A's lying around in the tarmac. Eventually he would push the valk to its limits so much that to utilise its higher potential they convert the a01 into the 31J type and guess who gets to pilot it...hayate of course! They then approve the 31A non-FSW version for mass production based on hayate's test pilot trials! Possible?
  16. Ah you mean that the 31A seen could be transformed in some way to be hayate's 31J FSW variant? That makes more sense now having that specific shot of the 31A in the episode. Was wondering why it was given such prominance as the solo valk on the tarmac. As far as i know the 31A is a mass produced version. Perhaps in this early stages of delta, they havent produced as much yet as hayate would be the test pilot that makes it approved.. All speculation of course but it makes some sense why hayate will eventually have his own 31J valk, instead of having the 31J FSW version already available and just lying around for him to use,...
  17. Thanks for the heads-up... searched for em and they do look nice. I also took some look at their regular 1/144 fighter kits and had some good reviews too. esp abt having pilots and nice undercarriages.. Definately putting the 1/144 draken on a to buy list....Only whether to wait for reviews or pull the trig on the preorder...
  18. Aww and was hoping for some ride armors samples today too...
  19. A lil off topic from valks but still releated..how's about a... http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-SCL2-58192 How is platz quality holding up in this scale?
  20. stuff incoming..http://ameblo.jp/digitamin/archive1-201604.html loving that 1/72 scale Awing!
  21. I just hope it wont be astronomically priced!
  22. They all look badass especially fighter mode! I suspect due to the heaviness of the pods in B/G modes, it might be a lil strain on the legs, hence the funny stances. Kinda expected cos this scale doesn't have much options such as heavy metal pieces to reinforce the legs. Am getting at least fighter mode tho! Moar pics please is there one of the 31A?
  23. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Am hoping that it wouldn't be difficult to pull out or store...do not want to end up with any loose knee syndrome...
  24. seti88

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I would have preferred it angle the stance forward a bit, but yes looks good in animation. Lets hope bandai somehow angles the gear enough to avoid the knee scraping the shin when the weight of the fighter (or in future, any packs) are on them... haha not unless it doesnt unfold its radome when deployed....
  25. I would be more inclined to get if they matched it. At initial glance, those parts look aged on the valk. That being said, my inclinations for this fell from quite a high this morning, so getting it isnt exactly a priority now for me... besides i got some tomytec tampo'ed valks coming in Not a fair comparison i know but still roy is represented...
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