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Everything posted by azrael

  1. Might wanna go back to the drawing board with the new PCI-E 600W power connector design. Another GeForce RTX 4090 16-pin Adapter Bites The Dust It's bad enough that CableMod is putting out a specific 12VHPWR right-angle adapter plug just to deal with the issue.
  2. That's suppose to be the Mark II Ironheart suit or the final suit for this movie. The Mark I is supposed to look more exo-skeleton-like (the poster above with Riri Williams in goggles is the Mark I).
  3. Intel 13900k & 13600k reviews are out. Definitely faster than competing AMD chips or trades blows and the 13600k likely a better value proposition vs 7600X. Stupidly enough, the 5800X3D is still be a better value. And now the depressing news. 13900k runs hot. Much hotter. And consume more power. AMD's design allows Zen 4 to reach TJ max and maintain all-core clocks without thermal throttling. Raptor Lake still follows the traditional model and will hit 100-C TJ max and thermal throttle. At its worst, the 13900k was consuming double the wattage vs the 7950X at 300W+. Most reviews had trouble keeping a 13900k cool with a 360-AIO. A 13900k + RTX 4090 can potentially replace the space heater this winter. And this is at the worst-case scenario usage (which most folks will never reach). And the more depressing news is this will likely be the last LGA-1700 CPU, so there is no upgrade path after this and the next gen will be a completely new socket. (note these are stock settings without playing with any power settings. It will be interesting to see what happens when people undervolt or play with power settings.)
  4. Will the NA release be based of this release? Is this just a re-release of the original master?
  5. They licensed the rights to produce it...or to take a C-version and modify it to their specifications. Yes, they have the legal right to do that because they licensed it. Companies do this all the time. For example, the RAM in my computer is made by Micron but is branded and sold by Corsair. I could have bought directly from Crucial but Corsair offered the same thing at a lower price at the time. Want another example? Look at your car. Or that van parked down the block. There's another version of it produced by a rival company somewhere else. I remember a Toyota car plant use to manufacture not only Toyota cars, but also GM cars out of the same plant because GM licensed the plant to produce a few lines of a model. There is nothing stopping Shinsei from licensing a VF-22 production at one of their manufacturing plants. Like I said, companies do this ALL THE TIME. Even in the real world.
  6. No doubt. Seeing that the RTX 4070 is probably in production, those 4080-12GB units may become a RTX 4070Ti.
  7. NVIDIA scraps RTX 4080 12GB Nvidia will “unlaunch” the 12GB RTX 4080, says it’s “not named right” Gee....why not call it what it was; the RTX 4070. Oh, and charge the same $899 price for it. 🙄
  8. For a 1st season, it's OK. House of The Dragon is a better fantasy show but my gripe there is that it's moving at a very fast pace for a show that looks to last at least 4 season (unless each season gets progressively shorter). But yeah, so far, this show is OK. Not bad but not a top ranking amongst this season of shows.
  9. Keep in mind, that’s just the spikes. Average power use on-load was in the 400-500W range. So a 850W PSU can still handle it, but barely. And no breakers tripping, for now. AIB card reviews go up tomorrow so we’ll see what the silicon lottery and what different cooling designs gives us. No argument about the price. As I mentioned earlier, the price will be the main talking point of the RTX 4000-series. I also saw listings for the 4090 AIB cards and those are $100-200 above the $1600 starting price.
  10. Reviews of the RTX 4090 Founders' Ed are out. General consensus is it's definitely fast and powerful and brings the A-game while being not-as-power hungry (the expectation was spikes of 700-800W+ but actually spiked only in the 600W-range) nor as much of a space heater as thought. It's a thick-boy and will probably exclude SFF builders. AIB partner cards are just as big if not bigger (but those reviews come out later). Where the jury is still out is on value. $1600 USD. Also with the prices of the 4080, that's a big paywall for 3rd gen DLSS, RTX and AV1-encoder support.
  11. Intel ARC GPU A770 & A750 reviews...Day late and dollar too much today. Had they come out 12-18 months earlier before supply issues leveled out and crypto crashed, they would have been a better value proposition versus the RTX 3060 and RX 6600/6650. Drivers being immature also did not help. They’re good, but they need more time to mature.
  12. I wouldn't want to see Palpatine that much or he should be used appropriately. So when it pertains to Mon Mothma and the Senate as a whole would be where I expect the character to show up. Anywhere else would seem out of place (Like Vader. He should only show up when Jedi are causing more trouble than Inquisitors can handle or something close to the Emperor's chest comes up, i.e., the Death Star. Anywhere else would feel inconsistent). That's nice. Me? I’m looking at this show as a whole and there are still 8 more episodes this season and a second season still coming. There's still plenty of time to nose-dive or completely hit it out of the park so I'll touch on this once we get there. But its beginning took way too long to get to this week. At least they released the first 3 episodes in one blast or that would have really have turned me off by the time we got to Episode 4.
  13. Perhaps RE-release. There was a blu-ray release in 2013. Unfortunately we don't know if the North America-release will be based on the 2013 release or a new remaster. Anime Limited did not say when asked.
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