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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. Our culture is broken. Societies view of accountability, blame and responsibility are so skewed it isn't even funny anymore. When a thief can break into your house, threaten to kill you, then sue you and win because you defended yourself, when the family of a stupid kid who trespasses on your property then accidentally drowns himself in your pool can sue you and win a negligence and wrongful death case against you something just isn't right. The comical thing about this is, that anyone capable of hacking the save game to see the "pornographic" part of the game is more than capable of typing www.nameyoursexactorbadword.com, and can do it more easily. Deactivated content in a game already rated at mature is hardly the thundering boom of porn in a disney game rated at 6 year olds. Yay overly dramatic ballyhooo..
  2. I picked up my MR Stormtrooper Blaster off E-Bay a couple weeks ago, they are going to be your best bet for a below retail price. Master Replicas official site put the Stormie Blaster back up for sale last week, it was still up yesterday for $400.00 instead of $499.00. I believe that www.thesabervault.com still has them in stock, albeit at full retail, but the guy that operates the store is really highly regarded on several of the star wars message boards as a fantastic dealer. Good Luck
  3. Man, and I didn't want to have to buy an Alpha Now I feel obligated.
  4. If it isn't too late, I am interested in 1 as well.
  5. Awesome, thanks for the review, reminded me that this was coming out. I have been waiting years for this collection to start! Thanks again for the review and the heads up!
  6. I was pleased, went and caught a late showing last night and suffered for it this morning, but the movie made it worthwhile. Potential spoiler alert:----------- I think everyone knows from the ads that the Scarecrow was in the movie. Anyhow, just in case I didn't want to ruin that tidbit for anyone. Anyhow, I was thouroughly pleased with the way they handled his character, really nice effects around his fear toxin, made for some really damn fun scenes in the movie. Good flick!
  7. Yeah, that is pretty clearly an enhanced image, I was curious to know how the FX version would look. The FX blade housing inside the emitter looks like it would be a problem for MR, I am interested to see an actual pic if one is around. I hope they don't have to sacrifice too much of the look to get the function out of it. I respect your opinion though so I am pretty sure I will agree wiht your sentiment when I see a picture.
  8. I a gonna join the club tonight, I was planning on ordering a Mace Windu FX before they go out of style again, the collector's club discount will half pay for itself off that one purchase. If they release a Darth Tyrannus LE I would use the discount on that too. I wish I hadn't missed the Dooku LE, I love that saber design.
  9. I like that song from Serial Experiments Lain. That and about anything from the Akira score.
  10. After reading this thread a certain adage about arguing on the internet comes to mind..... Even if you win you are still........ Back on topic, if they remake them I think they should have the president of HG play Greedo because the name fits and I would like to watch Han Solo bust a cap in that ass!
  11. Japanese Ultra-Violence / Shock-Violence horror genre movies are bound to get the "WTF" or "This is crap" label from most, personally I love the Takashi Miike films just for that insanity that you don't find here. Takashi Miike made Ichi the Killer, he has made about a hundred movies, some of his other films include, Visitor Q (Awesome flick), Gozu (Truly messed up), Audition (In the Bravo top 100 horror), Full Metal Yakuza (Wierd but funny), Happiness of the Katakuris. I am sure that every one of these movies with the exception of Audition would get a big fat "WTFBBQ!" out of most of you, they are low budget niche films that wouldn't get made here. I got into unsettling movies for a while, movies like Requiem for a Dream, Happiness, I Stand Alone, Irreversible, movies that have a far from happy ending, several of the Takashi Miike films fall under that umbrella. There is violence for the sake of violence, there is gore for the sake of gore, most of those movies have a relatively simple theme at their base and the rest is just color to spice things up. Don't make any mistake though, these aren't major studio approved big budget blockbusters these are closer to true independent cinema than you will see in any US theatre chain.
  12. No harm in asking if you aren't sure. A lot of it has to do with condition and completeness. I don't think you would be too far off if it was a Jetfire missing a piece of armor and with a broken headlaser or some yellowing and stress fractures, those are not worth too much, look at E-Bay.
  13. If the Shadow Alpha is shipping this week then it would be about time for them to make an announcement about the next Masterpiece release. I think the highest probability os going to be for the Masterpiece Cyclone, Toynami and Robotech have hinted at it in the past, and it doesn't require a ton of engineering like the Beta will, likewise, the Beta has been mentioned mostly as an afterthought and an enticement for people to buy the Alpha releases. My bet is on Cyclones. However if they do announce Betas I will finally purchase an alpha or two voiding self imposed Toynami/HG boycott.
  14. Nice, that is almost exactly what I use, I have my art desk up against a window to the out doors so I just vent through the window instead of using piping but you can get accordian style dryer venting for pennies at most home improvement stores, make your ghetto spray booth slim in the back end behind the fans and cut up a clean milk jug to make an adapter for your ghetto box and Viola, pro-style venting.
  15. Arbitrary ages set by international laws is a different debate altogether. There is a right and a wrong, society needs rules by which to judge behavior our countries each have set defined perameters by which they believe they can best protect the youth populace, I don't have a problem with that, it of course gets a little grey when you have an 18 year old in american with a 16 or 17 year old partner, but the gola is ultimately to have boundaries to protect kids that is fine in my book. The premise of the article here is faulty. The fact, and this is well known that these criminals are almost exclusively opportunists. Why are there so many stories of Teachers, and Priests and Boy Scout leaders as predators of children? Because they go to where the kids are, they seek occupations and situations where they can have unmonitored, seclusion with children. Having a collection of toys or science fiction goods a sexual predator does not make, but it may be a characteristic that many of them share, indeed, when they talk about grooming or baiting techniques it is a little frightening to think that you may be profiled due to your collection. If however, there was opportunity to be had through the collection of these things to obtaining unmonitored access to children through the collection of these things then there might be some concern. I would think that the correlation would begin and end right there, I think it is unlikely that pedophiles have a greater disposition to science fiction or nostalgia collection that the normal populace, or that they average person should worry if they know somone that collects or is "In to" sci-fi or fantasy stuff. I would also suspect that you would find that there are probably a significant percentage of these people that collect Baseball cards, or refrigerator magnets, or nothing at all. I suspect that the mysterious link that the author is looing for that he or she can't put the finger on is a vivid imagination. If there is anything that most Sci-Fi, Fantasy type people have in common is that their imagination is a little more active than most people wandering around in zombie mode thinking about their car and their job and their kids. Unfortunately or the criminologists, Sci-Fi geeks hardly have a lock on the vivid imagination, and it isn't much of a factor that could be easily used to pinpoint a criminal. Anyhow, that author did a serious dis-service to the fans of two of the most loved science fiction tales in human history. It is unfortunate to think that due to the shortsightedness of a few, many may be put on watch lists and monitored by big brother. Sucks that the sickos who cause all of the panic even exists, what a wierd world we live in. It would be neat to be part of the alien anthropology program that studies the remnants of our race when we are long gone.
  16. It is an excuse to get drunk and break with their Bible-belt infused tradition of scowling at anyone with a beer in hand anywhere but in their backyard at the barbeque pit. I live in the south and I think Nascar is retarded, I have been to Talladega, I have watched the crap on TV with friends a few times, it is dumb in my opinion and it really just seems to be an excuse for people to get away from the normal day to day routine and get drunk. I don't need un-exciting car races to do that, but whatever, to each his own. I imagine that many of my friends and fellow deep south residents think it is pretty stupid to watch cartoons and science fiction movies. You don't have to enjoy other people's forms of entertainment, just turn the channel. I will say that it pisses me off big time when they pre-empt Family Guy for a Nascar race though, that is crossing a line.
  17. I dig the chunkiness of it, I mean this wasn't a finesse weapon, this was the proverbial sledge-hammer. I just wish they would sell and painted and an unpainted version. I think that base grey would look cool as ice on a Low-Vis Guess i will have to whip out a can of primer on my secondary set
  18. The psychological results of the battle between Obi-Wan and Anakin were probably more greivous than the physical ones too. Anakin's overconfidence cost him the fight, his limbs, his wife and baby(ies). In my mind, at least, after this fight he just got mentally shot to hell and it stunted his growth in Force power, sure his bionic limbs worked at least as well as his own but he lost. This was perfect for the emperor, mentally beaten and subservient Vader is what the Emperor wanted right from the get go. At least that is my take on things. I love Star Wars, what a neat story
  19. I haven't watched the last RoTJ in the past few weeks, but is there ever any proof that the Emperor is actually dead in the end of RoTJ? He falls down the shaft but so did Luke. Being that he is the embodiment of Evil in the series I figured that there was always a chance he used the force to save himself down there like Luke did when Vader clipped off his hand...
  20. I am back from Ireland, sending final payment tonight on my kits. Thanks for being patient John
  21. I cought the movie last night, loved it. Anakin/Vader is such a great character On the topic of the Padme loss of will to live. She was pregnant with twins which can be physically stressful anyway, combine that with the force choking from her true love, and I have to believe that sincee she was linked to Anakin, while she may not have been a force user, I felt like when he was suffering, post lava-burns and the medical droids were pulling the pieces of charred flesh and leather from his body he was broadcasting his suffering to Padme. I may be wrong and it may just have been coincidence the way they were filming it, but the way they seemed to bouce back and forth from her in the hospital to him screaming in pain and then back to Padme grimacing, I think at the very least she was feeling an extremely enhanced sense of loss and suffering. Anyhow, maybe they clarify that is not what is happening in the book or script, but that is what my brain did with what I was seeing. My only gripe about the whole thing was finally answered by Yoda about one hour into the movie. When were those Jedi going to sit down and learn math, the prophecy said "he" will bring balance to the force, Guess what, the Jedi were in control they were vastly outnumbering the Sith, they had the ear of the government, how could they not understand that by bringing balance to the force they were going to take a beating...... But Yoda finally pulled out his mental calculator on the Clone Trooper transport. Overall the series is awesome, it is a really neat story, extremely cool characters and just overall a fun ride. I think like a lot of people I have mixed feelings. I love knowig the whole story, I will look forward to being able to re-watch them, but it is a little bit of a bummer knowing that it is likely the end of the story as we have come to know it. (Potential TV series aside)
  22. I am hitting the theatre after work tomorrow too. Although they keep openning up new screenings tonight as they fill up. there are 14 screenings running tonight starting between 12:01 and 12:20 so far at our local uber theatre, they just openned up two more at lunchtime. I might break down and buy a ticket and stay up all night, I went to the midnight showings for all the special edition re-releases and episodes 1 and 2.....
  23. I too thought the CG looked beautiful, the mecha looked fantastic in my opinion, but the story...... sheesh. Spoilerish alert...... I almost fell out of my recliner laughing when they did the flashback to her mother just before dying handing her the pendant and saying, "Make sure you give this to Athena!" the glowing blue pendent she has been carrying in her gun..... Yeah, convenient amnesia sucks....
  24. The download library of Nintendo games is enough to sell me on the system. Sure I have friends with Hard-Drive pirate libraries of darn near every video game ever made, but I just don't roll that way. I would pay to be able to legitimately play em. I want Nintendo to come out on top of the console wars so bad I can taste it but they have just hamstrung themselves at every milestone in the road they really have to get a winning strategy and draw the third party developers back to them. I hope that their simplicity strategy works and that small, new, innovative game developers flock to revolution with new and interesting titles. I keep buying their systems but like Mike, I don't feel like I a getting much value from them aside from the nintendo in house exclusives.
  25. And just to chime in on the disc format stuff. The arguement that current games are not filling dual layered DVD's is frankly a little silly. Many are pushing the limits and we are talking present generation games. The next gen games are going to take up exponentially more space as many many developers are already talking about the nightmarish costs associated with the increased graphic and programming demands that the newer, more graphically intensive systems require. I bet you that the PS3 games will be far beyond the capacity of Dual layer DVD's.
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