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Everything posted by Ghadrack

  1. How're things going along?
  2. I lost my whole set in a hotel room in El Paso when I was about 14, I have never been so bummed about losing something in my life. Left them in a drawer. For the past 19 years I have not used the drawers in a hotel room because of that trip. I go from my suitcase. Scarred much?
  3. Don't get me wrong, I know what youare saying and I agree, there is a lot of crap out there hyped to death and maybe spending so much time developing these marketting ploys is more the focus than the actual music for some of those acts. I just don't think that is the case with Nine Inch Nails in the past, obviously having not heard the new record yet, I'd be a fool to forecast that it is the greatest thing ever and that you are wrong, but given my personal experience with their music over the years, I am pretty confident that I will enjoy the record and I see this marketting stuff as a fun teaser while I am awaiting the official record release. I am stunned to hear the sales figures for some of the "musicians" around that are popular today, when I find their music terribly annoying, boring, repetetive, lackluster. but putting it all over the radio, the TV and on the PA in the mall works, the formula is proven. But more power to them, it keeps a lot of te idiots away from the shows I want to go to by having something bright and shiny over there to keep their attention.
  4. They are scrambling. Obviously. It has become so in fashion to bash Sony right now, I am sure they are crawling over the bodies of the dead in their PR offices trying to come up with a way to combat all the negative press. The sad thing is that the PS3 really is an awesome system, I love mine, it has been brutalized in the media for fun so much though, the anti-hype may kill the machine. Every day I hear about the terrible load times, I am not experiencing them on mine... Every Day I hear about how there are no games.... Umm, I am pretty satisfied with the launch line up. There were 3 games I wanted and bought the day I got my system. Since then VF5 came out and I picked it up. There are a few games in the pipeline I am looking forward to and I am sure that more games will come along. It's not like Microsoft had a fantastic game library available on the irst day the system came out, in fact their launch line up did nothing for me. To this day, I can count the number of games that make me want to buy their machine on one hand, and Blue Dragon hasn't even been released stateside yet. Bah, it's all garbage. I just hope they don't react to all the negativity and really create some problems tacking on crap.
  5. I think what happened is there is more money at stake now and the bands are trying to find ways to self-promote so they don't have to rely upon old menas to spread the word that are corrupt and require too many kick backs that cut into their profit margin. I have always been a fan of NIN and really, it is hard to find fault with him for using multi-media to spread the word, Reznor has always been using technology, music and video as part of his medium. There are still bands that are releasing albums and not succumbing to the marketting plans of the devil, selling their souls to MTV and Clear Channel, again I am biased, but Tool (who you probably find pretensious) don't do any real advertising maketting, get little to no airplay on radio or TV and they do just fine. I have a copy of everything NIN has released in the U.S., I am really excited about Year Zero.
  6. Thanks for the pictures. I am pretty much sold, compared to the size of that woman's head, the SV-51 ia monsterous.
  7. I need to look into it, I am just a few hours away in sunny Chattanooga.
  8. Hey near the bottom of his mecha pages for WF2007, are those revoltech Battroids? They don't look like Toynami's they are sort of stylized, with the flared legs..... They look pretty neat.
  9. Personally, I don't mind a bit, especiialy if it is an aesthetic improvement in my opinion. I really like the way they have rendered it, and I'll bite when they come out. Thank goodness someone who appears serious about it has taken on the project, the american company that has been dangling it out like a carrot don't deserve my money for all the "toying" they have done wit the fans emotions over this.
  10. Looks like someone should not have foole around so long, brought their product to market and made their money. Thanks to all th delays, say hello to market competition and probably pwnage.
  11. Quoted for truth. It's a labor of love for fans by fans. Now the crappy recast houses, they are a different story, but they shouldn't be grouped in real GK manufacturers, and you know the old saying is true, you get what you pay for.
  12. That is Bad-ass thanks for sharing That is going to be my new desktop.
  13. Knowing that the odds of anyone else making them are slim to none. I'll bite, the cyclone/ride armor being some of my favorite mecha armor ever.
  14. Here is the Blu-ray region coding map. The US and Japan are in the same region for Blu-Ray discs, so good news for anime fans. Hopefully the japanese companies will put english subtitles on their releases to maximize their sales potential. Blu-ray forum region map
  15. I want both, but if I was going to throw a vote, I'd vote Scout first, then Heavy Missle. You know i am going to get at least one of any macross kit you put out though, unless something terrible happens
  16. I'm with you, MS didn't really cater to all gamers very well with the X-Box, sports and FPS players were fairly well taken care of, the rest of the market including platformers, rpg's, puzzle games, well they didn't get a lot of love comparatively. Hopefully they will rectify that this generation, the game I am most excited about exclusive to XBox is Blue Dragon, made by one of the visionaries behind Final Fantasy, artwork and character design by Akira Toriyama, this RPG looks stunning. scope it out, it got rave reviews in Japan, and single handed sold more 360's in Japan than any other game.
  17. I imported a PS2 from japan right after their initial release, and if I remember correctly the system stored the DVD drivers on the memory card, when i put a memory card from that system into my US PS2 it give me an error message. I jsut got a white flip top PS2 from japan a few months ago and I haven't bothered to try swapping memory cards around again since i have a card dedicated to my japanese games. I'll try to remember to give it a try tonight.
  18. I could be mistaken, but I think that this one was effectively debunked, the water torch is extremely inefficient because it takes so much more energy to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. This guy's claim that he had created a method for efficiently dividing water molecules never materialized. I wish it worked, what a wonderful technology that would be.
  19. Dejr8bud, Do you know if you still have to keep memory cards seperate for your PS2J and PS2US? I have a first gen PS2japan and if you put a memory card formated for the PS2Japan in an American PS2 it shows up as unreadable in the American PS2, something to do with memory card formatting and the DVD software on the 1st Gen PS2. Can you swap a memory card with save data back and forth between and US and JP PS2 japan with later revision of the PS2?
  20. Search fo Galaxy Defender it's been discussed many times over the years. They occasionally spring up in bulk at Wal-marts in Texas/NM if memory serves me correctly. I don't own one, but for the money I have heard they are a great cheap platform for custom jobs.
  21. My copies arrived Saturday morning. Great castings as usual. The Captain sets the bar pretty high with the quality of his kits, nice packaging and the details are just awesome. I can't wait to have the complete set.
  22. I can't wait to see the "pope hat" custom I love this mech in Fighter mode, the thinness of the upper extremities and joints frightens me with regard to the other modes. By the looks of it, this one will need to be handled very gently. It is pretty though.
  23. I can make out the words City Urban Camoflauge with the price next to it, I am guessing that is the Urban Camo GBP-1S armor they have been advertising maybe?
  24. Wooohoooo!! I can't wait for them to arrive
  25. Very cool and inspiring pictures. Thank you for sharing them!
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