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Everything posted by Tking22

  1. Definitely a pretty nice looking bot mode, I just prefer Toro overall, monster hiking backpack included. Toro has the nicer face and chest to me, his face in particular has the face color going above his eyes whereas Helion bleeds straight in to red above his eyes. I also find the lack of a more defined spoiler on his chest disturbing. Both killer looking bot modes honestly so I feel you really can't go wrong, it's just that alt mode that loses me...
  2. Oh man, this thread is getting heated! I saw it Saturday, enjoyed the hell out of it, wasn't a big fan of TFA or TLJ, but didn't vehemently hate them like they fraked my mother or something. A Boba solo film sounds like a waste, Obi-Wan would be a much better choice. I'll still watch episode 9 of course, but I'm not really expecting much, I love Star Wars, I will always watch more Star Wars, shows or movies, I just love Star Wars.
  3. I see, makes sense. Definitely seems like MMC has you covered then :). I was mostly referring to car based minibots, and mostly by Badcube. I like the blend they went with, I love their minibots. I'm skipping minibots after season 1, so I probably won't bother with a Cosmo, Seaspray, Powerglide, or Beachcomber. Definitely agreed on Boost by Xtransbots, he is the only MP Windchager on the market so I feel myself and many, many others settled. He looks good aesthetically, but his transformation is dumb with horrible clearances, but once again, I really love those realistic minibot alt modes.
  4. Can I ask why the chibi alt mode is a selling point? I get that it looks like CJ's alt mode in the cartoon, but Takara's only MP minibot and most of Badcube's minibot releases have all had "realistic" alt modes (except Gears/Grump like I mentioned above) despite appearing chibi in the cartoon itself. I also usually remember you not being the biggest straight off the screen toon fan like me. No arguments the backpack cleans up much nicer, but I would attribute that to not having a full sized "realistic" alt mode, it SHOULD have a cleaner bot due to having to hide and transform less car. No gripes from me, thanks to third party, as usual, we have several options for a decent MP CJ. I LOOOOVE my FT Willis, but there's zero denying Gundog is a fun toy, with a pretty fun and MUCH more intuitive transformation then Willis. I've handled, and even borrowed for a few days, my buddy Rex's Gundog, once again, MakeToys making figures that are fun to transform and pose. And once again, aesthetically, FT nails it but flubs on making an actual fun figure with a fun transformation.
  5. I'd recommend Ace Tumbler if you don't really care about CJ and can find him for the steal that I did, $27 shipped. He's a crappy figure, floppy, badly placed diecast, but he was dirt cheap and looks CJ enough for most people. Personally I am waiting on Toro to drop, he has in hand pictures out and while he does have a huge camping backpack, he looks head and shoulders above the MMC version IMO. I consider myself a toon first guy, but that penny racer chibi alt mode looks frakking ridiculous, it won't match a single other alt mode in an MP collection, the only somewhat chibi alt mode I can think of on an MP figure third party or official is Badcube Grump/Gears, his alt mode is quite chibi, more then I would like, but his alt mode was never really a specific distinguishable vehicle anyway so I give it a pass. MMC in alt mode next to MP Bee will look ridiculous, unless you don't use MP Bee and have a third party version instead, but even then, nobody else is making MP minibots that have chibi alt modes, it's just a really weird decision on MMC's part.
  6. I posted in the Transformers thread but will post here too, The Toys That Made Us part 2 is out on Netflix today. Very neat little 8 part documentary series about various toylines, first part covered Kenner Star Wars, Barbie, GI Joe, and Masters of the Universe. This second part covers Star Trek, Hello Kitty, Transformers, and of course Lego. Love the series, only 45 minutes per episode but they're interesting little tidbits of information I probably wouldn't know otherwise.
  7. Nope, no robes at all. I bought some off ebay for my original release version, they don't look quite as good, but for $7 shipped they work for me. That seems to be the only addition to this new release, cloth goods robe, he doesn't even come with the little droid that came with his Sith Speeder bike that just released.
  8. Lol I totally forgot about Spotter/Reflector, I have him too. Oddly enough, I REALLY enjoy their transformation. It is indeed fiddly as well, but I oddly kind of think of them as a combiner as well, so maybe that makes it feel a little different to me. Something about folding them into little boxes then putting them together is fun for me, but as I said, it too is more fiddly then I would like, folding the legs up gives most folks a lot of trouble.
  9. Yeah I love me some FansToys, but honestly, outside Phoenix and their incredible dinos I really haven't had very much fun with their figures. Willis is a prime example for me, G1 Hound to a T, undeniably so I'd say, but he has stupid joints, like a screw for his back and forth foot tilt, and his transformation is the most unintuitive, irritating, backwards garbage I think I may have ever seen. Quakwave is fine, basic enough, my buddy Rex bought their Kup and Arcee and damn, that was a mess to say the least. I get it, most bots from the movie are like G1 Megatron, two modes that don't lend well to a real physical transformation, but still. While his Arcee was in bot mode on the shelf, I messed with and WATCHED him transform Kup, and that looked really, really not fun at all. Terminus Giganticus aka Omega Supreme is another. I passed on Gabriel by DX9 for a number of reasons, base mode being a major point for me personally, Gabriel has an awful looking base mode with an awful looking tank. FansToys nailed the base mode and tank, but getting the figure there is again, a mess. Okay the body and head are fine, but the legs are supremely fiddly, to the point that I have to take a break usually out of frustration. I know where everything goes, it's just not easy getting everything there. Sovereign is great, beautiful figure, but that transformation sucks, and his alt mode isn't even anything to write home about once you actually get him there. They do make really good looking bots no doubt, and usually alt modes look pretty on point as well, but it's gotten to the point that actually transforming their figures feels like a chore, and most of the time even if I want to check out the mode a figure isn't currently in, I won't bother just because it's not fun. Base mode and bot mode on TG are great, but I really don't go between the two often because those legs are just too damn fiddly.
  10. It was definitely shown off earlier and I saw it, I just didn't include the photo because it didn't really interest me at all, I just want MK1 to finish off my Hall of Armor and I'm done with Tony and his suits.
  11. Don't forget everyone, The Toys That Made Us part 2 is up on Netflix today! If you haven't checked it out, do! It's a fantastic little 8 part series covering several toy lines from inception, to their glory days. First four parts covered Kenner Star Wars, Masters of the Universe, Barbie, and GI Joe. The second part out today covers Star Trek, Hello Kitty, Lego, and of course TRANSFORMERS! I highly recommend watching each episode, lots of fun facts and information I never knew about, even if the toy lines themselves aren't anything that ever interested me. The history of Transformers is quite interesting, and the original G1 toy line was a big deal for a lot of people growing up, gotta be a good episode! I also love me some Lego to death, so I'll probably just end up watching all four new episodes tonight, good stuff.
  12. To be fair I got everyone's hopes up with no guarantee, this is a Tamashii Con, and the Xmen logo just appeared on the docket as something we will see in some line, no guarantee on them being Figuarts figures, that was just the most popular guess. As of now I haven't seen any Xmen stuff besides some of the Manga Realization stuff, they may be holding back whatever Xmen stuff they have until later in the Con.
  13. Definitely confirmed the Figuarts MK50 "Nano Weapon" version is a totally different version of MK50, no word on if it comes with normal arms and legs too, really dumb to see two versions already. Lots of other news and pics though, I didn't see this earlier, FIGUARTS NICK FURY! Wasp looks great, so does Star Spangled Man propaganda Cap. Groot looks good, but I'm not rebuying Rocket and Peter from the first film, so a pass for me, especially if Drax and Gamora aren't being made for whatever stupid ass reason. Seems Bandai is redoing the Iron Man 2 War Machine MK1. I'll take it, missed it the first time, won't this time.
  14. HLJ just charged me for Cap, Iron Spider, and my Tamashii Marvel stands, excited to check out Spidey even though the Iron Spider legs look a bit too thick.
  15. Oh man, that cameo is AWESOME! I'm even more excited! I've got tickets for Friday night after work, more Star Wars is good Star Wars to me. I don't get the whining about the cameo, Star Wars isn't self contained to film anymore, welcome to the past three to four decades. For those that do bother to watch the excellent shows and read some of the excellent comics and books, this is a pretty awesome little tie in. This particular character got FAR more fleshed out thanks to expanded content, otherwise they would have been one of the biggest wastes of a character in Star Wars history. I'm pumped, but then again I have been since this was announced, more Star Wars is good Star Wars, I really can't complain that this film is unnecessary, technically speaking, everything after A New Hope is unnecessary, sequels and spin offs by nature are unnecessary.
  16. This was always the plan, Takara is making V3 Prime toon accurate like all of their modern releases, with the main goal being to make it a perfect companion for MP-36, who myself and others feel looks ridiculous next to MP-10, you can see the clear aesthetic shift from earlier MPs to how they are now. Doubtful it will be a designation for MP-10, I'd guess it will be an all new numbered MP release. Most are guessing it will have some design elements from MP-10, but mostly a new figure with more articulation, and it will be far closer to the straight off the screen toon aesthetic Takara is going with now. On a side note I wasn't all too impressed with MP-36 so I sold it and bought the Magten silver KO MP-36, same figure as MP-36 but it's finished in a beautiful silver paint with red on the inside of the legs like the G1 toy, it's the perfect blend of toon and toy that I want in my MP-36. And honestly, the paint is far nicer and more durable, plus it has some better tolerances and joints.
  17. Definitely, but no word on if it is Lucky Draw like most gold releases or if it will be a normal release. Funny that Takara is pushing another repaint of MP-10, with pictures of a newer Prime right next to it, blatantly telling you a new Prime is coming, but here's another MP-10 to buy...
  18. Nobody is sure yet, it's just labeled as a "nano weapons MK50" version. No word on if it is just more accessories or if it just comes in "weapons" mode with no normal arms or legs.
  19. I feel your pain, he was on BBTS for the longest time for like $60, but I kept passing, telling myself I will grab him later, then he sold out... This one will be mine, not missing out again. Jabba and Emperor Palpatine look good! Didn't expect Jawas and Ewoks though, they will be cheap so I may grab a couple. TLJ Luke? Different from the TWE version I currently have on PO at NY? Comes with a lightsaber? frakk you Bandai, frakk you. This new Luke probably won't be TWE either, LAME! Also, that is some scummy crap with the new MK50, I'm sure that one WILL be TWE, so you will have pay a premium for the accessories the original figure should have come with in the first place...
  20. First teeny, tiny photos of prototype V3 Prime are out, look next to the gold MP-10. Apparently the full prototype will be shown off at TTS. Once again, articulation be damned, if he's too toon accurate I will probably pass, MP-10 lacks modern articulation yes, but his aesthetic is on point for me, too toony is no good for me personally.
  21. Wow, that Falcon looks frakking fantastic! As does Yoda and that new IW Thor! Cloth cape and all! I still have the AOU Thor, easily one of the worst Figuarts in my collection, I cancelled Ragnarok Hulk and Thor so I will definitely be grabbing these two new IW versions. Looks like an alternate version of IW MK 50, one that actually comes with some extra stuff, it's labeled as a "nano weapons" version.
  22. Not sure how to feel about this, seems so light hearted and fun, and this is in the same universe as Murder Bat? I know JL tried to dial it back on the darkness, but that dark gloominess just hangs over everything DC film related in my eyes. It just seems so awkward realizing this guy lives in the same universe as You Live if Martha, and that super edgy, cut yourself on him Leto Joker from SS.
  23. I gotta find it again, but some guy on a Sideshow forum translated a Tamashii Con page that was leaked in Japanese, said something about S.H. Figuarts Xmen and Deadpool. Falcon has some super blurry photos on 4chan, along with War Machine, IW Hulk, and a couple of others, though we'e already seen Hulk.
  24. The Kaitlin bit was indeed cool, metas exist and are created in many ways, natural birth, accidents, experiments, etc. The thing I'm wondering is what earth does Black Lightning take place on? We got confirmation Supergirl exists in their world, but it isn't guaranteed to be OUR Kara from the show. Other metas and vigilantes exist as well, but once again, it's kind of vague on who, leaving the door open which is nice. We know everyone will get to play together eventually, BL will join everyone at some point, I'm just wondering which earth he is on and how will he get to earth 1? As is I think the more we learn of multiple earths holding multiple characters, people will start to question where the dopple-gangers are for heroes we haven't seen. Clearly earth 1 should have a BL, Supergirl, and Superman no? There's no reason to believe every earth doesn't have a version of every character and person, where are the earth 1 Supes? I'm sure it would be easy enough to say their Krypton never blew up so they're still there, but still, this dopple-ganger business puts holes in these shows if you think about it too long.
  25. And from out of left field, HARRY POTTER! Oh man, these movies were great, but I'm not the biggest Potter fan, not enough so that I would consider buying in on yet another Figuarts line. These do look REALLY good for those interested, and I am sure there will be plenty. And when these sell quicker then ice cubes in hell they will make more, there's zero reason to believe Bandai only has the Sorcerer's Stone license, they have to have more. On another note, I reading we are days away from Tahashii Con or something, either way, we're apparently days from a reveal for Infinity War Falcon and War Machine. Falcon! Finally! Him and Bucky were two of the biggest hang ups, I feel these two have been a long time coming. Also, Saw Figuarts, Deadpool, but I don't know if it's a comic based one or Ryan Reynolds, some kind of X-Men, once again no idea if it is an original comic take or from the new film, Wasp from Ant-Man and the Wasp, and a mess of new Star Wars including my long awaited Count Dooku. Lots of stuff coming up folks, there's no brakes on the Bandai Figuarts train.
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