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Everything posted by Marzan

  1. It's been a year since we last had activity in this thread, but we haven't exactly had much news now have we? Well, its not much, but at least now we have a concept image/poster on the front of the Evangelion website (who knows for how long). http://www.evangelion.co.jp/ "After That and THE END. Not and ANTI. Evangelion 3.0+1.0. In production by Studio Khara"
  2. Made in Abyss is seriously one of the best looking Tv shows in a while. Feels like you're watching a Ghibli movie.
  3. I go on holiday to a place without a decent internet connection (it's nice to be offline) and I return to hearing that HG claims this is on...again?! LOL. It's amazing how this can keep on reviving every couple of years or so. Still think it never happens. One look at how live action anime adaptations fare and you'd know no sane Hollywood producer would touch this.
  4. This is perhaps the winner for this thread. That's the most random thing ever!
  5. The Hound's journey from being Joffrey's Dog until now has been fascinating. I really wonder where his story will take us. One of the most difficult characters to call on his destiny.
  6. Anyone checked out Princess Principal? It's a revelation. At first I thought, yawn, just another anime of little girls playing at being spies, but it's actually remarkably good, with intrigue and suspense that I did not see coming. Clannad never really did much for me. It feels like manipulative "cry porn" IMO.
  7. I think they just decided to let logic be skipped over in order to tell the story. In reality it would have taken many years to get that many ships built and manned. Cersei needed allies for her fightback to be believable and Euron is about the only leader left in Westeros who doesn't have a beef against the Lannisters. I'm not sure if they'll let Sansa go full darkness.
  8. Agree about Made in Abyss being the best show this season. It has film level production value, great art and a kickass setting. Regarding your last point, I've been told by people familiar with the source material
  9. Agree. But damnit, Euron Grejoy is a magnificent bastard in all senses of the word. He's going to get thousands killed before the end of the series.
  10. Could be, but now the plot thickens. It seems they might not be closing after all, but seeking debt consolidation instead. https://myanimelist.net/news/51459993
  11. Look at you, you big sunny optimist Frank Agrama CCIV will be stubbornly hanging on to the exclusive rights to the Macross name even then!
  12. This. I have 4 subscriptions right now and it's just too much. I'm going to quit Crunchyroll because the shows they have available in Europe this season are simply not worth it.
  13. It's with sadness that I read that Noboru Ishiguro's old studio, Artland has closed down. Over the years it delivered some real quality shows like Musishi, Legend of Galactic Heroes, Megazone 23 and it was one of the studio's that helped out Nue to make our very own Macross. Some big time names like Haruhiko Mikimoto and Hideaki Anno did some of their early work at Artland. A real shame, but then again, animation studios unfortunately get a very small slice of the pie moneywise in the anime industry.
  14. There's suddenly too many providers for what is still, a relatively niche product. There are simply not that many big and interesting series, and this will drive licensing prices up, way up. My fear is that Crunchyroll, that has the most dedicated and anime savvy platform, will be unable to compete against the Amazon's and Netflix of this world. Amazon anime offerings are constantly delayed or disappear from their site for days on end. And when I contact their customer service I just get generic BS. If this keeps up, the fansubbers might make a return (they're virtually non-existent right now).
  15. That looks so awesome. It's great Macross still has so much activity.
  16. I'm not too crazy about this season so far. The titles that I found intriguing I can for the most part not watch. Amazon and Netflix are beginning to use their economic might to snap up the best shows. The former for some baffling reason, gets worldwide rights outside Japan and then only offers Anime Strike in North America. And Netflix insists on its binge watching model which is not as much fun as weekly simulcasts IMO (I like seeing an episode and then discuss it with others and speculate on what is to come). To top it off there's a couple of new actors on the anime streaming scene like Hi Dive and Wakanim. Things can suddenly get very expensive as an anime viewer.
  17. The trailer gives me the chills the death toll in the next season is going to be ridiculous. And I think Euromaster Greyjoy will be the sleeper badass of the season. Cersei looks outgunned, so I'm expecting the few allies she has to be very effective
  18. And as usual, its North America only, so the rest of us are blocked. So typical. Anime is just marketed in such an awful way. I don't know if this means they will not release it physically?
  19. Attack on Titan S2 ended today on one of the best chapters in the manga and S3 confirmed for 2018. Good times!
  20. I think that for many of us, part of the attraction to anime (and manga) is the distinctive and attractive art style. CG can look good too, but when they are blended together it can be very jarring. Look for example at the currently running Berserk series (which granted has bad CG), where the contrast between both is downright disturbing.
  21. Thanks so much for this. I'm glad to hear that she's found peace with Minmay
  22. So a live action adaptation of Cowboy Bebop is in the works. I'm not sure how I feel about this. English language live action adaptations rarely end up being well made or popular. And living up to such a fantastic and popular series will be impossibly hard. Don't even get me started on that soundtrack. https://www.polygon.com/tv/2017/6/6/15745854/cowboy-bebop-remake-live-action-tv?utm_campaign=polygon&utm_content=chorus&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter Thoughts?
  23. Bahamut Virgin Soul is tons of fun. And boy was the last episode of Attacj in Titan chatty. I don't think Macross will ever move in that direction to be honest.
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