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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Several places....here's one.... http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/NEOBK-1993031
  2. Although comprehensive, it is definitely not complete....I collect these books (well, all Macross books really... ) mainly because they contain Tenjin's illustrations for most of the Hasegawa boxart.....Macross kits are among the few things I stopped collecting years ago....the other being the "official" movie releases.....well, at least before they made the correct move of adding English subs.....most of Tenjin's illustrations for the various recent releases are in the book....one notable omission (for me at least) was his VF-1J illustration from Macross the First.....luckily I have the calendar! The same goes for most of the other art in this book, which I already have in the form of the original source of either posters, artcards, postcards, or magazines.....nevertheless is it great to have many of it arranged in one fantastic, easy to thumb through book!..... Looking forward to the fourth sortie! Also, from what I can tell...there were no Tenjin Macross Chronicle illustrations in this book...so I guess if you need more Tenjin Macross illustrations you'll need to keep buying Macross Chronicle magazines...bring on V 3.0! (runs for cover!)
  3. Tenjin Hidetaka Art Works of Macross - Valkyries: Third Sortie
  4. So everyone is totally into Macross book collecting and is getting this one right? No need for more pictures?...
  5. Wonder if it'll make it to the annual HLJ Black Friday sale?
  6. Then only printed material that can understandably be in rough shape would be vintage books and magazines....but as Spanner has noted....Mandarake is pretty good on stating condition, missing pages, stains, posters, etc.
  7. For Spanner's sake....let's hope that tweak comes on a Bandai DX and not an Arcadia V3!
  8. I have bought a few used books from Mandarake and have been satisfied with their condition.... Just get one and see if they will work for you...
  9. I think Yamato just wanted to differentiate between their tv and film versions....with tv being anime colored and dyrl versions being less anime colored.... Personally....if there ever was a definitive "real world" paint scheme for the VF-1's....I would say it would need to be based off how they are depicted by Tenjin or from the Sega Saturn DYRL intro video...
  10. Just responding to op's terminology.... With that said...not sure why Arcadia went with "special" instead of "type" (they went with "type" on the Hikaru release)...but the bottom line is they are movie versions which are referencing the way they are represented on film....which is bright white....
  11. Like the original Arcadia release for the VF-1S (Roy/Hikaru)...."movie special" means DYRL anime colors....
  12. just buy the MasterFiles books used off Mandarake or wherever else you can find them....they always have a good assortment As for the tenjin illustration....as far as I can recall, none of his Macross Chronicle work made it to the last Sorties book....so hopefully it does on the third one.
  13. jvmacross

    Macross figures

    I'd buy a 1/6 fig dressed in each of the different suits spanning all the Macross series....including Zentradi pilot suits.
  14. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    I hope we still get to see the rest of the Destroids released. Plus the Ostrich and Elint Seeker. Sounds like they will either add or move onto another Macross series. Will they go chronologically based on the order the shows were released? If so.....VF-4G Flashback 2012 version???
  15. In BvS, Batman successfully tangled and evaded being killed by a creature that was stronger than Superman.....he also helped kill it....what danger could Deathstroke, or any other villain of Earth origin, possibly pose to Batman?
  16. jvmacross

    Macross figures

    Whatever happened to the Arcadia Hikaru and VF-1 cockpit diorama? Did the project turn into the 1/6? VF-1 Gerwalk that was created last year? Think of it as a really bad Engrish typo...
  17. jvmacross

    Macross figures

    Maybe the "Macross Fever" Hikaru is the closest?
  18. jvmacross

    Macross figures

    Meh....looks good enough.....instabuy for me...we don't get enough SDFM figures to allow us to get too picky..... Hikaru's looks have changed alot since 1982.....but that hair will always give him away! At least it's not another SD version.....
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