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Everything posted by BlackRose

  1. DYRL Zentradi had racial memories of the Protoculture's culture and memories/legends of their vanished creators. Robotech Zentradi are just clone soldiers following orders and we're talking about way before they got distracted by things they couldn't understand and started to think for themselves. Thinking of everything only in military terms means they can't develop as characters. That means they can't even grow the way the clone troopers in Star Wars did, because there are no non clone people around for them to learn from. Individual Invid don't even think. They just blindly follow orders they get through the hive mind. They also need lots of the flower of life to evolve and they didn't have that because the Masters took it all then ruined their planet so it wouldn't grow there anymore. They're not the Vajra.
  2. Maybe he's working under restictions on what he can do with the story. Like how Palladium Books used to have to run everything by Tommy Yune and HG legal for approval before going to print. The old official website for Robotech used to have pretty strong restrictions on language and discussion topics to keep things kid friendly even though the average fan was like 35. The people at HG who run the RT franchise handle things in a really cynical way but they at least understand their audience. HG knows its brand is pure nostalga. That's why they do retellings and side stories all the time instead of telling new stories. Their fans just want the old familiar characters and stories they knew as kids. Every time they try to tell new stories the fans get mad and it ends up a failure. Someone with such narrow and specific tastes isn't going to do better than what they already have running things, and will more likely do a lot worse. A story has to have characters to develop. You can't do that if you're telling the story of two factions which are made up of mass produced soldiers with no personality. Also, the Zentradi fighting the Inbit is just silly. The size difference is huge, it'd be like a war between people and coconut crabs.
  3. Why would they mention STO? It's off in its own little reality pocket doing its own thing. The books of the Relaunch are probably the ones closest to canon with staff from shows working on them and vice versa but isn't Star Trek's hard and fast canon rule is that only the TV shows and movies are 100% canon? I think the videos are a little alarmist. Discovery is dumb action most of the time but people are still watching it. It's too early to start worrying that they'll screw up the Picard series.
  4. 3. This looks like the kind of movie that's way better when you're wasted.
  5. That the owners of Battletech keep trying to use those designs even though they know they're not allowed to kinda doesn't fit with the idea that the first time was innocent. If the first time was an innocent misunderstanding then that would have been it, you know? They would have let those designs go and let it be. But they keep coming back to them and trying to use them and they keep getting in trouble for it. That says that they know it's wrong and they don't care and are going to keep trying until they find a way to get away with it. They're privately owned, right? Cuz if they had shareholders those shareholders would be pretty mad that they keep wasting cash fighting this lost cause fight.
  6. Untitled: the Boba Fett Story? I don't care if it's an after-credits scene or whatever, I really want Fett's Vette in there. I always liked the ones that had no real ties to the movies, like the Old Republic stuff. Back when lightsabers had extension cords and the Sith were red space monkey men with crystal swords. It let them go to strange new places other than the used future style that the original trilogy had.
  7. The one and only thing I want from this movie is that they somehow work in the song Fett's 'Vette.
  8. Who are we kidding here? Has a change.org petition ever actually resulted in the person receiving it doing something besides just deleting the change.org e-mail without reading it? You're missing a couple of zeros between your goal and the point where you stand a chance of being taken seriously by the people you want to influence. 200 random internet strangers is not going to impress anybody. They might pay attention if you get 20,000 signatures. If you get 200,000 signatures then you might have a chance of being taken seriously.
  9. The most half-assed part is that it was all "explained" in a businessman's powerpoint slideshow in an episode that was just one big exposition dump.
  10. Oh yeah. At a level that would make even an EF5 tornado seethe with envy. Hiring a writer who can actually write? That would be a good place to start. Azuki Fuji is definitely better than the writers of the series. Shame the movie is a compilation one. That means any improvement isn't going to be very big because it will be reusing material from the series.
  11. You can't really judge Delta on its own merits because it puts so much effort into tying in to Frontier. It's one thing to have a character who fills the same kind of role as an existing character. It's a lot less acceptable IMO to have the majority of the "new" characters be almost exact copies of characters from the previous show with only a little change to their art that barely makes them look different.
  12. Delta isn't really a "Macross World". Like the song goes, "Welcome to Walkure World", all Macross stuff purely incidental.
  13. I definitely disagree that they were well thought-out. It was super obvious that Macross Delta was a minimum effort sequel that just copied characters from Macross Frontier for most of its cast but didn't develop them at all past basic traits. Mikumo is just Sheryl in her ice queen mode from early in Frontier. Hayate is Alto without the family issues or ambition. Freyja is Ranka without her extreme doormat tendencies. Arad is Ozma minus the family connection. Messer is Brera minus the family connection. Etc. Etc. The ones who aren't just copies of Frontier characters without the personality are basic stock characters rounding out the normal Five Girl Band for magical girls and idol music shows with a big boobed ditz (Makina) and and quiet nerdy girl (Reina) thrown together for girl on girl fanservice. This is the truest thing that has been said in this topic.
  14. That's not what the show says about her though. She quit the military and joined Χάος because the pressure her family's legact put her under was too much for someone who was only an average pilot. The show forgets she exists at Freyja's birthday and she's just a background character until the end. From this thread and the new episode review threads it looks like most people would say the writing was the most glaring issue. Not to be rude but what show were you watching? Most of them don't even get back stories and most of the ones that do have so little it'd be one line on a Trivial Pursuit card. The coma thing is so overused in fiction though and it creates way too many loose ends because people will expect them to snap out of it at the most dramatic moment.
  15. A little equal-opportunity fanservice would be nice to counterbalance Makina letting it all hang out. Shame all the good-looking guys in the show were the villains. It does kinda, doesn't it?
  16. True, the ones you listed didn't really do much of anything in the show. I'd just cut them, rather than kill them off. Can they? Reina works for Xaos because she got busted after failing to hack them and she only succeeds when Roid lets her. Makina never does anything with airplanes in the show except call one of them cute.
  17. It would upset the order of things to kill a good Jenius. Mirage is basically a mauve shirt. I'd like to see her get fair time in the love triangle in the movie but I'm not going to hold my breath for it.
  18. Woah. I didn't remember that part. That's pretty dark for such a happy go lucky show.
  19. +1. So much angst in that show. I thought Amuro was kind of whiny in the original series but Kira makes him look pretty butch by comparison. The thing that bugged me most about it was how the art style made everyone look exactly the same except for their hair. I know anime gets poked fun of for having characters that look a lot alike but this is a whole other level.
  20. The art style in the trailer is weirdly compelling. I think I could get into this.
  21. Someone check if George R.R. Martin's died in his sleep. I think kalvasflam's channeling him. Killing off a character who hasn't been developed at all doesn't have any weight to it. To really make it effective you have to care about the character before the author kills them like Fred Weasley or Maes Hughes or Roy Focker. Wiping out redshirts and the background characters doesn't create much impact on the audience. It's hard to care about a character who had only 2 lines and one character trait like "he likes jam". Like when Hayate shot down that Windermere kid early on and everybody forgot about it 5 minutes later or when Messer died and they tried to eulogize him like a great friend even when his only trait was being a massive jerk. I can get behind killing Makina to break Reina or Reina to break Makina though. They're important enough even though they're not developed that it'll have an impact. If they really want to tug our heartstrings they'll have Freyja sing herself to death to stop Roid.
  22. That sums up my feelings on the entire pilot. It's real impressive looking with all the CG but it just doesn't feel like Star Trek. Super annoyed by how CBS is emphasizing Sonequa Martin-Green's race and gender in everything they put out there about it. It feels a lot like when someone slips up and says something racist or sexist in public and tries to cover it up by saying "I have lots of friends who are _________". It's really off-message for them to go on and on about her race and gender like that when Star Trek's supposed to be a world where humans are past stuff like racial and gender biases. It's giving me this weird vibe like they're trying to make the critical dialogue into "if you don't like this show you're a racist, sexist, or both". The news outlets they're peddling to keep putting it in weird terms too, like they forgot Star Trek already had a black captain and a woman captain.
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