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Everything posted by xrentonx

  1. Picked me up a VF-17S and Olive Drab Tomahawk. My Private Warehouse is looking pretty full right now and my wallet is hurting
  2. Man, I'm so happy I made the cut with Nano too Gonna try and cancel with NY also. Let me know how that goes...
  3. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    PM sent, Nano! Please tell me I'm not too late!
  4. So the Master File F-14...is this a real thing? If so, I'd like to get my hands on one. I bought the Master File Shinden already so it'd be nice to change it up with real airplanes too
  5. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    It probably is. Still not thrilled but I'll consider it.
  6. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Here's mine... Total products : $234.04 Total shipping : $29.22 (Airmail) Total: $263.27 I've got until the 25th to decide on this. Not very impressed with NY but I have no choice or options right now
  7. xrentonx

    DX VF-25G

    Good grief. NY are asking me $263.26... Now I gotta decide if I pay that or hopefully pull a miraculous HLJ order from my ass
  8. I don't think the guy from the company even posts here anymore since the problem came to light...
  9. The only ones hammering F5 every night and losing sleep are the ones who haven't figured out how to use add-ons for their browser.
  10. Ah...Gobots! From the engineering school of "stand your vehicle up on its end and blammo...its a robot!" Yes, I realize they are slightly more involved than this but this gives me so much nostalgia of doing this with my Hotwheels as a kid. I was poor with a lot of imagination
  11. Sounds like a good time. No chance getting this on Steam, eh?
  12. It's worth a shot...maybe. We'll all see though. I have a preorder with them as a safety net but I already secured one with a proxy buyer. I'm a little concerned they didn't ask for (required) funds up front but maybe my concern was all for naught. I paid my proxy in full and they're gonna get me the shipping costs when the time comes.
  13. Good man Some things are too good to be shared and are best kept for yourself, I say. I'm really anxious for the vf-4g and I've got some big things preordered for the end of this year. I'm most excited about this one.
  14. I have reservations about hk sellers getting this...
  15. Uh...you don't really have to, you know? Frankly, this thread has gotten a little creepy... ...so about that VF-4G
  16. Good video review, Veef! You make the best Macross toy reviews out there
  17. Hahah...OK! I'll talk! I tried out a proxy buyer for the first time ever so I'm waiting on how much they're gonna charge me shipping. I hope this goes well but they seem on the up'n'up. Only drawback is that you gotta pay the initial price of the item up front so I can see many of us already shying away. It's tough to part with all that money so early but I'm hoping it guarantees my order.
  18. I thought some of the parts on certain figmas were painted but I could be wrong. No I wasn't joking about airing it out...
  19. I have a few figmas but never had a sticky one. Maybe let it dry?
  20. I'm down for this one Revengeance what? SCREW CHANGE! If it's wrong to despise Raiden then I don't ever wanna be right!
  21. I'm almost 100% sure that none of us want to ever go back to v1 despite the potential floppiness of v2. The main selling point is that they look better
  22. Only one specific fighter? That would be VF-1S Strike Focker. Easy. I consider it the best variant of the most iconic Valk of them all...VF-1S Focker/Hikaru from the TV series. Notice I didn't say the 1J. Reason being that I feel the passing on of this particular fighter from Focker to Hikaru is one of the defining moments of all of Macross for me. It just feels sentimental and Hikaru spends the rest of the series flying Focker's plane. Love it!
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