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Mr March

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Everything posted by Mr March

  1. Yes, it is seen as a problem for most, but not all of us. I used to post about it years back that instead of making these expensive perfect transformation products that have to compromise on style and durability, I'd much prefer a parts former that allowed for simpler, less expensive transformability that helped make all the modes solid and durable. One of the main reasons why I lamented missing out on the Yamato VF-4 - and am so damned excited for this Arcaida re-release - was because the VF-4 had been praised as one of the most solid of all Macross toys, on par with the Yamato/Arcadia VF-1 Valkyrie. Of coruse, the VF-4 is perfect transformation, but my point is a solid transformable is uncommon and I agree that many lesser toys could benefit from the efficiency and sound engineering of a parts former.
  2. In the video games, the VF-4 Lightning III uses a GU-11 gun pod. So it would be fun if they included a gun with this new release.
  3. Tipped my hand, have I? Well, it's too late now...
  4. I really want to support this, even though it's not what I want and I don't want to own it. I'm considering buying it, then selling it on eBay right away. I don't care about the money, I want to show that there is demand for a VF-2SS. I'm just sad it's this one Ideally I'd like to see sales of this lead to a version 2.0. Something more along the lines of what I was hoping for from this product. And then to something like the VF-2JA Icarus.
  5. Mr March

    VF-1S Head

    Looks like it fits snug. Nice work.
  6. So torn on this. I mean, I really don't want this version of the VF-2SS Valkyrie II, but I'm like many others in thinking this might be the only transformable of design we're likely to get. I do want to support the building of an version 2.0. The sad part is, if the sales of this toy are poor, other companies will look at this as a VALKYRIE no one wants rather than a PRODUCT no one wants
  7. Oh yeah, the Sabre is totally Macross-inspired for sure. In some of the making of videos, there's been mention of Macross before. I think most of us knew it was inevitable that at least one Macross-styled craft was destined to appear in the game.
  8. Very nice work! How many polygons are some of these? What did you build them with?
  9. It's a big one (don't even, lol), but I'm curious how long you've been collecting?
  10. Very nice article and happy for the website plug
  11. That massive collection you have would require a tent the likes of which even the Cirque Du Soleil has never seen, LOL!
  12. Well done! I'll have to check out yoru stuff on DeviantArt
  13. I bet the traffic on the site during the convention was why I couldn't log in the other day. I was trying to add your name. These videos looks great. Have to watch em all
  14. This is why I have to keep a small collection and will sell older stuff off over time. Heresy to some I'm sure, but it makes the display space manageble without making my house look like a circus
  15. My pleasure. There's so many posters to find at those two reddit threads. I should send in some requests.
  16. spanner76 An excellent wallpaper. One Tenjin Hidetaka's paintings, so many of which look just gorgeous. I use many of his paintings as backgrounds for both my desktop and my smartphone. myk Yeah, I was rather blown away by it all. I didn't know this was something I wanted in my life until I saw these posts on reddit
  17. Damn, you're going through this fast! Wasting no time. I gotta catch up, post haste
  18. It would be nice if it were on the cheaper end, but honestly I'm expecting the worst. $300+
  19. Mr March

    VF-1S Head

    Yay, you're back with a vengeance
  20. Oh wow, I forgot all about those schemes. Some of the most colorful in all of Macross. but I think I'd like the Flashback 2012 scheme before those I'm not sure who owns the rights to that Dreamcast game. Well, excitement is really high on all the forums I'm a part of and on FB. There seems to be a lot of demand for it, so I think it's going to sell well, at least to use international folks. I'm optimistic
  21. I think given the popularity of this VF-4 toy, there's a good possibility that they'll milk it for alternate colors schemes.
  22. I'm fairly certain my site only makes mention of the Super Part/Pack hardpoints on the dorsal structure and the semi-canon internal leg bays. I'm re-reading my entries and unless I'm missing something the trivia all seems in order. I don't beleive I've seen any official art of a VF-11B or VF-11C with wing-mounted ordnance. Not to say it couldn't, but just haven't seen the Thunderbolt as such.
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