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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. The $100 million question is who was around since AFM!!! alt.fan.macross (represent)
  2. What a bloody depressing video. This is an anthem to procrastination and failure to achieve anything in life!!! SERIOUS!
  3. The VF-2SS looks very much like what late 80s/earlt 90s futurists would have in their conceptions. It's very contemporary to that era and you know what? I love that era of design and I'll stick with it. Smook and sleek was all the rage at the time and that Valkyrie certainly is. This is the best analogy I can think of: Think of it as the 300ZX (early 90s attempt at making a classic design futuristic) and the VF-0S as the 350Z (21st century attempt at a revisionist version of the classic). The VF-1 of course, is the original Fairlady Z. I'm of the camp that loves the original Fairlady Z and the 300ZX but generally detest the 350z's design. That's the best way I can explain my love for the VF-2SS. I'm a fan of that era's aesthetics.
  4. Kawamori has a distinct style you can see in so many works outside of Macross that is different from the current direction Gundams (especially those by Kunio Okawara) are going. That said, the Macross II designs by Koichi Ohata and Kazumi Fujita will always be amongst my favorists.
  5. I don't understand Star Wars fans at all. They pay so much to get things ACCURATE to the real props when the real props were never intended to be seen up close for long periods of time anyway. They were just throwaway props that were supposed to look good for the few moments you see them. When you handle them up close, you see it's just a bunch of kit bash and kibble that the prop makers have put together from everything from WWII guns, parts of stoves, camera flash handles, fuses, screws, nuts, bolts, calculator bubbles, random discs and wheels, sink drains, broken PCBs, WWI grenades, bits of painted wood, cotter pins, random appliance parts, model plane parts, fire extinguisher nozzles, etc. They often look horrible up close and nothing like what you would expect to find in a science fiction universe because you really have ended up with a bunch of 20th century earth garage sale junkyard parts. I'm sorry but I'm firmly in the camp of completely reimagining the original props and if I were to shell out that much, I'd want something that looked sci-fish with modern touches, streamlined looks, and nothing visibly recognizable to this earth. I understand that your bounty hunters and your rebels will have junky equipment but I want it to be unrecognizable future junk without silly things like cotter pins and eartly screws and bolts and stamped manufacturers names (of the original items) on them! Even the Stormtrooper rifles, I'd reimagine so they were a little more Imperial instead of British WWII machine gun looking. Add some lights, molded plastic, metal touches, etc. without eartly and anachronistic bits. When I got my ESB Vader, I was quite disappointed to see how it so visibly just looked like 20th century junk, it still resembled the camera flash, the cheap glued in fake wire, the blatant cotter pin holding the clasp togehter, the random nonfunctional screws and knurled knobs, etc. I know there are tons of SW fans who love this prop accurate stuff but it drives me crazy. Why the hell would a Jedi keep his weapon together with a cotter pin??? Or one of those el-cheapo stamped aluminum tab levers? A light saber isn't a pop can or a caulking gun! Anow how about a design that's actually made for holding or some realistic grips that aren't stupidly vertical and originally made out of the hard painful rubber lining some prop maker got out of kitchen cabinets? The new Han Solo blaster will be so accurate, you really do get a scope screwed onto a Mauser by a crude metal bar and giant bolts. You even get bonus parts for the junk pieces that broke and fell off the gun during early shooting and therefore don't actually appear on film! Why would you want this? The flash suppressor (fire extinguisher cap or grease gun depending on version) is held on by a bloody wingnut! I don't want a wingnut on my science fiction weapon! This is totally crazy to me. I might as well just goto the garage and build myself a saber if I wanted something that looked so recognizably junky. I prefered Park's Saber's more futuristic streamlined models with the LEDs, etc. and I eventually exchanged my ESB Vader for a RoTS Anakin because at least that one Saber was sufficiently reimagined so that it nolonger looked like a stamped aluminium graflex flash and actually like a smooth and streamlined weapon, even with a somewhat art deco looking power switch (cheap plastic though) and other details instead of the original's nuts, screws, cotter pins, and broken PCB piece!
  6. If only WEP would release the full Saber Rider series now.
  8. Why the heck would they deconstruct that? So, there's no conning tower up to the top? Just the deck and maybe 2 more above it?
  9. Germany gets all the good stuff. They had a full DVD set release awhile back with great art. Dale Shacker, the composer of Saber Rider also released two CDs of the Saber Rider Soundtrack including Japanese music and some hilarious modern remixes, homages, and covers by German bands Those Germans really love their Saber Rider. I'm assuming some of you were also on that list that WEP e-mailed out telling you guys about these discs. $29 for a 2 disc set of wierdly put together episodes is a little much, but I supposed if this will help convince them to release a full set in English, I will have no choice but to buy it. The only other option is a 4-episode set released in England that actually has the episodes in order but it was a 1-shot.
  10. According to Jeremy Clarkson, the Veyron is lightyears above every car ever made, including the McLaren F1, the Enzo, the Merc/McLaren SLR, the Carrera GT, which all are "slow and pointless" compared to the Veyron. Not to mention it's a marvel of engineering... it weighs an arseload but it handles like Lotus Elise, apparently. Every Veyron cost VW like 4 million a car, so they're taking a 3-million dollar hit for every car they sell. Of course, the only thing he didn't like is the fact that he knew he would never own one The idea that a tuner car, even one with 1000 HP could match the Veyron is also laughable. 383885[/snapback] According to Clarkson, everything he finds cool is "EPIC" and Top Gear is heavily scripted to get emotional reactions out of audiences to cars through the generous usage of verbiosity and exaggeration. Clarkson probably thinks the Veyron is ugly but he didn't mention it. Whenever they are trying to draw sympathy to a car, they will clearly use extreme bias and clever manipulation of facts or leaving out details or avoiding issues - only to have some small counter-point between hosts that will shrugged off. That said, Clarkson still rules.
  11. I've been saying I'd pick up an old FC3S since my highschool days but I never did it in the end. Too much work.
  12. This has got to be one of the coolest music videos ever. STAR FLEET was the title to a British Sci Fi show using Japanese Marionation (think Thunderbirds but the puppets look like anime characters) with awesome sentai action (vehicles combine to form a robot) fighting evil alien insect mecha The kicker was that it featured Brian May and Roger Taylor of Queen PLUS Eddie Van Halen on guitar. THIS IS INSANE!!! Two of the best band in history, with Brian May's disembodied head floating in space to 80s synthesizers and background visuals of awesome Japanese minature work and special effects. And the freaking robot is called DAI-X!!! How cool is that? And it's theme song is by Eddie Van Halen! This has the same feeling of Daicon but blows it out of the water!
  13. Lucas is just an old guy now who has lost the entire creative spirit that one gets one you are young and pressured and cynical. Now he's only concerned with making films that his children can watch safely. 100 episodes of Luke growing up? Didn't Smallville JUST get to episode 100? That took them like 5-6 seasons!!!
  14. It's our good buddy Amuro Ray/Kasunga Kyosuke
  15. YES HE DOES HAVE KIDS http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=1346377 His son's face seems to fit INSIDE the carrier
  16. The view head to head vids I've seen of 350Z vs. RX-8 have shown them virtually equal.
  17. Vehicle Voltron was my favorite. I saw it in Chinese before Lion Voltron. Dairugger was more science fiction. Having them aboard a space carrier type ship in the vastness of dangerous space was so mysterious and cool. It was like Macross for kids.
  18. Wasnt' there a big thread for the Macross Homeworld 2 total conversion DYRL? Where did it go? I havne't heard much about the game lately and I could only find the old dead webpage.
  19. I think that the Metal Siren is a mechanical version of well... Goku. It's ugly because it's very human in it's proportions and all the extraneous spikes and odd shapes are there to put it into it's flying fireball mode which is basically some guys' idea of mecha flying around in a firey aura in robot mode smashing all before it like something out of Dragonball.
  20. I'm just sick of Superheroes. When you have hundreds of spandex clad Superheroes intermingling into what's supposed to be a realistic depiction of the world and modern events it doesn't work anymore. One or two superheroes is a wonderful thing as powerful icons and imagery or narrative. As icons of exceptionalism in a mundane and dangerous world they are refreshing. But when you look at the world through a modern lens and see events like war, 9/11, etc. You see how truely helpless and unrealistic Superheroes are when they have these comic events with crossovers of dozens and dozens of them. The confluence of so much ridiculousnous and bright colors makes for an unbelievably crappy thing. I'm a huge comic book fan for most of my life but it's all wearing thin on me. I'm reading manga all the time instead because I'm enamored with their detailed depictions of the real world. . . even if the story is trite like a highschool love story or something. The worlds just feel more real and visceral.
  21. The VF-1 is a futuristic concept based on the prevalent lines of the F-14 which was designed in like 1968. the VF-0S suffers because it's trying to be a modern fighter but with anachronistic/revisionist throwbacks to the VF-1 which doesn't really work...but it's all an alternate universe so oh well. Part of the joy of Macross was lost when the world didn't end up in global war in 1993 and the SDF-1 didn't crash into an island into the South Pacific in 1999. Up to that point, I always hoped it would happen... so that I could somehow be a VF-pilot and find a hot girlfriend on the last bastion of humanity fighting a desperate battle to survive... but I suppose I wouldn't want the entire earth annhilated for that to happen as well.
  22. It was a joke, bro. You should check out this thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...opic=18042&st=0 It's a great read. Make sure you go through all of it. Then you'll understand what I meant. 378778[/snapback] LOL, didn't see that thread last week
  23. I think it has a run-of-the mill , outdated, pointy design to it. Basically it's ugly. I think SK should redesign it. 378772[/snapback] I think pointed and outdated is good when outdated means mid 80s-mid 90s aesthetics. I hated Macross Zero's revisionist anachronistic VFs.
  24. Still looks like Superboy to me. Cape is tucked in wrong in Singer's revisionist/classic attempt on the suit. Instead of the usual wide neckline and cape over the shoulders, Superman Returns is basically him wearing a wetsuit with a small S on the chest. It should have looked like this
  25. How can anybody NOT like the VF-2SS??? (WMCheng)
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