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Everything posted by ComicKaze

  1. So I think that through this thread, we've learned that the international shortage of 1/48s and the subsequent high prices are due to the Valkyrie Cartel run by Lord KungFu If only we could all play Valkyrie speculation and corner the market on a whim
  2. Fast cars and pretty girls? Man, thats like, baseball and hot dogs; pretzels and beer; peanut butter and chocolate; ice hockey and fist fights....somehow, they just seem to fit together so well. You mean fast cars and ugly shanky girls that you wouldn't want to touch with a 10-foot pole.
  3. I don't think that would be possible unless you gloss or dull coated the model first with a protective layer. You could try rubbing alcohol first.
  4. Looks like the artists at Hasbro USA that came up with the crab designs in Beast Machines are doing this... sigh. Why can't they just farm all the robot designs to Takara and then have the story written around that?
  5. does it have the same suspension and stupid solid rear diff of the Mustang?
  6. Basara and Max both wear glasses and naturally very good pilots. Think of it. They must have been cloning some people they thought might be useful like Kira Yamato in gundam seed, but kept it all a secret. Do we ever get to a max jenius flashback or basara flashback explaining thier past? Aliens. 397242[/snapback] Basara's glasses are just rock-shades John Lennon style.
  7. I guess the inevitable question is... what the heck is your occupation that allows you to buy several hundred thousand dollars worth of toys? (not including your big boy toys which I imagine means you are a millionaire). -edit I see you already answered in this thread. That's rad. I hope you have a working Proton Pack and Particle Thrower!
  8. This is a military air force who gives it's pilots helmet that limit all upward visibility and cuts all peripheral vision. Doesn't matter if they have colorful long hair bangs or not, the helmets already are designed as a pseudo-replacement for a cool swathe of hair (in different colors) swooping over your head and blocking your view.
  9. So fess up, what's the most amount of money you've ever spent on a single anime related good? DVD sets probably shouldn't count unless it was a single disc for a ridiculous price. Okay, I just spent $145 on... Why? I'm totally insane and anything Saber Rider related will bankrupt me. Damn childhood nostalgia is pretty expensive. To make matters worse, this isn't even the deluxe version, it's the little happy meal type version hahahaa (kill me now). That said, I've determined to sell off all my worldly possessions and only collect Saber Rider products and guitars from now on so I suppose that saves on other areas. I really hope that pricetag of $17.50 isn't recent...damn ebay snipers kept shooting the price up. That $145 is more than I spent on my Hikaru 1/48 and Fast Packs (which I eventually sold anyway since it couldn't please me). Now I have a dinky toy the size of a juice box and am desperately searching up all Bismarck/Saber Rider items (anybody got any leads or can help me out? especially in Hong Kong/Japan where it'd be easier to find this stuff?) What have you guys splurged on that was just simply ridiculous?
  10. Hi there, I'm wondering if there's a easy to remove paint for doing testing, etc. that won't damage the plastic underneath? Or if Gundam Marker can be removed like Sharpies ink will harmlessly dissolve with application of rubbing alcohol? The reason I ask is that I have some vintage 20 year old toys and models that I want to touch up or upgrade with paint but I don't know if I want them permantely painted and don't want to damage them with paint removal if I make a mistake or decide to return it to it's original state. The plastic is clean, looks like styrene is absolutely clean with no original paint or anything on it. Is this possible to do? The same applies to another toy that has yellowed with age and I might feel the need to cover it up for display but later return it to vintage state.
  11. Yeap...its a helmet. This was also in the older DW reimagination of Jetfire. 396964[/snapback] Oh, so basically the VF-1S style helmet is actually part of the "Fast Pack" red armor haha. That's interesting. It's Cartoon Skyfire but with armor that makes him look like the 1/55 toy.
  12. Nobody's addressed the quesiton of why Jetfire has two different faces. One the VF-1S tribute head and the other, animation Jetfire head in those panels. Do they switch?
  13. I love Macross II, but everybody seems to hate it over here (the majority at least).
  14. Go Flames Go -> uggh we are out of the playoffs. So, who released this new edition of the Patlabor movie and can I come and borrow it?
  15. I've always been of the opinion that Singer didn't know what he was doing in regards to the comics. He also tried to be revisionist and update the suit with a "retro" look that only lasted a few years compared to decades of the traditional Super-Suit. The Spacy Lex Luthor is just another Gene Hackman clone which is not representative of the evil and machinating Lex but a comical villian. Lex should inspire fear with his icy stare and vast power, but the Hackman version was always a pre-crisis clown and he appears to be the same in this one. Hopefully the film does poorly, Singer is thrown off the boat, and we get something new next time around. But seeing as how FF4 made so much money despite being crap as well, chances are we are stuck with Singer's vision of Superman which pisses me off greatly. Now Moriarty of AICN has read the script tells us the script sucks and I am inclined to agree with his opinion because we we see in the trailer should be some of the best clips from the film and I am entirely underwhelmed. I've also just read hundreds of Superman comics over again the past month and really yearning for the vision we never got in the first place. Here the problem is that ROUTH IS SQUINTING FROM THE WIND IN HIS EYES! Superman does not squint or fein away from the onrush of wind! He looks like he's really struggling here and the whole costume and the boots make a very strange effect with his arched back, like a fish out of water...or that he has a wire on his back and a wire on his feet and he just sort of gave up trying to keep the middle part up Reeve was much more graceful and elegant in his flight and careful control of his form -> as commented on by Donner regarding what Reeve brought from his experience as a glider pilot. Routh is just stiff in what we've seen, but then again, a lot of his flying is all bad CG. There was also plenty of wind in the cape of the original. Check it out.
  16. It's scaled for kids, stop thinking like an adult. It's a toy
  17. Did you read the post? IT IS A FOAM DARTGUN FOR KIDS! It's a Nerf Weapon that Megatron was probably modeled after.
  18. Uhh, you guys are all missing the fact that the gun has a large rotating barrel in the front so it doesn't look at all like the time crisis/judge dredd/blade runner guns. Before these images came out, the toy pictures were shown to a small crowd at a convention and reports of these showed that the gun was basically looking like a popular nerf weapon. Here's a manip I made several months ago that people who witnessed the actual pictures of the toy attested was 80-90% accurate (although my scope is wrong because I just used an old Megatron scope). And yes, Megatron does have a forward stock that folds in and out according to reports. The main body of the gun will most likely be white with black accents like you see in the b/w image. At least white is better than orange.
  19. The general public would just label it a crappy submarine warfare movie in space. The problem with Star Trek and the general public is that there is just so much junk to digest since the Universe has gotten so big. That's why the back to basics approach was supposed to be good, but Berman ended up destroying Enterprise by not removing all the junk but just renaming it and making even more junk.
  20. Starscream Robot Mode Art Design sketch of MP Starscream On the side is the small Robotmasters toy and under it is the reissue Starscream
  21. There's also Superman vs Alien *Superman gets beat up because he is far from a yellow sun - or there are too many Aliens for him to handle* Superman vs Alien 2 *Darkseid face huggers his own millions of troops and use them to plant an alien colony on a planet he wants to destroy* Superman vs Predator *Superman gets beat up because he gets sick due to an alien virus carried about the Predator ship that his immune system has never seen before* and Superman vs Terminator comics *Skynet is real, tied with Lex Luthor or something, and partners with the Cyborg Superman to send hundreds and hundreds of Terminators back in time (contrary to Terminator law which is usually only one Terminator per side at a time due to some scientific law). *awaits Superman vs Robocop*
  22. I'll never understand this argument. Animation technology is the same as it always was -- a bunch of still pictures flashing by to give the impression of movement. They can draw the stills on a computer now, but that just makes them look shittier in my opinion. The good episodes in Macross look better than anything made in the last few years. The Anime Friend eps really do look like garbage though. Computers make it a lot cheaper and less time consuming to pump out something that looks decent.
  23. ? That would be a totally new concept vehicle that wouldn't fit in the Masterpiece line as it wouldn't be an accurate homage to an original character. Please, no Jetfire, we have our Valks for that. Skyfire though, I will take in a heartbeat.
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