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Everything posted by Anasazi37

  1. Will do. It's going to be a little while, though. Perhaps a month or two, depending on how long it takes me to finish a few customs for some VERY patient MW members.
  2. Reason #1: If you don't like the way a valk looks, all you have to do is transform it to a more pleasing mode or send it to a customizer.
  3. Thanks for the kind words, guys. I almost forgot: 1/55 GBP stickers and decals are in the works. I finally decided to get off my lazy @ss and make the set since it doesn't look like Bandai is going to reissue the armor and there are plenty of naked recasts and originals out there.
  4. I've received a bunch of PMs over the past few months from MW members asking where I've been, what the status is on various sticker and decal projects, if I still do customs, etc. For the most part, I've stayed off the MW radar and put all projects on hold since early November because I needed time to deal with some personal stuff. My life's finally back on track, though, and I have rediscovered my passion for all things Macross. I have a serious backlog of orders, so please bear with me while I play catch-up over the next month or two. I also had some ALPS printer issues recently which put a serious crimp in my getting certain orders completed, but those have FINALLY been resolved. FYI: I haven't forgotten about the JM sticker project or Cyclone sticker project, just in case anyone was worried. Those of you who have waited patiently for months for me to get to your orders, I cannot thank you enough. Your sympathy and unwavering support helped me get through the darker days. I owe all of you big time.
  5. The sticker project didn't die, I've just been dealing with a ton of personal stuff and Macross took a far back seat for about two months. I'm getting back on track, though. That project is now slated for completion in early spring.
  6. I was wondering how your 1J was going to turn out. Very unique. Nice work!
  7. I'm dealing with some heavy personal stuff right now and my custom projects (and decal orders) have been deprioritized a bit as a result. I should have one project done in a few days and several more over the next few months.
  8. Yeah, what he said. Seriously, though, I hope there are more of you out there who want these sets....
  9. Yep, those are for the knees. Nick's tweaking them right now so they fit better.
  10. You'll notice that there are no 1J decals on the entire sheet. Nick wants those on a separate supplemental one. It's also easier for me production-wise if they are on a separate sheet. With the current arrangement, I can fit two sheets on one piece of sticker paper. That helps keep the cost down, too.
  11. I can do it for you. Let me know what you need done and I can give you an estimate. Nose art for a 1/60 shouldn't cost very much.
  12. Wow, that's a lot of stuff to fit on one sheet. I could do it, but I don't know how many people would buy it. Let me think about it.
  13. I print on demand, so they are ready pretty much anytime starting today for those who ordered the recast kits. You order it, I print it. Turnaround time is about two weeks.
  14. myersjessee and mslz22 approached me when they started their recast project and asked if I would be willing to design decals for both the YF-19 and YF-21 based on what Hasegawa includes with their 1/72 models. It took a little longer than expected, but here there are. I even threw in a 1/48 version of the Hasegawa Macross Plus option sheet for those who might be interested. You'll notice that I didn't include any of the elaborate, large, solid color marking decals that come with the Hasegawa kits. I made the decision that if you were nuts enough to take on building either of these models, your skills must be good enough to do masking and painting rather than rely on decals to cover your valk. It also keeps the price down. Speaking of which, here are the prices: YF-19 set - $10.00 YF-21 set - $10.00 Option set - $20.00 (it takes up an entire sheet of decal paper!) Shipping is included in these prices. I'll be contacting everyone who ordered kits from myersjessee and mslz22 over the next few days. After I take orders from those folks, I will post a general thread in the For Sale forum for everyone else.
  15. I still make them. They are $12. Stickers or waterslide decals--your choice. PM me if you're interested.
  16. Only in that you'll want a grey that isn't so dark the semi-translucent decals won't show up after application. While many decals are opaque, some are partly see-through so they blend nicely into the paint job. I haven't made an Enigma personally, though, but I do use Tamiya acrylics. I'd stay away from dark grey and perhaps medium grey. Kurt would know better, though. PM might be the best way to get a hold of him--I know he's pretty busy with his "real job" these days and doesn't check threads very often....
  17. Looks great but I think the numbers on the leg fins are upside down. Okay, somebody smack Nick. I'm so busy these days that I didn't even notice the leg fin issue. I'll get that fixed ASAP.
  18. Nick and I finally worked out the design details for the JM sticker set and we tried to incorporate as much of your feedback as possible. A few of the decals won't show up in the sample pic below because they are printed in white.
  19. Anasazi37

    Nice custom

    The only Rob parts I have are his Ostrich recast set, Elint recast set, and a nice pile of clear canopies from the one time vf1x.com had them for sale.
  20. It depends on what you want to have done. A complete repaint with decals and detailing would be $150 for just the valk, $200 for the valk and fast packs.
  21. Wow, that was fast, Kurt. Glad to see that you could make sense of that mess of decals I sent you. (Sorry) Awesome job, as always.
  22. Anasazi37

    Nice custom

    *GASP* Chris Barretta is alive?! He dropped off the MW radar several years ago when 1/55s became less popular in the face of Yamato's 1/60 and 1/48 valks. No one's heard from him since. I owe him a great big hug. His heatshield and head sculpts are superb and my 1/55 customs are much better looking as a result. I jealously guard my Barretta resin part stockpile....
  23. I designed decal sheets for 1/72, 1/60, 1/55, and 1/48 versions of the original Minmay Guard from Model Graphix (including a strike set for the 1/48--check out the Toy Customs section on the main page). I also have a 1/48 decal sheet adapted from the Hasegawa release of the Minmay Guard Strike (again, check out the Toy Customs page). However, I don't have a 1/55 version of that set available at this time. There hasn't been any demand for it and I can't simply resize my 1/48 set. It would require a lot of work to make the decals fit a 1/55.
  24. Yep, it's Grenade Box Protector. Gotta love Engrish....
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