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About camk4evr

  • Birthday 09/03/1974

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    Metro Vancouver

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  1. Whenever people ask me to recommend a Macross series, I too recommend Macross Frontier over SDF Macross for the reasons already mentioned by others. Usually. If it urns out that they have an interest in 80's anime then I'll recommend SDF Macross. However, I also tell people if they don't like Macross Frontier to still try other Macross series because they are different enough they may find a series that they'll like even if they didn't like the music, mechs, characters, or story of one series they may like them from a different Macross Series.
  2. Don't forget that they also made false claims about how much of Macross they had
  3. It's now a little over than $370k. That's significantly better than the Robotech Academy Kickstarter did. I'm highly amused. I'm also happy that I'm getting a UHD copy of this without having to pay extra (who knows, I may even have a UHD tv when it arrives^_^).
  4. Just 5 days left to go and if it earns another $26575 for every backer to get a 4k/ blu-Ray combo. Will it make it?
  5. To be fair, Max has spent a fair amount of time traveling through fold space over the years. Since we know time experienced during a fold is not exactly 1 to 1 with time ellapsed in real space it's, therefore, possible that he is physically a bit younger than he is chronologically. Say maybe a year or so younger^_^
  6. it also doesn't show the feed mechanism for the missiles
  7. I wouldn't say its the best. There's too much of an imbalance in ability that there's no real drama.The pilots always lose.
  8. I know him mostly from Destiny as well. Apparently he actually played the game as well. as a warlock, I believe.
  9. While this was probably the best episode of Star Trek: Picard s to date it does bring up (yet again) the question 'How the hell did Shaw get command of a Starship?'
  10. Didn't get a picture and I'm sure there are others who've seen them before but I saw a car with a license plate saying VF-1S
  11. I know, right? If they had just said that the Titan had gotten irreperably damaged in the Pakled war and said the Titan A was XYZ class ship refitted into the Connie III I could accept it since I would have assumed it's original spaceframe looked similar to the basic shape as a Constitution as it's a common Starfleet esthetic. But turning a Luna class into this and calling it a refit...Well let's just say I've had to edit this post three or four times to keep from devolving into a series of swear words. I mean, seriously, the TOS to MP refit of the original NCC-1701 Enterprise makes more sense by several orders of magnetude (mind you, part of the reason I'm so accepting of that is that the MP design is one of my favourite Star Trek designs). All that said I do like the Titan A's design.
  12. According to Star Trek: Picard Logs, supplemntary videos released on Instagram (and can be found on youtube) and suammarized on Memory Alpha the Luna class Starship Titan (NCC-80102) was pulled from service, due to extensive damage. While she was undergoing refit (overseen by Shaw) the design changed and the Luna class ship was converted into a Constitution III Class ship (slang. Neo-Constitution) and given the new Registry NCC-80102-A. Since these changes are way more extensive than those given to the Enterprise make it go from TOS style to MP style I can only say 'Why?' Wouldn't it be easier and cheaper just to scrap her and build a new ship? Why give it a new registry if it's a refit? Honestly, I like the design but this makes no sense.
  13. Okay, so normally, i wouldn't mention this as Antarctic Press' comics Ninja High School and Gold Digger regulary reference and parody a variety of anime, manga, tokusatsu, western comics and movies and Macross is just one of many such to get referenced (sometimes even by name) or parodied. However when they put what appears to be a Macross on the cover, like they did for issue 294 of Gold Digger, I figure it deserves mention. Image from ebay
  14. I'd laugh if it turns out that, when HG's license comes up for renewal, if Sony/Funimation ends up licensing Macross directly from Tatsunoko instead. It'd be really funny if that turns out to be Sony's plan
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