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Are the FAST packs on the 1/48 VF-1j worth it?


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If I was buying a 1/48 VF-1J the only reason I'd get it with the FP would be if I was also getting a 1/48 VF-1S Roy, so I could put the TV-style Super packs on it.

In my opinion, the charm of the 1J comes mainly from recalling it in the show, and since we never see a Hikaru 1J with FP, I'd rather look at it without them.

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If you already have the seperate 1/48 FAST pack set and don't want or need another FAST pack, then just buy the standard (blue box) VF-1J without FAST pack.

If however, you don't already own a FAST pack set then I would say spend the extra money and buy the VF-1J with FAST packs.


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If I was buying a 1/48 VF-1J the only reason I'd get it with the FP would be if I was also getting a 1/48 VF-1S Roy, so I could put the TV-style Super packs on it.

In my opinion, the charm of the 1J comes mainly from recalling it in the show, and since we never see a Hikaru 1J with FP, I'd rather look at it without them.

I like my VF-1J with the FPs. Ever since I saw the 1/60 version, i thought it looked awesome.

But it would look better with a GBP ;)

Edited by >EXO<
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I don't understand why people keep asking these types of questions. There are numerous pics out there of the fastpacks. They are what they are and what they look like. They have a price and only you can decide if you can afford it. If you want my opinion, I say buy them and send them to me as a b-day present. :lol:

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It is absolutely worth the money... fact is, if you have the money to even consider it - do it.

The TV FAST packs are awesome and different than the DYRL packs in both color and arm armor style. Not to mention every 1/48 just plain goes from looking pretty cool to looking f'ing amazing once you slap the armor on.

Even if you choose not to display the toy with the armor, just having it makes the value of the toy higher. Think about it... in 10 years if someone is putting together a 1/48 collection, would that person want to buy the toy with or without the packs?

I heart my 1/48 Super VF-1J.

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ALL 1/48 must have fast packs. ALL.


cripe, can you imagine if the GBP 1/48 came out :o

ALL 1/48 MUST have GBP and FP setups! ALL

Lucky I only have 2 1/48s now but damn, I need my Max 1S and Kakikazi and rent is due in 2 days and I'm out of ramen...

Priorities I tell you! :D

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Personally, I'd say it's worth it. No, you don't get the strike cannon with the -1J. But you do get everything else, plus the TV style hands and armor, and overall the price might actually be less. Say you ordered a Hikaru VF-1S, and separate strike armor.. you're going to probably end up paying more for shipping overall, since you're getting two fairly large boxes, instead of a single box. All that packaging adds up. Also, I imagine the collector value of the super -1J might eventually be higher than the other Valks, since you can't get that style armor anywhere else. No, they don't really technically go with the Hikaru -1J, but they still look cool. :)

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