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Why do they wait so long to release a Macross Series?

leading edge

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What I like about Macross, is that aside from Macross II, it's all a continuous story, and not so confusing like what Gundam can be. Yes, I know there are separate timelines in Gundam, but U.C. is what really counts, and if you add all the stories that come with that, they are spurradic as far as when those come out. I can totally see Macross the First being done into an animated series. As for manga of Macross, and the sort, there are a few Macross Frontier spinoffs that are out. Perhaps something like Macross 7 Trash would be cool. New characters in the same timeline. Heck, they have the Macross the Ride novels, they should make a manga out of those, too. Even animate it. Why not!

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What I like about Macross, is that aside from Macross II, it's all a continuous story, and not so confusing like what Gundam can be. Yes, I know there are separate timelines in Gundam, but U.C. is what really counts, and if you add all the stories that come with that, they are spurradic as far as when those come out. I can totally see Macross the First being done into an animated series. As for manga of Macross, and the sort, there are a few Macross Frontier spinoffs that are out. Perhaps something like Macross 7 Trash would be cool. New characters in the same timeline. Heck, they have the Macross the Ride novels, they should make a manga out of those, too. Even animate it. Why not!

You Say All Brother^^

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What I like about Macross, is that aside from Macross II, it's all a continuous story, and not so confusing like what Gundam can be. Yes, I know there are separate timelines in Gundam, but U.C. is what really counts, and if you add all the stories that come with that, they are spurradic as far as when those come out. I can totally see Macross the First being done into an animated series. As for manga of Macross, and the sort, there are a few Macross Frontier spinoffs that are out. Perhaps something like Macross 7 Trash would be cool. New characters in the same timeline. Heck, they have the Macross the Ride novels, they should make a manga out of those, too. Even animate it. Why not!


Because it is an Alternative Universe :p

<_< Edited by Renato
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I would kinda like to see the development phase of a Valkyrie see from a test pilot point of view like Macross Plus except develop it as non military venture. SMS in Frontier was cool sometimes I forget that Valkyries are pretty common and they have other applications besides killing aliens they could be racers they could be purely forms of transportation. A private company making them was explored maybe even showing valkyrie enthusiast( Macross fan builds) flying in their own creations. Just a thought more of a fan pleaser if you will.

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I would kinda like to see the development phase of a Valkyrie see from a test pilot point of view like Macross Plus except develop it as non military venture. SMS in Frontier was cool sometimes I forget that Valkyries are pretty common and they have other applications besides killing aliens they could be racers they could be purely forms of transportation. A private company making them was explored maybe even showing valkyrie enthusiast( Macross fan builds) flying in their own creations. Just a thought more of a fan pleaser if you will.

So, uh...Macross the Ride, essentially.

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Anyhoo I just really would like to see more stuff Macross even Macross 7 as long as it is agood story I'm fine with it. Quite frankly some good model promotions might be nice original fan designs maybe a build contest from around the world. Zentradi and Meltran models would be nice maybe some of the more unpopular ones. I looked at some of the kits here and I'd like to see maybe and annual model book that compiles the best builds.

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Anyhoo I just really would like to see more stuff Macross even Macross 7 as long as it is agood story I'm fine with it. Quite frankly some good model promotions might be nice original fan designs maybe a build contest from around the world. Zentradi and Meltran models would be nice maybe some of the more unpopular ones. I looked at some of the kits here and I'd like to see maybe and annual model book that compiles the best builds.

Again, have you checked out "Macross the Ride"?

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if only there were a series about valkyrie pilots who race each other in souped-up valkyries... and it would be cool if there could be valkyries from every show.. even custom versions of the vf-0 and sv-51! That would be really cool. Too bad something like that will never, ever happen. ever.

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Just an observation, but it seems to me that these days, Eugimon only ever posts sarcasm. Which is fine, except the person it is directed to often does not realize it is sarcasm, thus still remaining uninformed.

Anyway, here:


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Don't mind waiting for years for each series, i think the creators can pull off 2 or 3 more major release from this franchise before they get too old.

Been wondering for some time if someday Kota Hoshino would become the next composer for macross, with cyber punk theme as the setting for the story.

Can't stop imagining great concert of funky music, giant hologram of the idol while dancing, and lasers show shooting out from the colony ship in deep space.

Just a wild fantasy of mine.

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I believe its b/c Kawamori has other ideas he can't work into macross. So he creates and works on other series to get them seen. Examples aquarion and eureka 7.

Escaflowne, Arjuna, Basquash! (I saw a valkyrie toy in this^^)
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They could try to make an anime version of the VFX games, especially the first one since it featured singing women. I'd personally love to see a prequel that takes place between Macross and Macross Plus since there are already some awesome planes designed for that era. Plus, I'd love to see the VF-11 featured as the next generation fighter in the midst of war. And yes, I love the VF-11. :p

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Dude that is not a bad idea the story is already there character designs maybe add some more story to make the series a bit longer and boom you have what a 5 part OVA or movie. Yeah I could see that I like it and we'd get to see an anime done by hopefully Artland instead of Xebec or Satelight. I always preferred Artland the first Macross always seemed so detailed for the 80's anime at least the good episodes.

Edited by leading edge
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Dude that is just it I want to see an idea that isn' t Kawamori but a true derivative that is of course good. I would like the author to be like one of the people here do an animation that we all like that is entirely their own. But a story that is of their style and writing.

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Dude that is just it I want to see an idea that isn' t Kawamori but a true derivative that is of course good. I would like the author to be like one of the people here do an animation that we all like that is entirely their own. But a story that is of their style and writing.

Okay, let's play a game. You have a baby. it's yours. You made it.

Some fan says, "Hey, let's have someone else raise your baby for a few years. It'd be more interesting."

Would you say yes...?

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Ok what is a good one you'd recommend?

Any particular era or style you like?

For something more down to earth there's Dougram and Patlabor. Dougram is the story of a young man who joins the rebellion on planet Deloyer to help them cast off the colonial rule of Earth. Patlabor is a goofier police squad based series where a bunch of screwups solve problems using robots. I tend to like the Patlabor TV series and the first two movies more than the OVA first OVA. Dougram is a bit slower in pace than Patlabor and has more political machinations between characters. Also Patlabor is more episodic while Dougram is very serial.

Both involve transporting robots on big flatbed trucks :3

If you want something with more fantasy mixed with sci-fi there's both Panzer World Galient and Aura Battler Dunbine. I've not seen Dunbine yet but I've heard good things.

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