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Top 10 toys for 2008

Scream Man

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Well, here are mine.

01 - NECA - TMNT

02 - HASBRO - Big Millenium Falcon

03 - HASBRO - Jazz (TF Animated)

04 - YAMATO - VF-1S 1/60 scale (Roy Focker type + Stike Packs, Macross DYRL?)

05 - BANDAI - Gundam Exia (1/100 scale, Gundam 00)

06 - BANDAI - Ptolymius (1/400 Scale, Gundam 00)

07 - MATTEL - Green Lantern (DCUC)

08 - MATTEL - Nightwing (DCUC)

09 - HASBRO - Megatron (Leader Class, Transformers Animated)

10 - YAMATO - YF-21 (Macross Plus)

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My list would go: -

  1. Yamato 1/60 YF-21.
  2. Yamato 1/60 VF-1S Hikaru Strike Valkyrie.
  3. Yamato 1/60 Destroid Tomahawk.
  4. Takara 1/18 Scopedog Turbo Custom.

Haven't bought any other toys for myself this year, although I've bought a ton of Star Wars toys for my son.


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Here's my list:

1. Yamato 1/60 VF-1 version two (all types S,A,J, etc) - the toy itself is the biggest achievement of the year IMO

2. Bandai Soul of Chogokin God Mars - that was released this year -wasn't it?... In any event - I think it's superb. Anime accurate, and the leg poseability makes it seem like the legs are "fluid" even though they are solid metal.

3. Yamato 1/60 YF-21 - hard not to include this thing. The execution is fantastic. The stand is there. The cockpit transformation is amazing - including the nose-shortening trick. The hands are impressive. The transformation is fluid and graceful. The wheels...everything - this is one of the best achievements in a long long time.

4. Kaiyod- Revoltech...Regult. Yep- that's right. Of course, it's hard to love the Regult just for being a Revoltech, because it has standard Revoltech sculpting and joints - nothing "big" there. And the Regult itself is a fairly run of the mill low tier mecha. BUT - I nominate it because it is not only the FIRST Regult toy in decades, but it is the BEST Regult toy in the history of the universe thus far. Unsurpassable - this is the piece Macross fans were waiting for.

5. Transformers Animated Bulkhead - why? Because 10 years from now he will STILL stand out - love or hate the new aesthetic of animated; Bulkhead is its' premiere representative. He is clearly distinct from every Transformer that preceeded him (although you could say that Cybertron Crumplezone was a bit of a Bulkhead pre-cursor) - and he's kind of a vanguard for the artistic direction of animated. A very bold Transformer - love him or hate him. And a pretty nifty one at that. He's cute (I think); the lower leg transformation is nifty and he's got lots of character to him.

I have a ton more candidates but I need to first check if they actually came out this year :)


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1. Yamato macross plus 1/60 YF-21

2. Neca TMNT

3. G.I. Joe 25th B.A.T

4. Revletech ARX-8 levatein

5. DC Direct Afro-Samurai

6. Sota Toys Street Fighter Zangeif

7. DC Universe Classics Deathstroke

8. DC Universe Classics Grundy

9. The Dark Knight movie maniac Joker

10. Figma Ikki tousen

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Well seeing how the 1S Hikaru is going to be my first v.2 1/60, but it's gonna come next year.. so -

1. Yamato 1/60 YF-21 - she's perfect. Good job Yamato!

2. NECO TMNT 4 set (plus i got the Raphael single release just for the ninja climbing spikes)

3. CM Legioss and Tread, i'm so happy i forked out the big bucks for this baby, they are brilliant toys!!!

that's it for now, i'll figure out the others after. :D

If i had the 1/60 Roy VF-0S v.2, it'd be third, and the Hikky 1S will be right behind the YF-21.

Edited by ruskiiVFaussie
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